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Author Topic: 1 MONTH REVIEW  (Read 3928 times)


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« on: May 09, 2006, 02:06:32 pm »

We've had our 2005 Sundance Bahia (floor model) in for a month now.  No problems w/the tub.  No water problems.  Bought a new filter and will be swapping them out every month to keep them clean.  

As for the tub itself....AWESOME!  My wife said as we were soaking last night that she's ADDICTED now!  She said she knew it'd be fun but never imagined it be this relaxing.  It's changed her whole outlook on the backyard and has started a "REVOLUTION" now turning our yard into an OASIS!!  Proof:  lighted palm trees are on order!

It is soooo relaxing and we've been sleeping like rocks.  We had some neighbors over on Saturday and ate and soaked and drank vino for hours and had a blast!!!

Thanks to all those here who helped by answering questions etc.  (ps...figured I'd write this post prior to the first electric bill as we've been using the tub daily....)   :P

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« on: May 09, 2006, 02:06:32 pm »


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« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2006, 02:21:27 pm »
I month and no need for a water change?  Excellent!

Most new owners usually hit the one month change out. (due to inexperience with chems, and many many guests using the tub).

Pics! were are the Pics?  8) ;) :)
07 Caldera Geneva


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« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2006, 02:29:25 pm »
I month and no need for a water change?  Excellent!

Most new owners usually hit the one month change out. (due to inexperience with chems, and many many guests using the tub).

Pics! were are the Pics?  8) ;) :)

We must have excellently balanced h2o right from the hose because honestly, I don't know what half the acronyms that are thrown around here even mean and just cringe at seeing some of the iron-filled water pictures here.  We run ozone/N2 and mps after each use.  I chlorinate 1-2 times per week at about 2 oz. per time.  Some clarifier and recently, some ph adjustments and that's about it.  Last night, water was crystal!  

Pics...D**N!  I keep forgetting the camera!  
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« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2006, 02:32:50 pm »
Yup. It can be just that simple.   :D
07 Caldera Geneva


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« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2006, 02:41:39 pm »
Have now gone 2 plus months without need for a water change since I got my tub and not planning on one for at least another month although I have not had particularly heavy use in my tub so far. We also seem to have pretty good quality water from the tap in the Atlanta area.

I was out of town for a week and when I returned I noted the water was a bit cloudy and tended to foam a bit more than it had before. Had turned the temp down to 90 while I was gone and it has N2 and 24 hour ozone.

But I cleaned the filters and gave it a moderate dichlor shock and it now seems to be looking good again. Also have a dirty duck in the tub that I rinsed out. Don't know how much difference that makes.
In hot water with my '06 Reflections Granada


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« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2006, 03:52:48 pm »
I'm pretty consistent at changing the water between 3-4 months.  This is my first water with N2 that I put in back in Feb, so I have past the 3 months with clear water.  I'm planning a water change as soon as my new covermate II arrives from Doc. I bought an under the spa mount, so I will have to drain to put in on. My current lifter is being held together with tape, glue, extra screws and bandaids.
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« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2006, 04:07:55 pm »
I have had my spa now for just over three weeks and am having a little trouble with keeping the water clear.  It tends to me merky and very much so after the tub is used. I have been putting in spa 56 and dichlor and some bright and clear or somthing like that.
My water has seemed to have alot of suds for about 2 weeks now. I have tried rinsing out the filters twice now.
Not sure if we have had some people in the tub with alot of hair care products or lotions on, etc.
We have used the tub alot probably 4x per week and several times with 4 or 5 people in it.
Any suggestions?


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« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2006, 04:13:09 pm »
I have had my spa now for just over three weeks and am having a little trouble with keeping the water clear.  It tends to me merky and very much so after the tub is used. I have been putting in spa 56 and dichlor and some bright and clear or somthing like that.
My water has seemed to have alot of suds for about 2 weeks now. I have tried rinsing out the filters twice now.
Not sure if we have had some people in the tub with alot of hair care products or lotions on, etc.
We have used the tub alot probably 4x per week and several times with 4 or 5 people in it.
Any suggestions?

Stop using bathing suits if possible, or don't wash them, or use an extra rinse cycle.

don't use the calirifer as a routine treatment, only as needed (and that will also cause foaming).  If you use clarifer, I then scoop out as much foam as possible and then put foam down in a spray bottle and hit the last few bubbles. (2-3 spritzes)

Do you dose after you soak with spa 56 (which is Dichlor) and about once a week hit it with the Renew (thats the MPS shock).

Do you have ozone?

Do you have a 24 hr circ pump or are you on timed filter cycles? (if so, you may want to bump up you filter cycles).  If I have extra guests in my tub, I also run the jets a bit more, just to aggitate the water.

Have you  leaned the filters with cleaning  solution? (Really only needs to be done once a month, but if your finding you water isn't clean, then I wouldn't hestiate to fully clean and rinse them.

Or just dump the water and start over again.

« Last Edit: May 09, 2006, 04:19:40 pm by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2006, 04:30:24 pm »
I am using the clarifier when I see that the water does not clear up after  a day or so of filtering. I do have foam down and when I use it and I do have it in a spray bottle, It works for about 10 seconds and then starts to foam again.

As far as the chemicals the spa 56 is small granuals and the other that I was thinking was the dichlor is a 1inch tab. When we got out tub we were told to put in one lid full of spa 56 per week and 3 tabs and then on days that we were going to use the tub put in another tab about 5 min before going into the tub.
We do have Ozone and N2.
We are on filter cycles we have a Catalina stealth raptor and I have the filter cylcles set for 4hrs in morning from 6am to 10am and 4hrs at night from 10pm to 2am.
If it is just my wife and I we do not use our suits but kinda hard with other people over.(although it did not stop the 4 of us the other night, but that is a different story...)   I have never done anything to ph or cal levels and only have the sticks to test the water and best that I can tell the colors look like they are where they are supposed to be.

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« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2006, 04:30:24 pm »


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