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Author Topic: pH Decreaser vs. Vinegar  (Read 54509 times)


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pH Decreaser vs. Vinegar
« on: May 04, 2006, 02:54:03 pm »
Which is better at bringing down pH?  Do both have the same effect on TA and TDS?  What is an approximate conversion of 1 tbls of pH decreaser to Vinegar?

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pH Decreaser vs. Vinegar
« on: May 04, 2006, 02:54:03 pm »


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Re: pH Decreaser vs. Vinegar
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2006, 03:21:53 pm »
I don't mean to be rude or offensive, but my basic water chemistry and 22 years of understanding Hot Water chemistry has been provided by and heavily biased by using Hot Water chemicals supplied by the chemical industries.  

I know they are a profit making industry and we tend to add on a little something for the dealer for all the free advice that we dispense regarding Hot Water chemistry, the $3.95 pH decreaser that we sell isn't that expensive.

I might suggest you google the vinegar industry for their recommendation and effectiveness as a suitable substitute.  They have never given me any background information with which to answer your question, but then, vinegar is not a big item in our industry.


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Re: pH Decreaser vs. Vinegar
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2006, 03:30:48 pm »
The way to figure this out is to measure your pH and then add a measured amount of vinegar and then measure pH again and so on.  Vinegar is going to smell up the place, though, so be certain that you really want to do this.  If your motive is to save a few bucks, you might want to really think that through as the trade-offs might not be worth it.  I buy pH decreaser for about 4 bucks a pound and a pound lasts for a long time.



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Re: pH Decreaser vs. Vinegar
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2006, 04:07:11 pm »
My interest has nothing to do with cost, just trying to find the best type of acid to use to bring down my pH (which tends to rise).


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Re: pH Decreaser vs. Vinegar
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2006, 04:19:56 pm »
My interest has nothing to do with cost, just trying to find the best type of acid to use to bring down my pH (which tends to rise).

What are you putting into the water that is causing your pH to rise?  Are you using Di-chlor, Liquid Cholrine, tablet tri-chlor, it is not bromine because that would pull your pH down.  What does your dealer recommend, are you using Ozone?

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Re: pH Decreaser vs. Vinegar
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2006, 06:51:45 pm »
My interest has nothing to do with cost, just trying to find the best type of acid to use to bring down my pH (which tends to rise).

I'd think if vinegar was the best, it would be repackaged for spas and sold for 3 times the normal cost.

Just an off the wall and very dangerous thought (NOT A SUGGESTION)....... why not use muriatic acid? It's cheap and would take very little to make any adjustments.....
If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

Retired (mostly) from the industry after 33 years...but still putzing around with a consumer information website, and trying to sell obsolete owners manuals


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Re: pH Decreaser vs. Vinegar
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2006, 10:20:17 pm »
I'm surprised, it doesn't look like you're going to get a straight answer to your questions. :'( And they are reasonable questions, too.

I just recently switched to dry acid only because I couldn't figure out how much vinegar to use. I don't know why I didn't think to ask this question on this site. :P

And for the record, I have used white vinegar to lower PH, adding it with the jets on but have never noticed a vinegar smell.
Maybe someone was adding apple cider vinegar or wine vinegar? ;)

Not a mountain lake? Then it's still a chemical soup!


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Re: pH Decreaser vs. Vinegar
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2006, 12:01:54 am »
I have used both.  Vinegar does work but a dry acid is more effective.  Muratic Acid is the most effective (uses the least amount of chemical) but it can be expensive and not everyone is comfortable with having it stored where an accident might happen.  Therefore, the winner is....... PH decreaser (In most cases).  Even though IU do have a lockable cabinet in the garage for the muratic, I now use the PH Down.

In a related question.... How do I reduce Alk without effecting PH?  My Alk appears to be "excessive" and my PH is only slightly high.  Can adding calcium or something else help bring Alk into resonable ranges?  If the only anser if reduce PH, then I've already heard this and I've already been doing that.  Maybe it's simply time for a water change...
...The gene pool could use a little chlorine....

Quickly approaching a mid-life crisis one day at a time.


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Re: pH Decreaser vs. Vinegar
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2006, 08:43:16 am »
adding acid seems to me a little scary.  I dont know though.  I would suggest sticking with what the industry sells.  At least you know that it is safe.  I too would worry about the smell.

My problem is Alk.  Ph goes up a bit every three months and I just add one capful of ph down.  

Because I use bromine, my alk drops every week.  I have to add perfect balance every week, usually 2 capfuls to keep it right.  

I spent 10 canadian on my ph up bottle and almost a year later still have over half left and perfect balance  I am on my third bottle at 12 canadian each.  All and all I am happy on the price and comfortable using the product, especially with small children around.

But if vinegar is working and you are happy with it then keep going.

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Re: pH Decreaser vs. Vinegar
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2006, 08:43:16 am »


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