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I don't believe Dichlor comes in tablets. Its probably Tri-chlor which is for pools and will void many warranties.
Thanks, just checking. I sort of surprised that some suggest it.I will stick with my regular routine of Dichlor granules.
Only chlorine tablets out there are Trichlor. This raises several issues.1) Your CYA level will skyrocket. CYA is something that hot tub owners don't really know about because with a cover it doesn't pertain to them- but trichlor tablets will feed in a chemical called cyanuric acid that helps stabilize the chlorine from being knocked out by the sun. This will also hold any chloramines in the water that you may have and make them harder to break apart.3) pH of 2.9 in trichlor tablets. This will bottom out your alkalinity and your pH as well- wreaking havoc on all your equipment. With Hot Spring you've got the "No Fault" heater, but I think they'll only replace it once free of charge.Tri-chlor should only be used in the case of heavy operation with seasoned pool/spa vets. who monitor their chemical levels every single day. It works well for some, but I wouldn't recommend it if you held a gun to my head.