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Author Topic: Replacing Tahitian for Envoy  (Read 9619 times)


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Replacing Tahitian for Envoy
« on: May 25, 2006, 10:00:09 am »
My 2004 Caldera Tahitian pearl finish shell developed some cracking so it is being replaced. I picked the 2006 Envoy.. I am really concerned that the jets won't be powerful enough and I will end up dissapointed.

However, the issues I had with the Caldera pushed me over the fence to get the Envoy. Since owning the Caldera I had the cabinet replaced due to discoloration, the air knobs due to not shutting off, and the thermostat for not displaying the correct temperature (it was off by about 4 degrees).

Who has sat in both and can compare? The dealer didn't have them filled so I can only compare the Vista and the one I got.

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Replacing Tahitian for Envoy
« on: May 25, 2006, 10:00:09 am »


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Re: Replacing Tahitian for Envoy
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2006, 10:08:56 am »
Well I know that Bill on here might chime in.  He's owned both and on many occasions chose the Geneva which is the bigger Tahitian over the Envoy.  In my wet test I preferred the Tahitian and bought one.  It's too bad you can't wet test Envoy to truly tell for yourself.  You might have just got a lemon with your 04 Tahitian.  In the end it's your decision and hopefully it will work out for you.  Good luck with the hunt


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Re: Replacing Tahitian for Envoy
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2006, 10:32:58 am »
I just wet tested both and preferred the Geneva. This will be our first tub so I do not have experience like the rest of the wonderful informative board members here.


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Re: Replacing Tahitian for Envoy
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2006, 10:50:10 am »
This may surprise some, but I like the Caldera jets more than the HotSpring - with one notable exception: the Moto Massage. I like that jet a lot, and would miss it.

The jets in the Caldera seem more active, and I love being able to flip the nozzle over to get a spin jet. I also like being able to shut down other jets to get more power where I want it.

If you can wet test the Vista - which I think you said - you will have a very accurate idea of the jet action in the Envoy.
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Re: Replacing Tahitian for Envoy
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2006, 11:03:30 am »
I did test the vista and was satisfied. But then I realized that the Vista has a larger pump. Not sure if that matters considering the tub is also larger. So if I was happy with the Vista performance, then you think I will be ok with the Envoy.. By the way I added Spaudio II as well. Not that you should decide based on that, but it was an added bonus.


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Re: Replacing Tahitian for Envoy
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2006, 11:53:08 am »
I also prefer the Caldera jets and power, but miss the Motomassage.

There will no doubt be things you miss from the Tahitian and things you prefer in the Envoy. My recommendation is to of try not to dwell too much on the differences, and enjoy the fact that you are relaxing in hot water!


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Re: Replacing Tahitian for Envoy
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2006, 12:44:28 pm »
I did test the vista and was satisfied. But then I realized that the Vista has a larger pump. Not sure if that matters considering the tub is also larger. So if I was happy with the Vista performance, then you think I will be ok with the Envoy.. By the way I added Spaudio II as well. Not that you should decide based on that, but it was an added bonus.

They'll feel the same.  I actually prefer the Envoy to the Vista due to the seating arrangement.  Good luck and good tubbing! :)

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Re: Replacing Tahitian for Envoy
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2006, 12:46:13 pm »
I'm a very happy Envoy owner.   ;D


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Re: Replacing Tahitian for Envoy
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2006, 01:29:12 pm »
I am assuming you are getting this replaced under warranty.  How can they replace a Caldera with a Hot Spring?  Seems strange.
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Re: Replacing Tahitian for Envoy
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2006, 01:37:08 pm »
Same company


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Re: Replacing Tahitian for Envoy
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2006, 01:38:00 pm »
That does seem strange to replace a Caldera with a Hot Spring

As  for your question, the Tahitian has two 2.5hp pumps, it is actually more powerful that Vista or Geneva, since it uses the same pumps but moves less water (360 gallons vs. 475)

The Moto Massage on the Hot Springs is great, that is a definate advantage, but in my personal opinion the lower lumbar seat on the caldera and the Ectaseat are advantages that the Hot Springs doesn't have.

Ask your dealer to fill them for you to you can try it out. As long as you are flexible about letting them do it on their time (this weekend everyone will be busy) I don't see any reason why they wouldn't do it for you.

But for the most power the Tahitian will do it for you. I'm sorry you had problems with your spa, that's not typical, you must've just gotten a bad tub, which happens to a small amount of people who purchase any product. I know there were some issues with the skirting a few years ago, but Watkins has made changes to that and it's been smooth sailing since, so don't let that discourage you......

Good luck
« Last Edit: May 25, 2006, 01:38:51 pm by sandiego »


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Re: Replacing Tahitian for Envoy
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2006, 09:50:33 pm »
The jets in the Caldera seem more active, and I love being able to flip the nozzle over to get a spin jet. I also like being able to shut down other jets to get more power where I want it.

Why doesn't HS switch to the active jets since they own the technology? I love the idea of being able to flip the nozzle to a spinner.
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Re: Replacing Tahitian for Envoy
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2006, 11:33:26 pm »
WHAT ?!? Where on earth is this information coming from? You cant possibly believe that the same pump will move less water in one spa vs. another, by 115 gallons per minute no less?!? If this were the case, the only reason it would be happening is because the caldera jets are so small they restrict the flow, causing an uncomfortabe intensity in the jets and undue stress on the pump shortening it's life. Seriously, where is this information coming from?

As  for your question, the Tahitian has two 2.5hp pumps, it is actually more powerful that Vista or Geneva, since it uses the same pumps but moves less water (360 gallons vs. 475)

« Last Edit: May 25, 2006, 11:35:00 pm by Wisoki »
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Re: Replacing Tahitian for Envoy
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2006, 12:00:55 am »
WHAT ?!? Where on earth is this information coming from? You cant possibly believe that the same pump will move less water in one spa vs. another, by 115 gallons per minute no less?!? If this were the case, the only reason it would be happening is because the caldera jets are so small they restrict the flow, causing an uncomfortabe intensity in the jets and undue stress on the pump shortening it's life. Seriously, where is this information coming from?

I've sold the Geneva and Tahitian for many years. The Caldera's are plumbed the same and the Geneva and Tahitian are the same spas, just different sized. The Gevena and Tahitian both have the same sized pumps, and are plumbed the same way. The Geneva has great power, but the Tahitain has even more power, because it is a smaller spa. That is where that information comes from. From experience on the floor and from feedback with customers and thousands of wet tests.


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Re: Replacing Tahitian for Envoy
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2006, 12:23:09 am »
I wouldn't think the volume of water in the spa would have much affect on jet pressure. That should be a function of how many gallons per minute the pumps could deliver.

As far as the small jets go, do they sting or itch if you are in the spa for awhile? It does seem like Caldera uses quite a few of the smaller sized jets in most of their spas. Maybe they aren't as harsh as some other brands out there.
2005 Hot Spring Envoy still going strong. Million-Mile Club....

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Re: Replacing Tahitian for Envoy
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2006, 12:23:09 am »


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