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Author Topic: Lost in filtration  (Read 21028 times)


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Lost in filtration
« on: May 08, 2006, 09:01:51 am »
Hi all.
First post but I've been reading for about a month now.  You guys are insane so I thought I'd join the bunch.  So here is my question.  I have my choice narrowed down to the Caldera Geneva.  We have wet tested a bunch of different spas but liked this one.  My dealer also sells hot springs.  I have read here about the filtration.  Coming from an industrial background, I was wondering what the difference in filtration in microns is between the tri-x filters and the pleated ones that everyone else seems to use.  I do have a concern about filtration but I can't afford, nor was I too impressed with the hot springs tubs that my dealer had in his show room.

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Lost in filtration
« on: May 08, 2006, 09:01:51 am »


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Re: Lost in filtration
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2006, 09:58:02 am »
Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you will get the answers you want, and probably hear from a few happy Geneva owners.   We look forward to hearing about your final decision and its arrival.
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Re: Lost in filtration
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2006, 10:11:06 am »

I wouldn't let the filtration issue be a deciding factor, unless for some reason, you would be using your tub in a significanlty different way than others, or you had some  condiiiton (such as extreme excema) that required you to seek out an advanced filtering system.  

the Tri-x and no by pass filtration, in my humble opinon, is a way for HS to differentiate thier product from others.  It may be better  - but there are no independent studies to show it's better.   If the hotsprings tub was the tub I wanted and was in my budget, then the filtration may be an added bonus. Or if I was trying to make up mind and between two tubs, and everything else was equal (price,  size, comfort, quality, dealer, ) then I might say, "Damn, I've got to choose one, sure give the one with the fancy filter"

But the fact is, I belive all the quality tubs provide quality filtering and don't let yourself make this a key issue.

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Re: Lost in filtration
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2006, 10:13:34 am »
Coming from an industrial background, I was wondering what the difference in filtration in microns is between the tri-x filters and the pleated ones that everyone else seems to use.

Hi luv2bretired:

Your hot tub purchase will be one of the best things you ever did. It will REALLY improve you quality of life.

I can't really speak for the Tri-X filters, but I will say that the marketing group of every spa manufacturer always needs an "edge."

I've been using paper filters for 7 years and have enjoyed very good water quality. The secret is to establish a treatment routine, tweak it until you understand it and have it right, stick to it like glue and wash (clean) your filters regularly. When it was just me, I cleaned my filters every 2 weeks. Now that I have 8 or more in my tub daily, along with parties every weekend, I clean weekly. Use a filter cleaner (Home Depot sells a good one) and a high pressure hose for best results.  Also, replace your filters every other year, even if they look like they don't need it (something I didn't do 'till recently, DUMB me).

Hope this helps!


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Re: Lost in filtration
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2006, 10:26:36 am »
My store in Breckenridge, CO does weekly chemcial checks on ruffly 140 spas.  Most every brand that is sold in Coloardo (and then a few others).  Not one spa stays cleaner then the rest.  No matter how many filters, what style of filter.  The way a spa stays clean is who and how a spa is used.  If you shower before entering the spa, the water will last longer then if you just got done with a baseball game and jumped in the spa.  If you keep your chemicals in balance you spa will stay cleaner.


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Re: Lost in filtration
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2006, 01:21:21 pm »
My store in Breckenridge, CO does weekly chemcial checks on ruffly 140 spas.  Most every brand that is sold in Coloardo (and then a few others).  Not one spa stays cleaner then the rest.  No matter how many filters, what style of filter.  The way a spa stays clean is who and how a spa is used.  If you shower before entering the spa, the water will last longer then if you just got done with a baseball game and jumped in the spa.  If you keep your chemicals in balance you spa will stay cleaner.

I love this post!!!

This speaks volumes about spa filtration. Hot Tub Guru takes care of many different brands on a weekly basis, who better to take advice from.

Thanks for keeping it real!!!


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Re: Lost in filtration
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2006, 01:26:57 pm »
And this thread http://www.whatsthebest-hottub.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=wtb-hottub;action=display;num=1146619471 is even more incredible as it contains actual documented pictorial evidence that filtration CAN make a tremendous difference.

I have to say it is THE most amazing post I've yet to read on this forum. :o

It is also extremely relevant as it involves both of the brands in question in the original post.

« Last Edit: May 08, 2006, 01:29:20 pm by East_TX_Spa »
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Re: Lost in filtration
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2006, 01:31:35 pm »

I love this post!!!

This speaks volumes about spa filtration. Hot Tub Guru takes care of many different brands on a weekly basis, who better to take advice from.

Thanks for keeping it real!!!

Now slow down a second....I thought he said all spas are about the same except for the Marquis that are much cleaner.....did I mis-read his post..... ;)......no really......most of todays spas work well.....just as it was mentioned get into a regular maintenance routine and you should be fine.....also as it was metioned.....RINSE THOSE FILTERS.....it is simple and can be done in just a few minutes and it really does help in keeping your water clean as well helping your spa to perform up to its full potential.....
« Last Edit: May 08, 2006, 01:42:40 pm by Mendocino101 »


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Re: Lost in filtration
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2006, 01:41:46 pm »
And this thread http://www.whatsthebest-hottub.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=wtb-hottub;action=display;num=1146619471 is even more incredible as it contains actual documented pictorial evidence that filtration CAN make a tremendous difference.

I have to say it is THE most amazing post I've yet to read on this forum. :o

It is also extremely relevant as it involves both of the brands in question in the original post.


all kidding aside I recommend Sea Klear 4 in 1 clarifer...even with the hard water that is shown in the post it will help tremendously with metal removal and is all all organic product......


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Re: Lost in filtration
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2006, 01:55:52 pm »
This is a very informative post.  We are in the market for a spa and my d/w asked me about filtering (which is best, which is easier) of which I had no answers.  Now I have half an answer to give her.--- all filtering systems do a great job, some have a by-pass some don't  (I can already hear, 'what's a by-pass' ?)  With that, I think HS will be her new favorite.
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Re: Lost in filtration
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2006, 02:01:08 pm »
Mendo, mi amigo, I'm not sure I understand the gist of your post.

I was definitely deadly serious with my comments in my previous post.  The "Crappy Water" thread turned out to be THE most substantial thread I've seen yet in 1.5 years on this forum.

And based on T-Lady's comments, she did nothing extraordinary to her water other than clean the filters while Karl XIII tried a litany of recommended chemical methods and his water actually got worse.

For simplicity, I offer this:

T-Lady's starting water in her HotSpring Spa:

T-Lady's ending water after 3-5 days (not specified) filtration:

Karl XIII's starting water in his Caldera Spa:

Karl XIII's ending water after 2 days treatment and filtration:

To my strictly logical way of thinking, this filtration debate begins and ends right here.

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Re: Lost in filtration
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2006, 02:08:57 pm »
Term... you know I love you, BUT... if I remember correctly that is not what Karl's water started like.  His water was clear and then he added something to shock it and then it looked like that.  It might not be much different, but IMHO I don't think you are comparing apples to apples and should make such cut throat conclusions.   ;)  


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Beating a dead horse (ModeraRe: Lost in filtration
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2006, 02:09:47 pm »
Beating a dead horse (Moderators: wmccall, ht-mod)
This is where threads will be moved that turn in to the same old hashing of FF vs TP, Master's Spa Shows, Artic Martketing, etc, etc.

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« Last Edit: May 08, 2006, 02:10:19 pm by salesdvl »
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Re: Lost in filtration
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2006, 02:15:27 pm »
what the difference in filtration in microns is between the tri-x filters and the pleated ones that everyone else seems to use.  

I remember asking Watkins this very same question and was unable to get a straight answer.  That was when they first came out a couple of years ago.  How about if someone step up and answer it.  How many microns does the TRI-X filter?
« Last Edit: May 08, 2006, 02:17:57 pm by salesdvl »
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Re: Lost in filtration
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2006, 02:18:25 pm »
Term... you know I love you, BUT... if I remember correctly that is not what Karl's water started like.  His water was clear and then he added something to shock it and then it looked like that.  It might not be much different, but IMHO I don't think you are comparing apples to apples and should make such cut throat conclusions.   ;)  

I think you're right Brooke.  And I do apologize.  I had forgotten the discoloration occurred after he shocked the spa.

That brings up the question that I never did recall seeing the answer to:  Did the iron in his water come out of solution after being shocked?  If so, we'll just see what happens when T-Lady shocks hers as I'm guessing it won't.

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...

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Re: Lost in filtration
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2006, 02:18:25 pm »


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