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Author Topic: Thermaspa  (Read 7305 times)


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« on: May 26, 2006, 12:42:35 pm »
I was ready to buy a Thermaspa Park Ave. today but I've some bad reviews on the net yesterday and today. The price is about $9600 with 108 jets, great controls, what appears to be great constuction etc. I would like any info on Thermaspa or any brand that may be better.I will not by a spa now until I have more Info. Thanks in advance to any replys

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« on: May 26, 2006, 12:42:35 pm »


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Re: Thermaspa
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2006, 12:53:23 pm »

By all means WAIT.   I think you;ll find you can get a lot more spa for a lot less money.

Thermo Spa has a reputation of having aggresive sales tatics, and insane prices.

Use the "Search"  feature (make sure to adjust the date  to go back at  least 12 months) and I think you will find volumes have been written about Thermaspa.

In addition to that, please search this site and read threads for people who are new to buying a spa and are looking for some advice.

I think you'll find it you visit a few of the major spa dealers and start to discuss features and price and educate yourself, you'll find the right spa for you, and I'll bet you save a few grand in the process. ;)
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Thermaspa
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2006, 12:55:17 pm »

By all means WAIT.   I think you;ll find you can get a lot more spa for a lot less money.

Thermo Spa has a reputation of having aggresive sales tatics, and insane prices.

Use the "Search"  feature (make sure to adjust the date  to go back at  least 12 months) and I think you will find volumes have been written about Thermaspa.

In addition to that, please search this site and read threads for people who are new to buying a spa and are looking for some advice.

I think you'll find it you visit a few of the major spa dealers and start to discuss features and price and educate yourself, you'll find the right spa for you, and I'll bet you save a few grand in the process. ;)

Great advice

For $9600 you can get the top of the line spa from any of the major manufacturer, Hot Springs, Sundance, Jacuzzi, Caldera, Marquis, Artesian.....

I would encourage you to check out those companies before you spend $9600 for a thermospa.


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Re: Thermaspa
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2006, 01:12:41 pm »
Welcome to the board! :)

This is a very informative post that was originally posted on Dr. Spa's website a few months ago.  I saved it and found it to be invaluable in the efforts to ward off the Thermospa plague.  I have edited it's text in order to improve the grammar and lay out for easier readability:

Let me tell you that Thermospas is the best sales job anyone can get.  Salesman make $150,000 plus per year.

They are given a price sheet where the par price(the rock bottom price Thermospas can sell a spa for with the salesman making only a flat $100 commission)is listed in between the model numbers on the price sheet, it's hidden in between the front and last number on the fake serial number.  The salesman can sell a spa for any number they want above par and than they split that amount 50/50 with the company!  They usually start with showing the highly inflated "retail" (they don't have any dealers that sell thier spas anywhere close to the high prices they charge with thier in home program)price sheet and than offer you a first night discount called the "factory direct" price.  They usually give thier pitch than at the end they do the classic "drop" where they call in and ask the sales manager for a better price if the customer buys that night!  Its the old "tin man "routine and it makes alot of money.

The head of the outfit is Andy T****** and he does extensive training with the salesman and teaches them how to alway make the sale that night.  If they dont sell that night then a manager will call the customer a few days later and offer a "special" deal and sell it fot par: its called the rehash program.

I found all this out the hard way.  I paid way too much for my spa.  My friend got the exact same spa for thousands less than me.  Dont fall for thier trade in scam either, all they do is raise the price of their spa and reduce it by the supposed amount they offer you for your trade.  It's a laugh, as i said they have salesman making thousands in a single night.  Not bad if they can sleep with the guilty conscience.

Good luck but I would never buy from them again

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: Thermaspa
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2006, 01:19:46 pm »
Thanks for the quick replys...........If anyone has the time to steer me towards the better products please do so....Thank You.........DudsOne


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Re: Thermaspa
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2006, 01:26:25 pm »
What are you looking for in a spa? Have you looked at any? Where thier features that you liked?

How big of a spa (how many people) would be typically using it?

Is the spa for therapy for an injury or sports healing, or gereral relaxation?

Where are you located?

Hot Springs, Dimeionsion One, Caldera, Artesian, Jaquizi, There are at least a dozen highly rated brands out there.
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Re: Thermaspa
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2006, 01:35:40 pm »
I would like a 5 to 6 person although its more for therapy for my wife and me. I like 50 or so jets and lights...I like a little glitz.


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Re: Thermaspa
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2006, 01:38:56 pm »
Total jets aren't as important as where the jets are placed and how the manufacturer counts the jets is also a factor. Some manufacturer take one giant foot jet with twenty little holes in it and count it as 20 jets.

Don't be concerned with jet count, be concerned with placement.

Go check out Sundance, Hot Springs, Jacuzzi, Caldera, Dimenson One, Artesian or Marquis.


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Re: Thermaspa
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2006, 01:44:18 pm »
I would like a 5 to 6 person although its more for therapy for my wife and me. I like 50 or so jets and lights...I like a little glitz.

Don't get too caught up in jet count. It's not the number of jets, it's how well they're positioned, what they do for you, how well the spa seats fit you, etc. Sometimes you have to weed through the info you're given. For instance, some makers get their jet count up by counting one large jet with multiple openings as "15" jets so in the end 50 jets in one spa may equal 38 jets in another. Some companies quote horsepower as it should be (continuous horsepower) while others quote starting horsepower (aka brake HP or BHP) as a way to give you the feeling youre' getting more. Stick with the more reputable spa companies (Hot Springs/Caldera, Sundance/Jacuzzi, D1, Marqui, Artesian, etc.) and you'll find something you like that'll last.
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Re: Thermaspa
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2006, 02:06:42 pm »
I've never spent more than $3000 on something I couldn't see, heare, or touch before paying.
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Re: Thermaspa
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2006, 02:11:22 pm »
I saw the thermaspa comercial last night, and they show the owner plugging the tub into wht appears 110v outlet .

Dud,  I would recomend that you purchase a tub that is 220v (most of the major brand tubs are) but a few are 110, these typically are the lower end models in the $5k range.   Going with 220 will allow you to run both the heater and the jet pumps at the same time. Something I think is very important.

Also, stay away from the TV's in Spas.  Most folks claim there are alot of problems with these.

The music options are very expesinve (usally over $1K). If you want that feature, thats great, but  don't get caught up in it.  

You should be able to find a great 6 person tub, with a water feature, and a nice light for under $9600.

Keep in mind to budget for electrical conection by an electrican, and having a decent pad for the spa to be put on.

You want to make sure your price  is the tub, the cover, the lifter and steps and delivery.  Don't shop on Tub price alone. You will need the whole package. Get prices that include these so you can compare one dealer to another. (these "accesories" can be over $1000).

I belive ozonators are great, and would recomoned you search this site and learn about them.

Don't buy a tub over the internet.

Wet test at least a few tubs so you can compare them.

Shop and make a decison from knoweldge and looking around, not from a slick sales pitch or the first tub you find.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2006, 02:16:00 pm by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Thermaspa
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2006, 02:12:19 pm »
My wife and I sat in the Park Ave. dry and it was comfortable everywhere. My neighbor just bought the Concord and we sat in it last Saturday and the power and adjustability of the jets was awesome. I do wonder how much use it will get during the summer, I'm in Tampa, Fl.


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Re: Thermaspa
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2006, 02:32:39 pm »
My wife and I sat in the Park Ave. dry and it was comfortable everywhere. My neighbor just bought the Concord and we sat in it last Saturday and the power and adjustability of the jets was awesome. I do wonder how much use it will get during the summer, I'm in Tampa, Fl.

You need more of a referenence than sitting in that product solely. Find out what dealers you have locally and do the same and you'll find others that fit you well but you'll get a better quality spa elsewhere and you'll get local service too. Do yourself a favor, shop around.
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Re: Thermaspa
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2006, 03:03:33 pm »
Welcome to the board! :)

This is a very informative post that was originally posted on Dr. Spa's website a few months ago.  I saved it and found it to be invaluable in the efforts to ward off the Thermospa plague.  I have edited it's text in order to improve the grammar and lay out for easier readability:

Let me tell you that Thermospas is the best sales job anyone can get.  Salesman make $150,000 plus per year.

They are given a price sheet where the par price(the rock bottom price Thermospas can sell a spa for with the salesman making only a flat $100 commission)is listed in between the model numbers on the price sheet, it's hidden in between the front and last number on the fake serial number.  The salesman can sell a spa for any number they want above par and than they split that amount 50/50 with the company!  They usually start with showing the highly inflated "retail" (they don't have any dealers that sell thier spas anywhere close to the high prices they charge with thier in home program)price sheet and than offer you a first night discount called the "factory direct" price.  They usually give thier pitch than at the end they do the classic "drop" where they call in and ask the sales manager for a better price if the customer buys that night!  Its the old "tin man "routine and it makes alot of money.

The head of the outfit is Andy T****** and he does extensive training with the salesman and teaches them how to alway make the sale that night.  If they dont sell that night then a manager will call the customer a few days later and offer a "special" deal and sell it fot par: its called the rehash program.

I found all this out the hard way.  I paid way too much for my spa.  My friend got the exact same spa for thousands less than me.  Dont fall for thier trade in scam either, all they do is raise the price of their spa and reduce it by the supposed amount they offer you for your trade.  It's a laugh, as i said they have salesman making thousands in a single night.  Not bad if they can sleep with the guilty conscience.

Good luck but I would never buy from them again


Good lord. This brings back memories when I was shopping for vinly replacement windows.   Some of those guys were pure evil.  arrrrgh. the headaches are returning.

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Re: Thermaspa
« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2006, 05:11:28 pm »
I know 4 families plus myself that have Thernospas and they all love them.....no problems and great tub soaking.  Two of them have the Park Avenue and have had not problems.   I have the Concord Deluxe...109 jets.  I've been in other brands of high price tubs but no comparison...T-spa's more powerful (throttle control) and numerous jets feel better...don't be scared...go for it.  I was leary at first after I read all the negative post on this forum and almost got sick I purchased a T-Spa, but I don't regret that I purchased the Thermospa.

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Re: Thermaspa
« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2006, 05:11:28 pm »


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