I'm always truthful in what I paid for my spa, at least as far as my memory allows. But I'm probably the only one with that model.
One thing I learned as a kid is you always have to remember your stories, or should we call them little white lies, because that is where we trip ourselves up in the future when you say something different. But, you NEVER have to remember the truth.
About price, myself as a consumer, I would like to think that if the appliance store is selling a microwave for a POSTED price than that is the price I expect to pay. It seems in this industry, and it has been a subject of discussion in various threads, even IF you see a posted price, you still don't know if that is the real price.
Some people will buy at that price and the dealer is inclined to offer and include extras without coaching to confirm the sale or cement the relationship, especially if he had that marginal difference included in the price. For those who seem to feel the compelling need to "negotiate" a price, that leaves room for him to play that game.
The biggest thing we do not want to do is pay more than the other guy and that is where we enter the unknown area. For the most part (IMO) I believe professional dealers in this industry "deliver" the same "deal" to everyone. Some may pay $200 more and get the extras, or receive special care or treatment before, during or after the sale in many diferrent caring ways, while others may pay $200 less and have to pay for the rubber duckie or the house call when service is needed.
Nice people are treated nicer than than those who want this or that free or included or want to pay a lower price. After all, the only thing I can take out of my price is ME and what we can do for them.
The thing NONE of us like to hear about, it is not that the person paid $500 more for their $45,000 Cadillac, or $500 less, but about the unassuming customer that was taken advantage of by the dealer and the financing of the car that unknowingly causes them to pay $96,000 for that same Cadillac. True story, TV problem solver.
AND THAT'S WHERE SALES PEOPLE in different industries (in this case Hot Tub sellers) are colored with that same paint brush and are considered to be taking advantage of unknowing or uninformed consumers. Perception

If your buying from someone in a tent, there may be cause for concern. If your buying from a dealer that has been in business for a long period of time, I do believe you will be treated fairly and honestly. It is just that some of you may not share my point of view.
None of us want to be "fooled", and that is why we ask, and that is why we may guard what we say or paid, and we may even understate it a little. After all, what could be wrong with that, if we paid a little less than we really did, it would look like we did good, or at least it won't make us look like a fool that paid too much. :-/ Perspective