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Author Topic: Filter replacement issues & 60 amp question  (Read 2606 times)


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Filter replacement issues & 60 amp question
« on: May 01, 2006, 01:38:47 pm »
Hey all!  

First off, quick update from a newbie owner.  Bought floor model 05 sundance bahia and it's been up and filled for 3 weeks tomorrow.  So far we just love it!  

I told my wife (she's in software sales, works hard, travels some, stressful job) that she would benefit from having a place at home that was a "get-a-way" instead of looking around and always seeing things to do.  The purchase of this tub has provided that and we both enjoy soaking at night with the torches going!  

Maintenance has been basically effortless (mps after each use, weekly shock, nature 2 & ozone) so far.  

My "issue" comes in when I started looking for another filter.  I read somebody's idea here about rotating filters monthly, soaking and cleaning 1 after a month and swaping in a new one and so on for about 2 years.  No matter what site I go to, the filter I have doesn't match up with their "MATCH".  

The Bahia has a regular (not micro-clean) filter w/120" square of filter surface.  There are only 4 or so choices and none match up to my 2.5" beveled opening on one end and SAE threaded male end on the other.  

Funny, the owners manual doesn't give you replacement part #'s either.  And this differs to which site I go to..even doc's site isn't right.  Any ideas?

Regarding the amps...we were told the Bahia at 50 amps wouldn't run both pumps on high AND the heater at the same time.  So we opted to set it up for 60 amp service.  Prior to delivery, I called our dealer and told him to flip the jumper to 60 (50 is factory setting) and he says he did.  But when the heater is on, I turned on both pumps and BAM, off goes the heater.  Did he not do the jumper change?  Not sure how to tell.  

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Filter replacement issues & 60 amp question
« on: May 01, 2006, 01:38:47 pm »


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Re: Filter replacement issues & 60 amp question
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2006, 01:48:30 pm »
You should be able to get the filter from your dealer.  

How do you know the heater kicks off?  If, it is turning off, it sounds like dealer did not change jumper.
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Re: Filter replacement issues & 60 amp question
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2006, 01:52:05 pm »
You should be able to get the filter from your dealer.  

How do you know the heater kicks off?  If, it is turning off, it sounds like dealer did not change jumper.

I'd prefer to get it from my dealer, but it seems strange that none of the sites have the correct filter listed and that the correct replacement # isn't in the owners manual.

On the control panel, there is a light that turns on when the heater is on.  It immediately goes out when both pumps are turned on.  Any idea how to check the jumpers?
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Re: Filter replacement issues & 60 amp question
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2006, 03:17:59 pm »
Check this.

Didn't see it, but they may be a source?
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Re: Filter replacement issues & 60 amp question
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2006, 03:30:48 pm »
Sounds exactly like they didn't set the jumper.

One question- Do you have a 60 amp GFI breaker on this spa, or a 50?  Reason I'm asking is that you don't say which in your original post, and I'm wondering if the installer noticed your breaker sized at 50, and left the jumper that way.  
It's just a guess, and may well be wrong- but if you do have a 50 amp breaker, that may explain it.
If you have a 60 amp breaker, then the dealer probably just missed it.  
Sorry I don't have the jumper setting to check- I'd ask your dealer about that unless you are very comfortable rooting around with the circuit board on your spa.

My theory for Sundance not putting the part numbers in the owners manual is that they just tell you to get your filters at the dealer, who should have the correct ones for your spa.  Them giving you a part number would make it just a hair easier to get a filter from source that isn't a Sundance dealer.  

I have a Sundance, and when I get filters at my dealer, it's easy to just pick out the correct one from the shelf- they don't have part numbers displayed on the filters on on the shelf.


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Re: Filter replacement issues & 60 amp question
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2006, 04:24:56 pm »

Your filter is 125 sq. ft.

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Re: Filter replacement issues & 60 amp question
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2006, 05:54:30 pm »
Sounds exactly like they didn't set the jumper.

One question- Do you have a 60 amp GFI breaker on this spa, or a 50?  Reason I'm asking is that you don't say which in your original post, and I'm wondering if the installer noticed your breaker sized at 50, and left the jumper that way.  
 It's just a guess, and may well be wrong- but if you do have a 50 amp breaker, that may explain it.
 If you have a 60 amp breaker, then the dealer probably just missed it.  
Sorry I don't have the jumper setting to check- I'd ask your dealer about that unless you are very comfortable rooting around with the circuit board on your spa.

 My theory for Sundance not putting the part numbers in the owners manual is that they just tell you to get your filters at the dealer, who should have the correct ones for your spa.  Them giving you a part number would make it just a hair easier to get a filter from source that isn't a Sundance dealer.  

 I have a Sundance, and when I get filters at my dealer, it's easy to just pick out the correct one from the shelf- they don't have part numbers displayed on the filters on on the shelf.

I agree...it'd be too easy to put #'s on them.  But I would rather get them from my dealer...only 10 minutes away.

I had a 60 amp gfi breaker installed for this reason.  I did call the dealer and he told me how to change the jumpers and where I can find a pic of the configuration (matter of moving one pin from 1 spot to another).  As long as I remember to turn off the power, I'll post my results!!!  If not, thanks to all for your help! ;)
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Re: Filter replacement issues & 60 amp question
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2006, 05:54:30 pm »


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