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Author Topic: Help Please  (Read 10755 times)


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Re: Help Please
« Reply #30 on: May 23, 2006, 12:59:18 pm »
I don't think anybody claimed that a Raza, Esprit, Laser, Quanta, Quantum, Santina, J-315, J-470, or any other named or numbered spa Jacuzzi produced was ever in any hospital. However, after the introduction of the J-300 pump and jet combo, and because of the nature of it's ability to move LOTS of water in a gentler fashion, the Jacuzzi pump system was used in many hospital hydrotherapy units. I do not know if they still are, but there is no flase information in that "story." If a sales person uses it and claims "this unit right here is used in hospitals across the country...", that sales person is being deceptive. As I said, I never have used that information in a sales presentation as I think it is irrelevent, some sales people may thnik it important and use it.

I have a question are you saying the Jacuzzi corporation or the Jacuzzi premium spas that are used in the home....I do not doubt that the Jacuzzi brand may be most widely used ...I do not think it is the home units however.

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Re: Help Please
« Reply #30 on: May 23, 2006, 12:59:18 pm »


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Re: Help Please
« Reply #31 on: May 23, 2006, 01:03:39 pm »
We've sold 12 Prodigys (Prodigies?) to 2 large medical centers in East Texas for their rehab clinics.  They seem to be very popular because of the open seating, 100% No-Bypass Filtration, and the National Sanitation Foundation approval.

« Last Edit: May 23, 2006, 01:04:25 pm by East_TX_Spa »
Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: Help Please
« Reply #32 on: May 23, 2006, 02:21:03 pm »
Salesman say many things to create a good story.  The exact jets Premium uses and the pumps/plumbing are not used in any hospitals for specialized therapy.  It's called marketing BS.  I love hearing the stories though.  


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Re: Help Please
« Reply #33 on: May 23, 2006, 02:24:18 pm »
I don't think anybody claimed that a Raza, Esprit, Laser, Quanta, Quantum, Santina, J-315, J-470, or any other named or numbered spa Jacuzzi produced was ever in any hospital. However, after the introduction of the J-300 pump and jet combo, and because of the nature of it's ability to move LOTS of water in a gentler fashion, the Jacuzzi pump system was used in many hospital hydrotherapy units. I do not know if they still are, but there is no flase information in that "story." If a sales person uses it and claims "this unit right here is used in hospitals across the country...", that sales person is being deceptive. As I said, I never have used that information in a sales presentation as I think it is irrelevent, some sales people may thnik it important and use it.

Thats exactly what I thought ...Yes Jacuzzi products may be widely used in many hospitals or rehab centers but as you point and and as I did they use a more "passive" or whirlpool type of therapy.....If a spa salesman wants to twist something and lead a customer to believe that they are the same as a whats in the home line than as you say thats deceptive ....I mean Jacuzzis are a good enough product that there are better things you can hang your hat on....Marquis has given away over 200 spas to children of "Make a Wish" but I do not want to try and manipulate that into something it is really not.....


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Re: Help Please
« Reply #34 on: May 23, 2006, 04:13:33 pm »
I've been repairing medical equipment for 20 years and I've never seen a Jacuzzi tub in the 7 hospitals that I've worked in. I will say that 7 out of 1000 or so isn't a high percentage and it may be a regional thing.

Typically, a Physical Therapy (PT) dept has stainless steel tanks with a hydrotherapy pump attached to it. The pump is a motor attached to a shaft and an impeller/ nozzel combo on the bottom of the shaft. I haven't seen one in a while but I think a company called Hubbard was the primary manufacturer of these tanks and pumps.

Something like this:

The hospital I'm working at now had a huge SS tank that had 4 of these pumps in them and they used a winch to raise and lower patients into the tub.

It was larger than this:

Hospitals are very concerned about infections, so they drain after every patient and use a sterilant to disinfect the tub and motor.

Now, the Midwives in Labor and Delivery use their whirlpool tub to give birth in ... maybe they're Jacuzzi ... but that is SO GROSS!!!!! Maybe they should use a Hot Spring with their 100% no bypass filtration ... Nah, that's still gross!!

Hey, after writing this I realize I am a spa tech! ;)


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Re: Help Please
« Reply #35 on: May 23, 2006, 04:46:19 pm »
We've sold 12 Prodigys (Prodigies?) to 2 large medical centers in East Texas for their rehab clinics.  They seem to be very popular because of the open seating, 100% No-Bypass Filtration, and the National Sanitation Foundation approval.


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Re: Help Please
« Reply #35 on: May 23, 2006, 04:46:19 pm »


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