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Have you every been called a "Dealer" before?
IWe haven't shopped anyone in years, but we hear from our new customers who shopped around, that one of our competitors bashes us on a regular basis.Why can't we all just be friends
There is an aurora or a sixth sense that you have that picks up on body language and mannerism. Then again some will call it paranoia.You browse, you look at specific things, you ask "non-consumer questions", or specific industry questions or terms, depending on your purpose of shopping they ask or lead in to certain conversations.This guy is not a poker player, he blew his hand and he was wrong. Over 22 years we have been shopped and it is particulaly disappointing when it is done in a show environment were they take up to an hour of your time, so it is good to smoke them out.When you ask their name and address it is amazing how many people do not know what the "local" zip codes are, Bingo. When I get their phone number, I pass it along and a call is made asking for the person, wrong number, Bingo. Then you go for the close, they're gone real quick then and you usually see them working the competitors booth.I would suppose everyone here has done it before, but knowing what they know now, they would probably find it to be a waste of time unless there is a specific purpose. Most of us are recognized too easily.