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Author Topic: Not what we ordered!!  (Read 26662 times)


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Not what we ordered!!
« on: May 13, 2006, 09:47:49 pm »
Well my wife and I have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of our D1 Diplomat.  We ordered it exactly a month ago today.  We chose specific colors for the shell and exterior synthetic case, and also asked that they install an optional LED light.  The tub arrived and had the wrong color exterior, and Iwas informed that the light was on back-order.  My wife was furious.  We were told if we were willing to wait as much as a month that we would be given a slight discount, because the dealer was saving on shipping charges. We agreed and the dealer wrote up our order.  We doubled checked and the correct color was written on our copy of the order.  We sent the tub back, and told them to get us the correct color as we had stipulated.  The dealer offered to knock $150 off the price if we took it as is.  I told her it would need to be alot more than that. She seemed offended, but agreed to reorder the tub.  She told us it would take another two to three weeks.  What gives?....  Should I ask for some sort of discount ?  I feel like we are getting the shaft. Am I wrong?  We put $2700 down and will pay additional $5000 when we recieve the tub. She claims this tub is worth $8800 and we have already been given a substantial discount.

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Not what we ordered!!
« on: May 13, 2006, 09:47:49 pm »


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2006, 10:02:37 pm »
Hold out for the color you want, and ask for goodies to make up for it: updgrade to better steps, larger bottles of chems in the startup kit, a floating blanket, or some extra headrest pillows are all nice things to have which the dealer may not feel to bad about parting with.

What part of the country are you in? Sure seems like a long lead time.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2006, 10:04:39 pm »
We're in Corpus Christi, TEXAS.  Yea I thought it seemed like a long lead time as well.


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2006, 08:15:03 am »
When my tub arrived at the dealer, it too wasn't what I ordered.  They noticed it immediately and called me.  I thought they would offer a discount if I would take what came in but they did not and said it was the manufacturers mistake and they wanted me to have what I ordered.  

I checked my copy of the order and everything was correct so it wasn't the dealers mistake.  I had to wait another 4 weeks and they did throw in free and discounted accessories for my inconvenience.  I'm glad I waited and got exactly what I wanted.

Good luck.


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2006, 09:21:23 am »
Wow that's a big deposit.  I wouldn't give anybody that much in case they went belly up.$500.00 seems fair to me.  Go get your deposit back and tell them you are looking else where.  Watch what happens next.  Their fault or not, they should have treated you better.  Only an imbicile (spelling?) would expect you to take the wrong color for a $150.00 discount.  Get the color you want and don't settle for anything else


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2006, 10:13:33 am »
As long as you have everything written on the order form - insist on what you want.; the dealer made the mistake and IMO $150 isn't much for something that you're going to live with for a long time.

Good Luck!


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2006, 12:39:55 pm »
500 is a fine deposit for demo product, in our store, we require a 25% deposit for special orders, and I start by asking for half down from cash customers. Everybody does business differently. Their sales person probably did exactly what they are supposed to do. As for the dealer, he blew it. $150 off to wat another month I think would be reasonable, 400 off to take the color they accidently brought, would also seem fair, to me. If it were me, I'd take the 150 and wait for my colors. I know that isn't on the table, but you might want to bring it up.

Wow that's a big deposit.  I wouldn't give anybody that much in case they went belly up.$500.00 seems fair to me.  Go get your deposit back and tell them you are looking else where.  Watch what happens next.  Their fault or not, they should have treated you better.  Only an imbicile (spelling?) would expect you to take the wrong color for a $150.00 discount.  Get the color you want and don't settle for anything else

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shold go as it is anticpRe: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2006, 12:49:46 pm »
Ahhh yes, we should live in a perfect world and everything shold be the way we want it to be.  Clearly there has been an error someplace along the line and I am certain that with all of the anticipation, it is quite a disappointment on your part, as well as your dealers.

There is that old saying "$hit happens", but let's just focus on getting it right and getting into Hot Water.  Getting furious about it sometimes makes it difficult for all involved to make things right, especially if it is not their fault, but I am certain they want what is right for you.

As for the time line, it takes about 2 weeks for a spa to go through the manufacturing process and the time to ship it to the destination.  3 weeks to 4 weeks is not unreasonable.  One thing you or they want is to be late on the estimated time.  So, because they do not control the manufacturer, or the shipper, they are simply "projecting" their estimate as to when they can get it corrected for you and have your color choices.

It is a disappointment, but nothing will be accomplished with anger.  To ask for your deposit back, as others have suggested, will certainly add more time to the eventual outcome and will not be your original choice.

As for the price you indicate, you did get a very attractive discount and I am sure you will be happy with the outcome.


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2006, 01:56:05 pm »
As others have stated hold out for the color that you want. And yes you should get more than a $150 discount. Ask for cover lifter or ozone or something.

When we make mistakes with our customers I tell them to go ahead and fill the tub, use it for a few weeks and when we get the tub in we'll swap it out for them, but that is my dealership. I don't think it's right that you have to wait 2 months to get into your spa.......


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2006, 01:59:28 pm »
I agree with most of the responses. Be patient.  Get what you want and maybe some extras are not out of the question.
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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2006, 02:43:45 pm »
Use leverage.

Right now, they've offered you a $150 discount and a 4 week wait.

They've got you over a barrell. Ask for your deposit back and tell them you've reconsidered the whole purchase.  The worse thing that will happen is that you'll have to wait 4 weeks and receive a $150 discount (which is right where you stand today).

Ask for all the extras (lifter, ozone, LED, chemicals, etc.). Don't get angry and obnoxious, but be firm and let them know that you are not happy.
Artesian Island Grand Cayman


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2006, 03:26:57 pm »
Why is it that everybody has to be compensated these days if everything does not go exactly to plan. The dealer did nothing wrong here, why should he have to give you something to make your boo boo feel better. Look, your'e going to enjoy the spa for many many years to come, waiting a few weeks is not going to hurt you.


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2006, 04:38:42 pm »
When I ordered my spa, 4 weeks lead time, my dealer asked what payment options I had in mind.  I said cash, and he said pay the delivery guy (check) upon delivery/setup.  No down payments etc.  Everything worked out fine.  


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2006, 04:41:50 pm »
The dealer did nothing wrong here, why should he have to give you something to make your boo boo feel better. Look, your'e going to enjoy the spa for many many years to come, waiting a few weeks is not going to hurt you.

Youve got to be kidding- I dont think anyone is suggesting that he go postal on his dealer, but he DOES deserve some sort of compensation. Even if the dealer did nothing wrong, the dealer represents the company, who did apparently screw up, even if only in a fixable, temporary way. We've all been there- waiting for a tub, or any big purchase. Waiting a few extra weeks wont "hurt" him, but it does sour the anticipation that he's had building up, and he put a sizable amount of money down.

Seems like the dealer providing a loaner tub for a few weeks would be extremely considerate in his part, make the customer happy, and take care of the problem.

Guzz, I hope you are not in customer service.  
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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2006, 09:06:55 pm »

Youve got to be kidding- I dont think anyone is suggesting that he go postal on his dealer, but he DOES deserve some sort of compensation. Even if the dealer did nothing wrong, the dealer represents the company, who did apparently screw up, even if only in a fixable, temporary way. We've all been there- waiting for a tub, or any big purchase. Waiting a few extra weeks wont "hurt" him, but it does sour the anticipation that he's had building up, and he put a sizable amount of money down.

Seems like the dealer providing a loaner tub for a few weeks would be extremely considerate in his part, make the customer happy, and take care of the problem.

Guzz, I hope you are not in customer service.  

Why does he deserve compensation, thats what's wrong with our attitude these days, shi. happens, deal with it. Why should someone have to pay all the time... Give me a break!

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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2006, 09:06:55 pm »


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