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If there is something you want, ask. If they can not deliver, then it's their loss. Not every dealer has the luxury of a 3000+sg.ft. showroom, with every spa model and filled too. I think every dealer would like to show every spa. We do. Not everyone is filled, but give me a day or two and I'll fill up to 5 spas of your choice. It's what we'll do to get you into the spa that's right for you. Ask.
From a dealers standpoint, if I did travel 200 miles to test soak a tub (you did have in stock and filled) then had a local, much smaller, dealer order the same tub for me, would you feel used? I'm trying to find out what the courtesy protocal is in tub buying. I'd hate to tick off the distant dealer in case I ever had to go back to them.
If a potential customer wants to wet test a spa that we don't have available, we will:1. Make the spa available for them.If they don't buy it, we'll sell it to someone else.Terminator
Term with all respect when you say if you don't have it you will make it available. How do you do so ?
No not at all. I think that simply that is just a dealer to dealer courtesy as well as providing service to a customer. This is something that does not get mentioned enough, that being courteous and respectful to your fellow dealer really should be common practice for any true professional. That person willing drive 200 miles is not "my" customer but I can certainly help out my fellow dealer which in turn ultimately is helping the buying experience for the customer and should be a positive reflection of the brand you represent.
And once I have done that, I would expect that they would not consider buying elsewhere.
But If a another dealer asked for my help and was above board about things I think being a gentleman does work for me..
in the case thats mentioned 200 miles away is a hike and while it is very easy to want the business today the service of tomorrow might be a tougher act to follow not that its impossible