Los Pinos Ranch Vineyards in Pittsburg, TX, hosted a Food and Wine Festival on Saturday April 29. We set up a HotSpring Envoy connected to a generator. I had to work at the store all day, but as soon as we closed, I headed out to have some fun and celebrate!
When I got to the festival around 7:00, I found my underling Amy selling her little heart out. Notice the passion she has! A salesperson has to have that if they are to be successful:

The total attendance ended up being about a thousand people. There were booths set up with all kinds of food, gifts, and several Texas wineries were there:

Just across from us were my friends from Tobacco Junction. Shawn fired me up an Arturo Fuente Churchill on the house, and I proceeded to enjoy the fool out of it over the course of the next 2 hours (even though my verbose nature allowed the flame to die more than once, it was easily reignited):

Off to the grub! Had to get some World Famous Pittsburg Hot Links!!!!! The nice lady put me some in a bowl, dumped some hot sauce on it, and dang near killed me with flavor. Kris Kristofferson evidently loves the links as he had his picture made with them:

Amy wanted a taste of my stogie, so I obliged her. She normally will not accept stogies from anyone but her husband, but she knows I always practice proper oral hygiene. You can also see a little boy wearing an ANGER shirt to the right (whatever the hell that means):

Then she touched my leg and it made me nervous, so I left:

Saw about 8 of my customers at the festival. These two guys own a Bengal and an Envoy, respectively. The two ladies are not their wives, but I'll never tell and I'd appreciate it if ya'll didn't either:

Got me some tacos. In between, I ate a mufalletta but forgot to take pictures. All the food was orgasmical!

I had too much wine and started dancing on the spa. Amy got a pic right before I puked on that kid. I then fell off into the grass and rested a spell:

Some drunken customers of mine that own a Prodigy and like Johnny Cash stopped by to say Howdy! The only way I knew this is when I woke up this morning back home and saw the picture. I guess we gave someone the Italian heebie jeebie:

That's about all. I found a bunch of fancy good smelling homemade soap, a bag of cigars, a pie, some cookies, and a Mexican hat in the back of my car this morning, so I'm thinking I had a really good time last night.
We're about to have Savanna's 8th birthday party at 3:00 so I've got to go. See ya'll later.