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Author Topic: cloudy water  (Read 4563 times)


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cloudy water
« on: May 01, 2006, 08:20:19 pm »
Help- I cannot get my water clear and beautiful! I'm about to dump it and start over, but the water has only been in the tub a month, so I'd really rather figure out the problem so it does not happen again. This has been going on about a week. Clarifier helped a little, but not completely.

pH is 7.4 (after much battling to get it down- it is very steady), there is no combined chlorine, shocking with MPS does not help.
I do have hard water (400-500) so I have added Defend weekly.
I use dichlor, and have ozone.
Dont use any lotions, etc before getting in, no hair products in the water, etc.
No suits, so no detergent issues.
Dont know what my TDS is, but like I said, only had water in it for 5 weeks.

Do bar soaps leave residue? I'm thinking I may have dirty elves in the water in the middle of the night. Any better ideas?
« Last Edit: May 01, 2006, 08:21:44 pm by anne »
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cloudy water
« on: May 01, 2006, 08:20:19 pm »


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Re: cloudy water
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2006, 08:27:35 pm »
Have you cleaned your filter yet?  How long do you filter?  Do you shock?  Have you tried enzyme products?

We have lots of ideas for you. ;D

Glad to see you got your pH under control.
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Re: cloudy water
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2006, 08:52:09 pm »

Clean the filter, hit it with 6 PPM dichlor and get some clarifier. I'm using the Sea Klear product and it seems to work pretty well.

Put in the dichlor, wait about an hour or 2 and put in the clarifier. If your tub is really cloudy, you may need a 2nd dose - then rinse the filters again. As hottubdan mentioned maybe your filtering too little.

I find that I can go every other day without adding dichlor but if I wait 2 days - it starts getting cloudy.

I'm amazed when I read that people can go 4 or more days and their water stays crystal clear. I've even tried N2 with no luck.


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Re: cloudy water
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2006, 09:34:48 pm »
Vinny and Dan, thanks for the input! Here's where my spa maintenance is going to differ form yours: Arctic has disposable filters-  I dont clean them, rather replace every 3-4 months. I was not thrilled about this, but it was not enough to make me back away from purchasing the tub. I am supposed to minimize clarifier use with this type of filter, but using a little is "ok." So that is what I have done.

I have tried enzyme (LT)

I have shocked with MPS, and added a big dose of chlorine that got the tub to about 5 ppm. (two different occasions)

I run the filter the recommended amount- 2 hrs  3x/day. I'm going to up that to 4x/day. The filter "looks" clean enough, for 5 weeks running. Barely off-white now.

Any Arctic people out there able to comment on how happy they are with their filters? Are re-usable washable ones an option?

So far in the life of the tub I have added a few doses of baking soda, a ton of dry acid, almost daily chlorine, weekly defend, and started with metal gon, a dose here and there if clarifier and enzyme- I think 3 and 2 respectively. Could I have high TDS already?
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Re: cloudy water
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2006, 09:45:41 pm »
Sea Klear is excellent.  
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Re: cloudy water
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2006, 09:50:42 pm »
Sea Klear is excellent.  

Better than defend? And If I'm supposed to avoid clarifier use, is this the direction I should be going?

I bought defend because it is the "closest" to the arctic product that is ok to use in moderation. I was told that the Arctic proprietary product is basically like watered down defend. It worked GREAT one day last weekend, but since then, no pretty water. :P :-/ :'(
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Re: cloudy water
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2006, 09:58:42 pm »

I used to add enzymes but found they were adding to my foaming problem. I used 2 different brands and no difference. Chlorine will eat up the enzymes and be used up doing so. I also think that it contributed to sometimes clouding my water..

Dosing with dichlor daily your tub should be extremely clear without any bacteria growing to get it to cloudy state.

Do you use N2 and have it in the filter? That could lower the flow. Running 6 hours a day at 50 GPM (I don't know how many GPM a pump is filtering at low speed) would give you 18000 gallons filtered per day ... I'm sure that it's enough filtering for your tub.

Do you have strips that measure TDS (I think I remember you used strips before)?

I will say that my water is atypical of other's water. Things that people swear by (N2, enzymes and such) don't seem to have a positive effect on my water. Quite honestly, I have gotten about 6 or 7 weeks tops out of my water before something makes me dump and refill ... it makes me jealous when I read people make it to 3 or 4 months with their water!


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Re: cloudy water
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2006, 10:05:30 pm »
sounds like the calcium is falling out of solution. Hot water has a VERY difficult holding 400-500 ppm of calcium in solution. Stain and scale control, pool magnet, etc. I think will be the fix.
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Re: cloudy water
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2006, 10:06:40 pm »

Better than defend? And If I'm supposed to avoid clarifier use, is this the direction I should be going?

I bought defend because it is the "closest" to the arctic product that is ok to use in moderation. I was told that the Arctic proprietary product is basically like watered down defend. It worked GREAT one day last weekend, but since then, no pretty water. :P :-/ :'(

I never carried Defend, but I swear by Sea Klear.
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Re: cloudy water
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2006, 12:13:45 am »
Is this the first month of spa ownership? Chas has a rule that he tells his customers to dump the water after the first. I had the same problem for some reason. I think we tend to micro manage our chemicals when we are rookies. I haven't had a problem since. Water is the cheapest thing you can buy for your spa. It costs me less than a dollar to fill up the spa. Add a couple of bucks for electricity to heat it. It's still cheaper than buying clarifiers etc. Just my two cents...  
« Last Edit: May 02, 2006, 01:05:16 am by Gomboman »
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Re: cloudy water
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2006, 12:26:15 am »
Goboman is right.

I have told my customers to do a water change at the end of the first month for years. It's the only time you will have to do so, three or four months is fine after that, but the first month is hard not to over-love the tub.

Also, you are deep-cleaning your pores - all of them - and it's a bit tough for anyone to deal with that.

I didn't know Arctic doesn't offer reuseable filters. If you give me the exact dimensions, perhaps we can find a Unicel replacement for you?

Worth a shot.
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Re: cloudy water
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2006, 03:01:11 am »
" Dosing with dichlor daily your tub should be extremely clear without any bacteria growing to get it to cloudy state. "

I think (and this is not scientific of me, I know) that the clouding is not bacteria b/c the water smells very fresh. I could be mislead. I'm still going to super-chlorinate tomorrow.

" Do you use N2 and have it in the filter?"

I have not used N2 yet. Can it be used NOT in the filter?

""Stain and scale control, pool magnet, etc. I think will be the fix.

What is a pool magnet? I'm going to re-dose the defend tonight.

" I have told my customers to do a water change at the end of the first month for years. It's the only time you will have to do so, three or four months is fine after that, but the first month is hard not to over-love the tub. "

Chas, I remember you saying this when I first started reading here, and that was going to be my next step. I am just worried that I'll be changing water every 1-2 months like Vinny! Sounds frustrating!

I'll check on the replacement cost of the disposable filters, and see if this current problem clears up. Thank you for the offer.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2006, 03:02:02 am by anne »
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Re: cloudy water
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2006, 07:08:10 am »
Anne, As one who had a very difficult time keeping my tub clear, I can honestly say the best fix for me was Chas' solution, dump the tub.  I fought doing it for 2 months, but what a difference when I did.  I think I have things pretty much under control now and don't even test as much as I did before. Good luck
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Re: cloudy water
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2006, 09:22:08 am »
Defender is a stain and scale controller.

Sea Klear is a clarifier.

I alternate every other week with a dash of clarifier (if needed) and the following week Defender.

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Re: cloudy water
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2006, 09:41:44 am »

" Do you use N2 and have it in the filter?"

I have not used N2 yet. Can it be used NOT in the filter?


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Re: cloudy water
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2006, 09:41:44 am »


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