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Author Topic: Not what we ordered!!  (Read 26661 times)


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2006, 11:52:54 am »
Again, for you Newbies, here's the kind of attitude you WANT to see in a dealer (note he posted this BEFORE I posted mine and I was writing mine and didn't see his before he posted it):

GOSH, see how EASY that is?

Note also that some of the parties involved in this discussion sell (apparently) the same product.

WHAT will it take for some to GET A CLUE??  The public holds it's breath awaiting your decision...


And in your best Billy Jean impression
"We ain't gonna take it anymore"

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2006, 11:52:54 am »


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #31 on: May 15, 2006, 11:55:46 am »
I think the customer should have the option to be released from any obligation or compensated for his inconvience.  If the dealer and manufcatuer don't care, then they should be prepared to loose a customer.

Dealers need to aware that from a consumer's standpoint many times the line between the dealer and manufactuer is thin at best. After all, when you are touting how great the tub is you and the manufactuer are one in the same. But as soon as the manufacteur makes a mistake, many of you are quick to distance yourself from them and claim "oh, I'm just the dealer, this is the factory that screwed up".

As a consumer I get enraged when a dealer or store does this and passes the buck., even if it's the factory's fault. I see you as thier represenative.

Offering exceptional service and being there to assist the Customer is what many of you tout as being the value added by dealerships.  

Some dealers may not like this, but  I seek out companies that excel when things have problems. Any dealer can look like a superstar when everything is perfect. It's when there are problems and screw ups do you see who you are really dealing with.

I totally agree with the end of that statement, one of my lines on the floor I tell customers is "anyone can sell you a spa, but how they treat you after they get your money is what really determines how happy you will be with the purchase"


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #32 on: May 15, 2006, 11:59:38 am »

I don't know about billy jean, but Dee Snider comes to mind.....:)

Oh We're Not Gonna Take It
no, We Ain't Gonna Take It
oh We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore

we've Got The Right To Choose And
there Ain't No Way We'll Lose It
this Is Our Life, This Is Our Song
we'll Fight The Powers That Be Just
don't Pick Our Destiny 'cause
you Don't Know Us, You Don't Belong
Keep your crappy hot tub
and shove your lousy service.

« Last Edit: May 15, 2006, 12:00:48 pm by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #33 on: May 15, 2006, 01:24:56 pm »
For you newbies reading this forum and thinking about buying a spa, here's the type of attitude you DON'T want to see in a dealer: …………These TWO, and I MEAN these TWO need to take a lesson from a few of the more classy dealers on this board that seem to have a much better sense of treating CUSTOMERS well.

Does Salty Ag have an issue? You DA*N right he does. I'd be PIS*ED OFF……
…If I'd have been that dealer………….. the DEALER is just as BIG a PROBLEM as the factory.  CLUE??

….If I had been the dealer……….

................Guzz and J._McD, THAT'S what the VALUE of TREATING people RIGHT is and those are the RESULTS you get from doing it.  Sometimes the CRAP you guys post on this forum REALLY isn’t worth reading and only serves to piss people off.  It's just getting old...
Drewski >:(      

Drewski, IF you had been that dealer, you would have had all of the facts.  We here on this forum DO NOT necessarily have all of the FACTS.  So before you go judging Guzz or Myself, why don’t you do some research.  Your opinions are certainly yours and you are FREE to voice them, but that does not make YOU right in what you say or do.

As we all know, HS dealers PRIDE themselves on how well they care for their customers and several have stated so in this thread.  Until you know the FACTS surrounding this issue, your opinions are just that, your opinions and knowing the facts COULD change your point of view and your opinion, as well as your recommendations.

For the sake of newbies on this board, I would suggest they consider everybody that has something to say here and on this board can not always be taken as GOOD advice.  

We are here to comment and respond if we so choose to, for others to judge us, or our response is unfortunate, and is similar to vigilante justice.  Who really knows if they are good people or bad, but still, they to be judged without the facts or before a trial, is to condemned and impose a sentence some times upon the innocent.  In midevil times, they were burned at the stake, just because they believed in something.

Roy, is the only one that really knows, but one thing is for sure, if he takes the advice given here, he won’t be buying a HS either.  As we know, HS dealers know how to treat their customers to provide the ultimate in customer satisfaction and that leaves Roy without a choice. :-/

Drewski, If you have some issue with me personally, PM me so we can straighten it out. ;)

As for Salty_Ag, I wish you the best in being happy with the outcome, your new Hot Tub.  You are going to own it for a long time and I am sure that it will bring you the relief that you need. :) ;)


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #34 on: May 15, 2006, 02:03:05 pm »
Pound of flesh?

Burned at the stake?

Um, if anyone was over reacting.... I wouldn't say it was Drewski.

/oh the drama.
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #35 on: May 15, 2006, 02:03:55 pm »

Drewski, IF you had been that dealer, you would have had all of the facts.  We here on this forum DO NOT necessarily have all of the FACTS.  So before you go judging Guzz or Myself, why don’t you do some research.  Your opinions are certainly yours and you are FREE to voice them, but that does not make YOU right in what you say or do.

As we all know, HS dealers PRIDE themselves on how well they care for their customers and several have stated so in this thread.  Until you know the FACTS surrounding this issue, your opinions are just that, your opinions and knowing the facts COULD change your point of view and your opinion, as well as your recommendations.

For the sake of newbies on this board, I would suggest they consider everybody that has something to say here and on this board can not always be taken as GOOD advice.  

We are here to comment and respond if we so choose to, for others to judge us, or our response is unfortunate, and is similar to vigilante justice.  Who really knows if they are good people or bad, but still, they to be judged without the facts or before a trial, is to condemned and impose a sentence some times upon the innocent.  In midevil times, they were burned at the stake, just because they believed in something.

Roy, is the only one that really knows, but one thing is for sure, if he takes the advice given here, he won’t be buying a HS either.  As we know, HS dealers know how to treat their customers to provide the ultimate in customer satisfaction and that leaves Roy without a choice. :-/

Drewski, If you have some issue with me personally, PM me so we can straighten it out. ;)

As for Salty_Ag, I wish you the best in being happy with the outcome, your new Hot Tub.  You are going to own it for a long time and I am sure that it will bring you the relief that you need. :) ;)

JD- So all Hot Spring dealers take pride in taking care of their customers? Are you sure about that? On the whole sure that is true, but I can tell you for a fact that I know HS dealers (specifically in my area) who do not take pride in taking care of their customers. They have unresolved complaints with the BBB.

A better statement woudl be that there are good dealers and there are bad dealers and the dealers are the ones who in the end ensure that the customer is happy with their product. They deal with the manufacturers and go to bat for the customers if there is a problem, but to limit your discussion of good dealers to just HS is ridiculous. There are good Caldera dealers, Sundance dealers etc....
« Last Edit: May 15, 2006, 02:04:22 pm by sandiego »


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #36 on: May 15, 2006, 02:09:18 pm »

JD- So all Hot Spring dealers take pride in taking care of their customers? Are you sure about that? On the whole sure that is true, but I can tell you for a fact that I know HS dealers (specifically in my area) who do not take pride in taking care of their customers. They have unresolved complaints with the BBB.

A better statement woudl be that there are good dealers and there are bad dealers and the dealers are the ones who in the end ensure that the customer is happy with their product. They deal with the manufacturers and go to bat for the customers if there is a problem, but to limit your discussion of good dealers to just HS is ridiculous. There are good Caldera dealers, Sundance dealers etc....
I'm pretty sure J_McD made that comment with a little sarcastic overtone, hence the :-/.  


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #37 on: May 15, 2006, 02:17:34 pm »
I can tell you for a fact that I know HS dealers (specifically in my area) who do not take pride in taking care of their customers. They have unresolved complaints with the BBB.

I am shocked, shocked. :-/
Award winning Hot Spring dealer for a gazillion years.


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #38 on: May 15, 2006, 02:47:10 pm »
It's obvious why East Texas Spa has been in business so long. 8)
A dealer that takes the initiative to keep the customer happy. Or as a Texan would say "Head er' off at the pass"

I have been in retail for over 22years and the thing I have learned is always take the "heat" out of the deal...if there is an issue or a problem than face it head on and deal with it....If its your mistake take responsibility...if it is not and its out of your hands you can share that with the customer and assure them you will do you do all you can to correct it as quickly as possible but you are the one who is going to bear the brunt of the  customers dissatisfaction ....bottom line is step up and treat that customer in any way you can that is reasonable and fair...find a way to accommodate them for the loss..... sometimes it is not as drastic as some want to make it to be...but still.....simply do the right thing.....


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #39 on: May 15, 2006, 02:58:39 pm »
I have been in retail for over 22years and the thing I have learned is always take the "heat" out of the deal...if there is an issue or a problem than face it head on and deal with it....If its your mistake take responsibility...if it is not and its out of your hands you can share that with the customer and assure them you will do you do all you can to correct it as quickly as possible but you are the one who is going to bear the brunt of the  customers dissatisfaction ....bottom line is step up and treat that customer in any way you can that is reasonable and fair...find a way to accommodate them for the loss..... sometimes it is not as drastic as some want to make it to be...but still.....simply do the right thing.....



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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #40 on: May 15, 2006, 03:12:54 pm »
.....simply do the right thing..... [/quote]
Well put Mendo man.
While the following entry isn't anywhere near the $$$ we're all talking about, it seems appropriate. I'll try to be short.
When my dad passed a little over a year ago he had several tractors and different types of implements that were pulled by these tractors. My brother sold most of the implements before the estate sale a few weekends ago. Anyway, he sold a grain drill to somebody. A few days later, the gentleman called my brother and said there was a broken part that neither of them noticed. After talking with my mom, my brother immediately apologized and told him we would come and get the machine and return his money in full. But, all the fellow asked was that we discount the money he spent to repair the part.
The thing that made it worth while is what he said to my brother after he reimbursed him the difference. And I quote "I appreciate how you handled this. There should be more people like you and your mom".
Sorry to bore ya'll. :)


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #41 on: May 15, 2006, 03:49:42 pm »
Hi J._McD:

NO, we don't have a personal issue. I've agreed (and disagreed) with your posts before and I'll have (and have had) your back when your right, including AFTER this thread is LONG gone.

But BROTHER, when you put out what you put out today, we're going to have PROBLEMS.

Take this for instance:

Drewski, IF you had been that dealer, you would have had all of the facts.  We here on this forum DO NOT necessarily have all of the FACTS.  So before you go judging Guzz or Myself, why don’t you do some research.

I can ONLY understand the facts as they were presented by the original poster (who, if you are reading this, will agree with me) and unless you are telling me that what he said was untruthful because YOU know different, I gotta believe him. Not only that, but what he said SOUNDS truthful.

Why can't you and Guzz take the high road? Why say that "$hit happens" and "why should he have to give you something to make your boo boo feel better?" Just what kind of response did you expect out of me with those types of comments? Maybe you thought people would blow sunshine up your a$$ and agree with you?

To your credit, your comments at least offered Salty_Ag advice on how to proceed, but then your further suggestion of "he really doesn't need little voices coaching him to go for the dealers throat or pocket" sounds like you think he really shouldn't be posting these types of comments here to begin with. Yeah, RIGHT!

Maybe I should start a weekly thread quoting dealer's comments each week from this forum and call it "Newbies: Lessons from BAD Dealers - See what they REALLY Think." I'll bet it could offer colorful contrast to some of the "Worst Customer" threads I've seen, HUH?

I'd also like to point out that throughout your "medieval times" response to my post, you never addressed the solution that Term offered and I commented on earlier?

WHY is THAT?  And, to put you and Guzz on the spot, do you disagree with that type of approach?

Speaking of Guzz, I'd LOVE to get him to respond to this thread. I'm in a freakin talkitive mood today....    


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #42 on: May 15, 2006, 05:04:00 pm »
I hope that some of the controversy on this thread has been due to lack of communication. I would like to believe that any decent dealer, faced with what happened to Salty Ag, would come up with a reasonable way to say, "hey, this was out of my control, but on my behalf and on behalf of the manufacturer, I'm really sorry, and I'd like to make it up to you by....." I dont  think any of us who wrote that Salty Ag deserves more meant that he should bleed the dealer dry, or be an a$$ about it. Maybe Guzz or JMcD did think that contributers here were advocating the taking of a pound of flesh......I for one was not. A reasonable customer would be disappointed, but recognize that his dealer is still his advocate, and that his dealer was willing to take responsibility.

Guzz said "shi. happens, deal with it." Yep- Shi. happened- the wrong spa arrived, and it doesn't matter why. Now the DEALER, not the CONSUMER should deal with it, and the consumer should be gracious, not nasty about it. How can this be anything other than OBVIOUS to anyone in customer service???
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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #43 on: May 15, 2006, 07:01:19 pm »
Sorry I've been missing all this, but I'm selling spas like crazy today, this will have to be brief. The reason for my comments were fueled by the fact that I am getting sick of a certain element of consumer who comes in demanding compensation for their boo  boo's for things totally unjustified. Yesterday was a typical situation, a customer had purchased a pool and they requested we supply them with a phone # of an installer, the installer wanted more money to deal with a grading problem and the customer paid them and wanted to know what we were going to do about it. They had been wronged and it was all our fault, whine boo hoo. We ended up compensating them with some freebies to make them happy, well I'm sick of it. Got a go... it's busy.


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #44 on: May 15, 2006, 08:02:54 pm »
WHY is THAT?  And, to put you and Guzz on the spot, do you disagree with that type of approach?

Speaking of Guzz, I'd LOVE to get him to respond to this thread. I'm in a freakin talkitive mood today....    


Drew, I have been dealer for going on 23 years and I have had a sign on my wall for every one of those years, "We Guarantee Your Satisfaction, Or Your Money Back".  How is it any of you can "assume" what should be done?

I have on different occassions had to deal with every imanginable situation and attitude including "wrong color of this or that".  Each and every situation is independently different.  When there is an issue, we always aim to please they customer, because that is our business and sometimes you simply must accept the fact that you can not please them all.  For anyone to suggest that Guzz or I may need a lesson in customer care is both ignorant and insulting.

I don't get where you think Guzz or myself have never found it necessary to calm a customer and make them happy.  I have replaced new deliveries in the past and sometimes for silly reasons.  One such instance, the customer was convinced that we delivered a used spa just received from the factory because it had "some dead leaves" in the equipment area, 3 to be exact, it was fall and I don't know how they got there.

With a smile on our face, we used the Jamacian cure, "No Problem Mon", we ordered another one for them just to disarm the situation.  But, for some reason, they wanted a different color than they ordered.  Nevertheless, it was our job to make them happy.  New spa, new color, picked up the previous one that they had for 4 weeks and left the new one with the original cover that had a torn straps from abuse.  They were never happy about that either.

The problem that we did not fix was an internal one.  They were divorced 2 years later and we were treated with an attitude until their divorce.  He has been a different person since and a really nice guy.

Needless to say, dealers do have to deal with alot of different situations.  Fault me if you may, but this thread seemed to have what I would call some anti dealer aggresssion suggesting that Salty_ag should get money or extras for his trouble, see what you can get, to cancel your order all of which seemed to be a bit hostile.  I am sure his dealer will do everything to resolve the situation.  

This is simply MHO.  Because I voiced my opinion, I guess that is why you turned on me. ;D

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #44 on: May 15, 2006, 08:02:54 pm »


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