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Author Topic: OK, let's here something about Caldera Spas.  (Read 16218 times)


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OK, let's here something about Caldera Spas.
« on: April 26, 2006, 10:26:53 pm »
A few people have recently shared some facts about D1 and Marquis. I thought it was very interesting. I would like to learn something about Caldera. I know they were bought out by Watkins a few years ago. Other than that, I don't know much about their history. Can anyone provide a brief history about Caldera?
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OK, let's here something about Caldera Spas.
« on: April 26, 2006, 10:26:53 pm »


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Re: OK, let's here something about Caldera Spas.
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2006, 12:09:13 am »
Caldera is a 30 year old company from the San Diego area.  As Watkins guys will tell you, they were just one of the also rans until bought by Watkins a few years ago.  Now, they seem poised to grow to one of the top companies and join the ranks of the other big boys.  Still some time before that happens.  I have a friend that has a Caldera dealership and loves the spas.  He says he rarely has to work on the spas.  IMO, they are a very comfortable spa, even dare I say, more comfortable than Hot Spring.

From what I understand, they now form their shells in Mexico and build the spa at the main factory in Vista.  My friend that owns the dealership said they had outgrown the old Caldera factory and needed somewhere close to Vista to form shells.  

The quality of the spas is as good as the leaders in the industry.  I'm sure they use some of the same components as HS, but I'd have to find out for sure.  It would only make since.

Hope that was not more than you were looking for.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2006, 12:10:07 am by aquatub »
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Re: OK, let's here something about Caldera Spas.
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2006, 01:59:25 am »
here, here!  ;)
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Re: OK, let's here something about Caldera Spas.
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2006, 07:09:02 am »
Partialy true. The Oasis and Highland shells are pulled in Mexico These are the same shells Hot Spring uses in their Trinidad and Tobago models and the other three that are identical to the Caldera Cumberland, Olimpia and Aventine. The Shells on the Paradise, Utopia and Aquatic Melodies spas are pulled in their factory. Otherwise, they are OK. I think the most remarkable thing about caldera is jet interchangability and 7 different styles of jet.


From what I understand, they now form their shells in Mexico and build the spa at the main factory in Vista.  My friend that owns the dealership said they had outgrown the old Caldera factory and needed somewhere close to Vista to form shells.

« Last Edit: April 27, 2006, 03:04:17 pm by Wisoki »
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Re: OK, let's here something about Caldera Spas.
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2006, 07:11:30 am »
Nothing like clarification and finding out Hot Spring has their shells made in Mexico to kill a thread. Or was it that they have spa models that "cross brands" that did it?
« Last Edit: April 27, 2006, 03:06:58 pm by Wisoki »
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Re: OK, let's here something about Caldera Spas.
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2006, 08:02:19 pm »
I own a Caldera Dealership in San Diego. My father was one of the original guys behind Caldera and I have seen it grow from a small regional company to what it is today. Watkins has done a great job promoting the brand and giving us POP material to effeictevly market the brand.

But here is the truth about Caldera. All spa shells are made in mexico. They were made in El Cajon for 28 years until they outgrew that facility.

We have very comfortable, high performance spas. All spa shells are made in mexico, but that does not mean they are less quality. They were made in El Cajon for 28 years until they outgrew that facility.  The Hot Spot spas are also built in Mexico and they are just different named models for our Highland series spas that we call the Olympia and Cumberland. The reason why the factory was moved, was because
1. permit regulations for fiberglass
2. to cut costs in light of the petroleum crisis that is hurting most spa manufacturers
3. to make it more convenient for most of the workers

The plant down in mexico is state of the art and rivals the one up in Vista ( I have seen both many times) and you couldn't tell the difference between the Vista one and Mexico one. The mexico one is literally right on the border....

Now that that is out of the way, one of the great things about Caldera is it's contoured seating and plumbing/jet performance. The SpaGlo lighting package is nice as is the Aquatic Melodies sound system. Our Hot Tub Circuit Therapy system really is nice and allows you to get a full body massage and the jet placement is great. There are also a lot of diverters and air controls on the Caldera line that really let the customer customize their masage. Also the foot ridge is a key component in my opinion as it really helps hold the people in the seats and the lounge especially. Also you'll notice that alot of the seats have are slope to a certain degree to help people stay in place when the jets are turned on. The Caldera line wet tests very favorably against the other leading brands.

Many Hot Spring Dealers talk down on Caldera, but that is pure bollocks. One of the main reasons why Watkins decided to buy Caldera was because we used to beat the pants off the local dealers here in San Diego and it chapped the hides of some of the Watkins people that they were the number one brand in the world but in their own backyard they weren't number one. Watkins has taken Caldera to the next level and the future of Watkins is with Caldera and the growth opprotunity there.

Also if you look at the timeline for the big Hot Spring line changes in regards to the jetting and pumps sizes that came after the Caldera purchase. They took many of the best features from the Caldera line and incorporated them into the hot spring line. Look at the Vista, it is a total knockoff of our best seller the Geneva Utopia.

Many of the new jet configurations and seating arrangements in the Hot Spring line look more like a Caldera Spa than a Hot Spring and the new models they have made, the Vista and Envoy are much more similar to a Caldera than they are Hot Spring.

Also I will put a Caldera Spas up against a Hot Spring, Sundance, Jacuzzi or Marqui any day. It will hold it's own. But just like any other brand, it's important to find out what your local dealer is like once you are in the top brands they will all perform well, but it's the dealer that really makes the difference between having a good spa experience and a bad one.

Note: I am obviously not impartial to Caldera, I've grown up with it and helped train the Watkins people about how to sell the product, but don't for one second believe that the Caldera line is inferior to the Hot Spring... They are different lines/molds for diffferent people.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2006, 02:08:51 am by sandiego »


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Re: OK, let's hear something about Caldera Spas.
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2006, 08:47:06 pm »
Another reason the Caldera shells are pulled and 'glassed south of the border is that they can use hotter resins - the resins which used to be fine to use in the US - without the EPA working them over or adding huge expense for extra equipment.

The hotter resins have all but eliminated delamination. The shells are plumbed and the spas finished in the Vista plant.

HotSpring tubs don't have fiberglass backing, and are built in the US only.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2006, 10:07:43 pm by Chas »
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Re: OK, let's here something about Caldera Spas.
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2006, 11:38:20 pm »
Welcome Sandiego. We have some friends who just bought a Tahitian from the San Marcos store--delivered on Tuesday I believe. Small world.
2005 Hot Spring Envoy still going strong. Million-Mile Club....

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Re: OK, let's here something about Caldera Spas.
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2006, 11:55:41 pm »
Hey SanDeigo, I hope I did not sound like I was down on Watkins for making shells in Mexico.  Just putting out facts.  I think it was a smart move myself.  The cost of living in Vista has got to be out of control, so why not take the plant to the workers.

Caldera is a very high quality spa and probably one of the most comfortable out there.
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Re: OK, let's here something about Caldera Spas.
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2006, 12:06:50 am »
Welcome Sandiego. We have some friends who just bought a Tahitian from the San Marcos store--delivered on Tuesday I believe. Small world.

That's great to hear. I am the General Manager for the company so if they should need anything please don't hesitate to have them email or call and ask for me. My name is Troy Roble.


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Re: OK, let's here something about Caldera Spas.
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2006, 12:08:25 am »
Hey SanDeigo, I hope I did not sound like I was down on Watkins for making shells in Mexico.  Just putting out facts.  I think it was a smart move myself.  The cost of living in Vista has got to be out of control, so why not take the plant to the workers.

Caldera is a very high quality spa and probably one of the most comfortable out there.

Aqua- I didn't think that at all, I just wanted to put that out there because I'm tired of the local dealers here saying "Well Caldera Spas are built in Mexico" like it's a bad thing. I love our fiberglass shells and for as long as I've been in the business, it's very rare that any of our customers have a shell related issue. I just hate it when those dealers try to use those tactics repeatly. But thanks for clarifying.......
« Last Edit: April 29, 2006, 11:50:38 am by sandiego »


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Re: OK, let's here something about Caldera Spas.
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2006, 10:25:52 am »
Well then, it seems that watkins is putting a little bit of missinformation out ther eto the dealers then. As I re-read my dealer fast facts updat, it specifies that the oasis and highland series spas are being pulled in Mex, and specificaly excludes the Utopia, Paradise and Aquatic Melodies series, maybe I missed one.


Aqua- I didn't think that at all, I just wanted to put that out there because I'm tired of the local dealers here saying "Well Caldera Spas are built in Mexico" like it's a bad thing. I love our fiberglass shells and for as long as I've been in the business I can never remember anyone having a problem with a shell. I just hate it when those dealers try to use those tactics repeatly. But thanks for clarifying.......

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Re: OK, let's here something about Caldera Spas.
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2006, 10:59:05 am »
Well then, it seems that watkins is putting a little bit of missinformation out ther eto the dealers then. As I re-read my dealer fast facts updat, it specifies that the oasis and highland series spas are being pulled in Mex, and specificaly excludes the Utopia, Paradise and Aquatic Melodies series, maybe I missed one.

To Clarify:
Oasis and Highland are manufactured in Mexico.  All other Caldera shells are pulled in Mexico and the spas are assmbled in Vista.  (I might have missed one).
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Re: OK, let's here something about Caldera Spas.
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2006, 01:01:15 pm »
AAAHHH HA! That's what I missed!


To Clarify:
Oasis and Highland are manufactured in Mexico.  All other Caldera shells are pulled in Mexico and the spas are assmbled in Vista.  (I might have missed one).

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Re: OK, let's here something about Caldera Spas.
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2006, 11:21:11 am »
I have said this before, but for those who have not read my similar comments in previous posts, I owned a Caldera Geneva Utopia that I liked better than my current HS Envoy.  They are very similar in overall quality, as good as or better than the top level competition.  They feel different, though, and I believe the Geneva has better ergonomics and far more effective therapy (this is a personal matter of course).  If I were to buy another spa, the Caldera would be my first choice.

With that said, and to anticipate the obvious questions:  I do like the Envoy just fine, it is a very nice tub and the dealer service is beyond terrific.  The reason I did not just get another Geneva was because of a delivery snafu.  My new home builder, the escrow company, the building code people, and so on could not wait any longer.  The Envoy was available and delivered to meet the schedule.



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Re: OK, let's here something about Caldera Spas.
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2006, 11:21:11 am »


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