I've never had a hot tub before and would like to be able to get rid of it without losing my shirt if I find I don't really use it or like it.
Thank you,
i can appreciate that sentiment. I too, for years wanted a hot tub but just couldn't see taking the chance and buying a $8500 flower pot.
I was sort of lucky to get a free tub from a freind. The tub itself was a POS, but It did answer the question, do i like hot tubs? If I bought a new one, would I really use it? And was a lot more confident knowing what i wanted and how I used the tub, before going out to buy a new tub since owning a used tub. For some folks, it's the way to go.
I'm not a dealer, but that price sounds reasonable. I wouldn't pay any more for a used tub (because I'm cheap).
Why are they selling it?
Are they including the cover, lifter, steps, chemicals and the sub panel and GFCI's?
However, if you bought this, and decided you didn't like it, what could you get for it ? (it's now 3rd hand, and has been moved several times) 2 grand? You'll loose 1800
Just wondering out loud. if you bought a say a Vanguard for 8000 and didn't like it, you might sell it in a year for 6500, you'd loose less money.

(these numbers are made up....only to illustrate, would you lose if you bought new and sold, vs buying used and selling used?"
And, if you liked the tub,well then, you've got a much better tub.