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Author Topic: Not what we ordered!!  (Read 26676 times)


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #75 on: May 16, 2006, 04:22:18 pm »
Hi everyone:
      I'm new to this forum, and have found this series of post most tintilating.  I would like to make a couple of observations.  I realize that we may be only seeing or hearing one side of the story.  Has the dealer involved come forward to make any statements?  I know that in my life time, when I've made major purchases, whether they be furniture, automobile, carpeting, that sometimes things happen that are unexpected.  And then it becomes a challenge to make things work out to a positive end.  It seems to me that if an error occured in the ordering of the spa, there could have been any number of places where that occurred:  on the original purchase order to the manufacturer, or thru the rep, or the ordering desk at the manufacturer.  The dealer doesn't manufacture the product.  They tried to solve the problem in a timely fashion, in what seems to be a reasonable way.  
It's hard for me to understand why this situation has riled up so many people...and why so much frustration has been unleashed.  It seems that the soon to be new owner of this spa is being patient, and although he is disappointed, he is working with his dealer towards the solution to this problem...and that's my 2cents worth..
sorry I'm not as flaboyant as East Texas...but, I'm a regular ol gal from the Midwest.

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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #75 on: May 16, 2006, 04:22:18 pm »


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #76 on: May 16, 2006, 04:24:26 pm »
oooh, and one other thing.....if East Texas makes house calls to fix a water problem at his customers' home, does he do windows???    I'd like to contract him to do my spring cleaning and a little landscaping....:)


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #77 on: May 16, 2006, 04:26:11 pm »
Well it looks like I got a certain few parties worked up a bit yesterday, I was a little fiesty when I made my comments, but when you are in retail shi. does happen, you deal with it, hopefully in a decent manner, but it can still be frustrating. If someone has suffered because of something I was at fault for, I will go above and beyond to rectify the problem,  but sometimes a certain customer will just want something ridiculous, and you have to deal with that.
I have only ordered a wrong spa once, they wanted a Jade caspian, I ordered a blue one. We have to get the spa in the house, not easy, upon unwraping the mistake is discovered, it would take 3-4 weeks to get another so I gave them a Jade Siberian, a much larger spa worth about $1500 more. The guy is ecstatically happy. We send out follow up cards with a box of really good fudge, on the card he rated us  low for the mistake. So you can't win them all.
I do care about my customers, if I did'nt I would'nt be so successfull. I don't think I have one unhappy spa customer, now above ground swimming pool customers, that's a differant story. I have lot's of them, and they are mostly pissed because the installers messed up, but it's still my fault.
On a lighter note, a happy 13 year old Classic HS owner came in to my store yesterday, telling me how he loved his spa so much, and it still had all the origional equipment in it, and he proudly shared with me the fact that he still had the origional FILTERS IN IT!! At this point I started to step away from him.


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #78 on: May 16, 2006, 04:45:27 pm »
Well it looks like I got a certain few parties worked up a bit yesterday, I was a little fiesty when I made my comments, but when you are in retail shi. does happen, you deal with it, hopefully in a decent manner, but it can still be frustrating. If someone has suffered because of something I was at fault for, I will go above and beyond to rectify the problem,  but sometimes a certain customer will just want something ridiculous, and you have to deal with that.
I have only ordered a wrong spa once, they wanted a Jade caspian, I ordered a blue one. We have to get the spa in the house, not easy, upon unwraping the mistake is discovered, it would take 3-4 weeks to get another so I gave them a Jade Siberian, a much larger spa worth about $1500 more. The guy is ecstatically happy. We send out follow up cards with a box of really good fudge, on the card he rated us  low for the mistake. So you can't win them all.
I do care about my customers, if I did'nt I would'nt be so successfull. I don't think I have one unhappy spa customer, now above ground swimming pool customers, that's a differant story. I have lot's of them, and they are mostly pissed because the installers messed up, but it's still my fault.
On a lighter note, a happy 13 year old Classic HS owner came in to my store yesterday, telling me how he loved his spa so much, and it still had all the origional equipment in it, and he proudly shared with me the fact that he still had the origional FILTERS IN IT!! At this point I started to step away from him.

Guzz, I'm confused. Why didn't you just tell your customer that "his boo-boo" wasn't an issue with you? This doesn't sound like the guzz of yesterday.

So confused.   ;)

I've gotten the watklins fudge before. Mmmmmm.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2006, 04:46:25 pm by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #79 on: May 16, 2006, 05:03:15 pm »

Guzz, I'm confused. Why didn't you just tell your customer that "his boo-boo" wasn't an issue with you? This doesn't sound like the guzz of yesterday.

 So confused.   ;)

I've gotten the watklins fudge before. Mmmmmm.

I did'nt make my comments yesterday, It was Sunday after a particular frustrating incident. I believe SOME people do expect too much. Why is it some customers will pay you what you are asking for, while others have to have something for nothing to make them feel better.
I have some leeway to go but we all have our bottom line.
So you end up asking more for your product so you can come down and satisfy  their lust for getting one over on you.
If a customer comes in and does'nt haggle, I give them lots of freebies for making my life easier. The ones that haggle get nothing. I guess I'm just an ass. but it makes me feel better.
There, is that more like me on Sunday!!
« Last Edit: May 16, 2006, 05:05:42 pm by Guzz »


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #80 on: May 16, 2006, 05:14:58 pm »

Guzz is as warm and cuddly as they come.  I speak from experience.

As far as you Ms. beautibrains, welcome to the forum!  Regarding my willingness to do windows, only if it involves throwing rocks or peeping in them to gather pertinent information for my dossiers. :)

How about posting a pic for yours?

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #81 on: May 16, 2006, 05:34:57 pm »
oooh, and one other thing.....if East Texas makes house calls to fix a water problem at his customers' home, does he do windows???    I'd like to contract him to do my spring cleaning and a little landscaping....:)

I hear he does that in a French maid's outfit (I doubt he'll post that photo)!!
« Last Edit: May 16, 2006, 05:41:22 pm by Spatech_tuo »
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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #82 on: May 16, 2006, 06:34:56 pm »
That's cuz there aint nuthin come outta texas cept steers and queers, I believe I've said this a time or two and I don't see no horns on that boy. Cides Ms. Beautinbrains, I live much closer ;)


I hear he does that in a French maid's outfit (I doubt he'll post that photo)!!

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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #83 on: May 16, 2006, 06:39:33 pm »
Oh, and don't let that pic ol' term photoshoped up o' me an that other good ol' boy on the hot tub fool ya neither. That's jist his way of expressin his desires ;)
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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #84 on: May 16, 2006, 06:49:22 pm »
Damn, Terminator,  that sounds like fightin words.  These guys really are hammerin you. Are they jealous?
« Last Edit: May 16, 2006, 06:50:46 pm by galen »


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #85 on: May 16, 2006, 06:54:36 pm »
I'd kinda hate to see you guys do any kinda duelin'....at sunrise....over a woman's honor.....
I've seen your cache of weapons....and there was some nasty ol laser powered sharkie......
cuz....things could get kinda tame around here if ol'terminator were to suddenly and mysteriously disappear...
in the meanswhile...what ever happened to the original thoughts on this thread?


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #86 on: May 16, 2006, 08:13:32 pm »
I still have not heard from my dealer since the incident occured.  I can only hope that the order has been placed and that I will see the tub we ordered in a few weeks.  If I received a phone call and an apology I would be thrilled.  A progress report or more definitve timeline would go a long way too.

There have been no offers of a loaner spa, spa upgrades, accessories, chemicals, etc. and I haven't asked for anything.  I would hope that if she is the one that made the mistake she will do whatever she can to speed things up.  I know she has no control over the factory.  I'll keep posting as things progress.


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #87 on: May 17, 2006, 09:24:44 am »
I got the impression from his first post that he wasn't "happy."  

Hi everyone:
       I'm new to this forum, and have found this series of post most tintilating.  I would like to make a couple of observations.  I realize that we may be only seeing or hearing one side of the story.  Has the dealer involved come forward to make any statements?  I know that in my life time, when I've made major purchases, whether they be furniture, automobile, carpeting, that sometimes things happen that are unexpected.  And then it becomes a challenge to make things work out to a positive end.  It seems to me that if an error occured in the ordering of the spa, there could have been any number of places where that occurred:  on the original purchase order to the manufacturer, or thru the rep, or the ordering desk at the manufacturer.  The dealer doesn't manufacture the product.  They tried to solve the problem in a timely fashion, in what seems to be a reasonable way.  
It's hard for me to understand why this situation has riled up so many people...and why so much frustration has been unleashed.  It seems that the soon to be new owner of this spa is being patient, and although he is disappointed, he is working with his dealer towards the solution to this problem...and that's my 2cents worth..
sorry I'm not as flaboyant as East Texas...but, I'm a regular ol gal from the Midwest.

Artesian Island Grand Cayman


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #88 on: May 17, 2006, 12:07:04 pm »
I still have not heard from my dealer since the incident occured.  I can only hope that the order has been placed and that I will see the tub we ordered in a few weeks.  If I received a phone call and an apology I would be thrilled.  A progress report or more definitve timeline would go a long way too.

There have been no offers of a loaner spa, spa upgrades, accessories, chemicals, etc. and I haven't asked for anything.  I would hope that if she is the one that made the mistake she will do whatever she can to speed things up.  I know she has no control over the factory.  I'll keep posting as things progress.


I agree with you.  All you want is to be reasured things are being handled and that the dealer is on top of things. I think this makes a big difference in customer satisfaction and is not asking too much to have the dealer let you know what's going on.  I hate when salesfolk act like they are doing you a favor by comuunicating with you.

I had a problem with custom curtains being installed.  I asked to be kept in the loop for total costs and dellievery date (yea, how horrible for me to ask them to tell me the actual total price and when they are going to install them).  They acted liked I was being unreasonable.  

My pool is being installed.  They guy moved me ahead on the install list and called me last night to tell me I'd  have it all installed today. (Great!)   The guys show up and tell me they are only removing the old pool today and the rest of the job will be done "later".   I was suprised and they gave me "hey, we are doing you a favor by being here early."  

Arrrrgh. I called the owner and told him I was thrilled to be installed ahead of schedule, but  I need to be aware of what's going on. I took the entrie day off today based on what he said.  Now these guys leave after 1 hour.   I'm now back at the office scrambling to re-schedule meetings that were cancelled. I hope next time he tells me what he's doing, he does it.  

WTF?   throw me a frikin bone here people. I'm the boss. need to know info....the 4-1-1.  

07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #89 on: May 17, 2006, 06:07:54 pm »
I'd kinda hate to see you guys do any kinda duelin'....at sunrise....over a woman's honor.....
I've seen your cache of weapons....and there was some nasty ol laser powered sharkie......
cuz....things could get kinda tame around here if ol'terminator were to suddenly and mysteriously disappear...
in the meanswhile...what ever happened to the original thoughts on this thread?

If Terminator were to disappear, I'm still here with my own cache of kitty weapons!

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Re: Not what we ordered!!
« Reply #89 on: May 17, 2006, 06:07:54 pm »


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