Good morning,
I found an Artesian dealer not to far from our home, only a 20 minute drive. The tubs look beautiful. The Antigua has many jets and is very comfortable (dry sit), very deep tub. I am struggling with the dealership a bit. It appears to be a pool and supply service shop that has two hot tubs in a makeshift storefront. The girl behind the counter was extremely pleasant but needed the owner to anwser any questions, he wasn't there. They also do not provide wet tests.
My husband and I are taking a roadtrip to a Hot Spring/Caldera dealer on Sunday.
Again, thanks for everyone's help and insight!
I've got an Artesian, so if you've got any questions about them...ask away (no guarantee I'll have the answer, but don't let that stop you....heaven knows it won't stop me from making something up
