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Author Topic: Overflowing Wet Tests!  (Read 7175 times)


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Overflowing Wet Tests!
« on: May 19, 2006, 08:19:44 pm »
Just curious, any dealers ever run into an uncomfortable situation during wet tests?  I'm only asking because I just finished having some customers come in to try out a Tiger River Bengal.  No problem normally, but there were 8 of them!

What do you guys think?

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Overflowing Wet Tests!
« on: May 19, 2006, 08:19:44 pm »


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Re: Overflowing Wet Tests!
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2006, 08:27:41 pm »
Hope the bengal was outside. If it's inside, that seems a little rude.
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Re: Overflowing Wet Tests!
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2006, 08:29:58 pm »
nope, it's inside, and I'm only wondering how many things around my store have been broken by the kids!   >:(

I hate to be negative, but this group is more than a handful.

Now I get to go shop vac up all the water out of my carpet.


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Re: Overflowing Wet Tests!
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2006, 08:33:09 pm »
Don't forget to lift the edge of the bengal up and vac under it. ;D
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Re: Overflowing Wet Tests!
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2006, 09:00:58 pm »
I've had a large family come into our biggest tub, the Niagra (there were only 3 of them), but when they left the spa was half drained. I've never seen anything like it. Obviously the did not fit into the spa that well.......

One time I got to the showroom early and right when I opened the door, this girl asked about wet testing the spa, she said she had been in the week before and named the salesperson by name who let her test the spa before. I went about doing the normal opening procedures turning on lights opening doors etc. and when I went back to check on here, she was sitting in the spa naked, asking me where the divereter value was to control the "volcano jet" on the bottom.... needless to say I will spare you the details. She also asked me if I would join her in the, but I told her she had to leave or get dressed because I had a family who had made an appointment coming in to wet test and I couldn't have naked girls in the tub, ginding over jets. True story. There is a strip club in the same mall as my store so I think she worked there, I've never seen her since, that was about 5 years ago.


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Re: Overflowing Wet Tests!
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2006, 10:21:41 pm »
Just curious, any dealers ever run into an uncomfortable situation during wet tests?  I'm only asking because I just finished having some customers come in to try out a Tiger River Bengal.  No problem normally, but there were 8 of them!

What do you guys think?

We have never had eight, that goes beyond the courtesy of a wet test.  We have had them "slosh" the water over several time as they would move around, they didn't seem to care.  This is an eye opener to know what dealers have to handle in different situations.  

I would like to here what consumers might think of a situation like this.  This has to be rather disruptive to a business and even a little out of control.  Were they at least disciplined well? ???

Did they buy or at least give you a committment?  ???


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Re: Overflowing Wet Tests!
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2006, 10:27:02 pm »
I have to say I wouldn't think that ANYBODY would do such things, although I did have a spa salesman say that women do love that volcano jet. Please don't send me any nastigrams ... I was extremely ticked off as he said this in front of my 13 YO (at the time) son.

I wonder with a large party of people if they come in to have some fun at someone else's expense. I can't see why the answer couldn't be NO!


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Re: Overflowing Wet Tests!
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2006, 12:59:56 am »
you asked for a consumers point of view... Personally, I am dumbfounded because I can't fathom me doing that (bringing in 'everybody'(whoever they are) to wet test since I would be the one making the decision. I might bring my spouse etc and IF I had the need to 'get the kid's(or anyone elses) 'OK" (by letting them get into the tub).. I WOULD FIRST ASK.. (just simple consideration or COMMON SENSE) that 'too many people' MIGHT CAUSE A MESS BY OVERFLOWING WATER, or whatever..   My point is, I would not do that or at least ask: "what is acceptable'.

A possible solution is: (1) establish a 'limit' for how many people allowed in a tub at any given time (the explaination to any customer is simple: "too many people will cause the water to overflow and create a 'flood' in my store'.  (2) if someone asks or would like to 'schedule' a wet test, the BE RESPONSIBLE by asking some basic questions (like how many will be testing that day).. WHY?  So that if you decide 3-4-5 might cause 'an overflow' you could then either 'communicate the limit each time OR drain some water out of the tub to prevent overflow.  Bottom line, WET TESTING IS "A SELLING TOOL" (for the dealer)... but like the car dealorships who allow you to 'test drive' a car... they 'protect themselves by having 'limits, restrictions, or at least communicate 'what a test drive is' (I.E. "I wil take you out of the busy intersections, to some 'back roads' then let you drive until we are both comfortable with your driving MY NEW CAR.. and that I know you are not some idiot I don't trust 'in traffic'.. etc.. perhaps some basic communication TO PREVENT ACCIDENTS, LACK OF AWARENESS OR CONSIDERATION ETC. to occure.  i.e. It would save EVERYONE a lot of BAD FEELINGS" if you explain the rules up front.  (ie) Yes, I would love to have to wet test.. In Fact, I would definately WANT YOU to wet test, so that I can answer your questions and I WANT YOU to be comfortable and know what your buying etc... BUT before we do, may I ask a few questions; (like how many people will be with you?  Do you think 15, 20, 30 minutes would be enough time for you to 'experience' the tub...   I can even see 'a smart salesman, in his inquiries, communicate 'a negative experience' of people not knowing what to expect (when they overloaded the tub (or were very inconsiderate).. that 'these other people became very embarrashed because they didn't realize anything about 'displacement' of water etc.. and they make a big mess on the floor (flooded the store (just smile), etc. etc.

My point is 'take some responsibilty for communicating what you want (or expect) for the 'privilidge, opportunity, and 'experience' of the hot tub (because it does take YOUR TIME (you are still responsible for their safety in your store).. and 'because you want them to have a positive expereince'.. allow them (by asking) the opportunity to communicate with you, what there wants and needs are (timel, number of people, etc.)...   A good salesmen 'learns what the customer wants' before introducing them to 'the product' they are trying to sell...

You are trying to provide 'the best hot tub for their needs'.. and NOT just 'sell a hot tub'.. hense.. INQUIRE.  

This way, everybody knows what to expect.. hopefully there will be 'better communication' and understanding of both the customers expectations as well as your expectations.  Bottom line, use 'your willingness to allow and strongly support people expereincing a wet test as ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY to ensure 'a positive experience' rather then risking, your becoming angry, feeling used or 'messed with' by 'so called customers', etc.  If you frame your inquiries from the prospective of wanting the peole to 'get the best tub for their needs'.. you best find out 'what their needs are for the wet test (how many people, how long, etc.).. otherwise, who knows what the outcome might be.. I think you might 'kill two birds (preventing ignorant or inconsiderate people from 'taking advantage' or 'not understanding' 'the privilidge and opportunity' and (2)m prevent your annoyance, anger or 'feeling taken advantge of, etc...  (you are in fact, making an investment of your time efforts and energy) to AGAIN TRY TO PROVIDE THE BEST EXPEREINCE POSSIBLE.. for the 'testers'

I've been into a number of stores and when I inquired how and whats involved in a wet test (basically asking, Could I wet test? How long is 'normal', etc).. the MOST information I got was: "great, anytime, just come in.. and will 'let you test'..... While that 'sounds' like 'gees, thes guys are great or accomidating.. bottom line, I know then you as the owner of the spa must have 'some expectations' of 'reasonable behavior' (how many, for how long, etc)... but if my expectations are different from yours.. Guess what.. one or both of us will leave the store either without buying or your selling or a possible 'misrepresetation' or understanding etc.  


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Re: Overflowing Wet Tests!
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2006, 02:57:48 am »
I cant fathom the rudeness or clueless attitude that would allow someone to behave that way. I felt bad just with my swimsuit dripping on the floor a little. Were those 8 people seriously testing for purchasing, or just messing around? I think it would be perfectly acceptable for limitations to be put on wet testing. As a consumer, I dont think you should feel bad at all doing so, and if I were in your store while such people were wet testing I'd be uncomfortable shopping and distracted by feeling outraged for you. You're not being negative. Granted, you have to treat cutomers with courtesy and all that, but you dont have to get taken advantage of, or cater to rediculous requests. As Josua said, the wet test is a selling tool, both for the customers benefit and yours!
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Re: Overflowing Wet Tests!
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2006, 09:37:16 am »
I have never had that many jump in, but each time I have a wet test I have a large pool vac hose ready. We keep our tubs filled right to the bottom of the headrest pillows, and I find that does a good job of showing jets with nobody in the tub. But as people get in it is almost always too high. I am especially concerned about having a tub too full if one of the test soakers is short, or has already mentioned floating out of seats.

As they get in, I start a siphon with the hose until the water level ends up in the optimum spot for them. Sometimes that will be well below where it started.

But I want folks to know that they can simply adjust the water level to suit themselves: that is one of the joys of finally getting your own tub! Same for the temperature.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Overflowing Wet Tests!
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2006, 10:05:05 am »
Well, the test was after hours so the wife would be comfortable in her swim suit, which I completely understand.  They are actually looking at a Caspian, but I didn't have one wet, so they decided that the Bengal would give them a good idea and didn't want to wait for me to get the Caspian wired, filled, etc.

As far as setting limitations, they originally told me it would only be the mother and father and the 2 oldest kids.  Instead, the whole family arrived.  

I also asked that they only have as many people in the tub as there were seats for.  It started out that way, but when I came back to check on them less than 5 minutes later, the entire family was in the tub.  They didn't think it would "be a big deal since only 4 of them were adult size."

I did get a verbal committment from them, but with 6 children running and screaming around my store while the parents stood by and watched as if it was a normal thing, it was a little difficult to get either the mother or the father to pull out the check book.

Anyway, I'll let you guys all know if/when they order their tub.


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Re: Overflowing Wet Tests!
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2006, 10:39:38 am »
Good luck guy.. Obviously these folks have some 'personal stuff' that prevents them from 'being in control' of themselves, their children etc. etc.  The fact that they (the parents) didn't stick to their committment and/or boundaries that were established, 2) did not set limits to themselves or their kids demonstrates perhaps why the kids were 'uncontrollable..disrespectful (of you), etc.    Unfortunately there are folkes out there, that that is the way they live their lives.  With that in mind (their inability to followthrough on committments, inconsideraton etc), perhaps you will remain mindful when they 'commit' to buying a tub, getting back to you, letting you know of their decision etc. etc..    Bottom line, wish them well in their search in your heart and move on.. let go of the annoyance, disappointment, irritation etc.  THEY AREN'T WORTH IT !  Learn from the experience and be a better person because of it. .. Good Luck.

In most cases (with some exceptions)... "Do Good THings... And Good Things Come Back".


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Re: Overflowing Wet Tests!
« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2006, 10:42:17 am »
I want the customers to have a good time during the wet test.  If they're not having fun, they're not going to be very interested in owning one of my spas.

If they splash water on the floor, whoop de doo.  We have an epoxy rock floor in the mood room that is waterproof.  If they splash around in the spas on the deck, it just waters the weeds growing underneath it.

Now, if they have bratty little kids just splashing water out of the spa because their parents won't discipline them, I just tell them to stop doing that or they've got to get out.  Never had a problem.

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: Overflowing Wet Tests!
« Reply #13 on: May 20, 2006, 10:49:46 am »
Now, if they have bratty little kids just splashing water out of the spa because their parents won't discipline them, I just tell them to stop doing that or they've got to get out.
The parents or the kids?
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Overflowing Wet Tests!
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2006, 11:03:10 am »
she was sitting in the spa naked, asking me where the divereter value was to control the "volcano jet" on the bottom....  

I've got a Hooter's around the corner and have been patiently waiting for that to happen to me!!!
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Re: Overflowing Wet Tests!
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2006, 11:03:10 am »


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