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Author Topic: Do you soak in the spa without any Free Chlorine?  (Read 18982 times)


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Re: Do you soak in the spa without any Free Chlori
« Reply #30 on: May 09, 2006, 03:38:22 pm »
I guess you already answered your question with your last post, but yes a catalyst.  Inhibiting the replication of bacteria further allowing you to use less chems. ;)

When I was using N2 I still was using 3 PPM chlorine and it didn't make a difference with my dosing schedule. I still needed to add some dichlor every other day. My argument for not using it was for $20.00 I can buy a lot of dichlor.

My water seems to behave opposite of others - N2 didn't work and enzymes foam. I can't go days without dosing although it seems on my "off day" dosing I need just 1.5 PPM to keep the water clean looking.

Ozone and N2 might keep the bacteria count down after chlorine or bromine do their job but hit the tub with sanitizer if ever there's a question.

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Re: Do you soak in the spa without any Free Chlori
« Reply #30 on: May 09, 2006, 03:38:22 pm »


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Re: Do you soak in the spa without any Free Chlori
« Reply #31 on: May 09, 2006, 03:40:52 pm »


I could be spazed out here (long meetings do that to me). But when you used the word "Catalyst"  I took that to mean:

Something that initiates or causes an important event to happen. Originally a term used in chemistry for the volatile (active) chemical in a formula (Thanks  dictionary.reference.com )

The key word is Active.  A catalyst starts, or activates a process or reaction.

From your answer, Are you using catalyst as a synonm for "enhances" or am I still missing something?

I guess I'm using it as a synonym.  The N2 cart is a vehicle that aleviates "some" of the hard work ozone encounters.  It is a means to jumpstart the killing process.  Or easily put, It helps! ;D


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Re: Do you soak in the spa without any Free Chlori
« Reply #32 on: May 09, 2006, 03:42:13 pm »
I guess I'm using it as a synonym.  The N2 cart is a vehicle that aleviates "some" of the hard work ozone encounters.  It is a means to jumpstart the killing process.  Or easily put, It helps! ;D

got it.  Thanks Pkud.  

Me? I didn't see a difference with N2 and am tempted to use the word  "sham", but too many folks rave about it.
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Do you soak in the spa without any Free Chlori
« Reply #33 on: May 09, 2006, 03:54:48 pm »
I'll say it...SHAM!  But i still sell a boat load. ;D

I'm thininking I might try another round with it, just to be super duper doubly sure of my opinon. :)    

or Maybe, I am lucky and I have great water.

Whats the mark up on N2? How does that compare to other chems you sell? Are the N2 People really pushing you to sell it?   My dealer, and all the reps and techs rave about it.  ( iwonder too, if the 22 year old kid who was poushing it even has a hot tub)  Have they been  "educated" by N2?
« Last Edit: May 09, 2006, 04:17:01 pm by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Do you soak in the spa without any Free Chlori
« Reply #34 on: May 09, 2006, 04:33:30 pm »
EBAY!!!!! ;D


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Re: Do you soak in the spa without any Free Chlori
« Reply #35 on: May 10, 2006, 12:30:51 am »
I don't personally use N2 on my spa, for I couldn't tell if it made any difference in my water maintenance. ;)

Very interesting. My HS N2 cartridges cost me about $30 through my dealer. I like to support the dealer when I can.

I'm not sure if I see much of difference either though. I sure would like to read a scientific controlled study on this topic. It shouldn't be that difficult of a test to conduct. Mine could be filled with plastic beads for all I know.
2005 Hot Spring Envoy still going strong. Million-Mile Club....

I want to get in the spa business so I can surf the internet and use Photoshop all day long.


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Re: Do you soak in the spa without any Free Chlori
« Reply #36 on: May 10, 2006, 09:15:49 am »

I'm thininking I might try another round with it, just to be super duper doubly sure of my opinon. :)    

or Maybe, I am lucky and I have great water.

Whats the mark up on N2? How does that compare to other chems you sell? Are the N2 People really pushing you to sell it?   My dealer, and all the reps and techs rave about it.  ( iwonder too, if the 22 year old kid who was poushing it even has a hot tub)  Have they been  "educated" by N2?
Our N2 is packaged specially as a HS product and shipped from Watkins.  I never have dealings with the  (Zodiac) N2 guys.   As with any aftermarket item, the manufacturer would like to see you sell more.  As far as the mark-up, the word "Keystone" comes to mind. ;D

P.S.  Congrats on your Sox last night. :P


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Re: Do you soak in the spa without any Free Chlori
« Reply #37 on: May 10, 2006, 09:21:51 am »
Our N2 is packaged specially as a HS product and shipped from Watkins.  I never have dealings with the  (Zodiac) N2 guys.   As with any aftermarket item, the manufacturer would like to see you sell more.  As far as the mark-up, the word "Keystone" comes to mind. ;D

P.S.  Congrats on your Sox last night. :P

What's the Keystone comment? ( idon't get it)

Yea, the sox did well last night. :)  Who were those people in the yankess uniforms?   I didn't recognize them.   ;)  ;D
« Last Edit: May 10, 2006, 09:23:42 am by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Do you soak in the spa without any Free Chlori
« Reply #38 on: May 10, 2006, 09:24:27 am »

What's the Keystone comment?   Huh.

100% give or take. ;)


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Re: Do you soak in the spa without any Free Chlori
« Reply #39 on: May 10, 2006, 11:17:31 am »
EBAY!!!!! ;D

Holy crap, you'll void your warranty you cheap-a$$!!!!
;D  ;D


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Re: Do you soak in the spa without any Free Chlori
« Reply #40 on: May 10, 2006, 06:30:58 pm »
This is an interesting thread.  Life long Red Sox fan here.  

Anyway, let me see if I can help with the questions about Nature 2.  Essentially N2 is an ion exchanger that puts silver ions into solution in the tub.  Silver ions make the cell walls of bacteria more permeable.  This means that the chlorine can penetrate into the cell more easily to kill the bacteria.  To make an analogy, it would be the same as reducing the immune system of a person.  

So, all else being equal, the use of N2 would result in a reduction in the amount of time it takes for the chlorine to sanitize the spa.  This could result is a need for less dichlor, but more realistically it implies that the dichlor is just more effective.  The way to test for this is to measure the amount of combined chlorine that is formed in say one week of regular use.  You should see a reduction in combined chlorine for an N2 treated spa as compared to one without it.  I think that N2 is a good product, not a sham, but I also think that it is a nuance, and offers and meaningful, but subtle improvement in overall water cleanliness.



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Re: Do you soak in the spa without any Free Chlori
« Reply #41 on: May 10, 2006, 06:39:00 pm »
This is an interesting thread.  Life long Red Sox fan here.  

Anyway, let me see if I can help with the questions about Nature 2.  Essentially N2 is an ion exchanger that puts silver ions into solution in the tub.  Silver ions make the cell walls of bacteria more permeable.  This means that the chlorine can penetrate into the cell more easily to kill the bacteria.  To make an analogy, it would be the same as reducing the immune system of a person.  

So, all else being equal, the use of N2 would result in a reduction in the amount of time it takes for the chlorine to sanitize the spa.  This could result is a need for less dichlor, but more realistically it implies that the dichlor is just more effective.  The way to test for this is to measure the amount of combined chlorine that is formed in say one week of regular use.  You should see a reduction in combined chlorine for an N2 treated spa as compared to one without it.  I think that N2 is a good product, not a sham, but I also think that it is a nuance, and offers and meaningful, but subtle improvement in overall water cleanliness.

My use of a "Sham" was a little over the top.  I'll retract that statement, however my feelings in personal use of the product remain the same.  After all, the N2 origination was supposed to be a natural alternative to using Di-chlor or Bromine, not just minimizing their use.  All in all, it helps MPS sales for dealers with large chemical outfits as well as being a profit gainer itself. ;)


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Re: Do you soak in the spa without any Free Chlori
« Reply #42 on: May 10, 2006, 09:28:34 pm »

Holy crap, you'll void your warranty you cheap-a$$!!!!
 ;D  ;D

You're ABSOLUTELY right - I am a cheap a$$ in certain things and this is one of them ... that's why I don't even use it! 2 of them sticks could buy me 10 lbs of dichlor from Doc and the good stuff too - 62% AVAILABLE CHLORINE!!!   :D


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Re: Do you soak in the spa without any Free Chlori
« Reply #43 on: May 11, 2006, 09:08:42 am »
Bill that's a great post.

I wish Zodiac (makers of N2) and (some) dealers would present the product that way,  but they don't, becasue they probabably would sell significantly less cartridges.  :(

Many people selling N2 will give you the impression it makes a significant difference in the amount of chemicals you use. and will have a very noticable effect on water quality.  I belive these statments to be "exagerated" (to be polite).

For instance: The N2 site tells me that while using N2, I will be able to reduce chlorine use to just 0.5ppm.    Huh,  That's whay I do now without the N2 stick.

I have thought long and hard about this, and I cant see increasing the cost of each of my tub refills by $30 for what I think is, at the very best  marginal  gains, if any.

07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Do you soak in the spa without any Free Chlori
« Reply #44 on: May 11, 2006, 10:08:44 am »

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Re: Do you soak in the spa without any Free Chlori
« Reply #44 on: May 11, 2006, 10:08:44 am »


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