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Thanks for the kind words Dave & Mendo.Started in 1976 by a guy named Bill Holmes. Â 3 years ago he sold to a financial group called Sage. Â .
From what I know about LA spas, they are a ok brand. Lots of jets big horsepower (assuming it's brake horsepower) but from feedback I've heard from customers who wet test spas, they don't wet test as well as a Sundance, Hot Spring, Caldera, D1, Jacuzzi or MarquiAlso from what I remember their warranty doesn't cover parts and labor. Â Make sure you ask the dealer to show you the "real warranty" located inside the spa, not just a warranty "highlight"
I think it was 3 years ago I saw the LA line at the Ohio State Fair, it was a dealer from either Marion, or Upper Sandusky. (Too far for me to consider) Â If they are back at the fair this year, what would I see different? Â Or the same?
As far as your "feedback" obviously those would be the customers that came back and bought from you. Â I think it would be safe to say that the customers that preferred the fit of the L.A. ( or whatever brand) would not come back to enlighten you with their report.AND, you spelled Marquis wrong. Â
I'm not sure what you mean by "real warranty". Â That sounds like a dealer issue rather than a manufacturer one. Â L.A. warrants: 20 yr structure, 7 surface, 5 plumbing, components etc. Â Labor is 3. Â Nothing trying to be hidden here, or are you trying to create an issue?As far as your "feedback" obviously those would be the customers that came back and bought from you. Â I think it would be safe to say that the customers that preferred the fit of the L.A. ( or whatever brand) would not come back to enlighten you with their report.AND, you spelled Marquis wrong. Â
And since we're on the subject correct me if I am wrong but LA Spas warranty for plumbing only covers parts and not the labor, which as we all know can be very expensive if a tech is having a problem finding the leak.
As I said in my earlier post, labor is 3. Â ANDI guess the trick would be to not have leaks to begin with.Boy, there's never a Koolaid saleman around when you need one. Â
Boy, there's never a Koolaid saleman around when you need one.
Save the Koolaid comments for the HS guys