Since our industry has no audited sales numbers, I find it amusing when someone posts Brand X sells 25,000 a year and brand Y sells 50,000........
Again, it is amusing to see the claim they split when Hot Spring wouldn't take their "advanced" suggestions.
D1 has been well known in the past to distribute to their dealers fake energy use signs for their spas that look similar to appliance energy stickers. Don't know if they still do.
I agree most D1 buyers like them.
Bottom line, exensive, unique high end spas with questionable claims and marketing.
While we attribute opinions, and that is mostly what we state here, to ones Bias or background, I find your perspective about numbers to be very interesting. HS simply makes a claim about numbers and they are the number 1 leader. But yet your claim is not as you say "audited" against other company productions.
The concept of "advanced" suggestions, does not mean "advanced technology, but thinking outside the BOX. Watkins would not produce a product contained within a box or cabinet form. We call these "Portable Spas". At that time is was considered to be advanced thinking because no others were doing it. Soon after Watkins began making there own "Portable Spas". Today we have an industry full of "Portable Spa" manufacturers producing a wide variety of choices. To me, that was "advanced" thinking in the 70's.
your statement regarding energy use or consumption has long been touted by your own manufacturer.
"Bottom line, expensive, unique high end spas with questionable claims and marketing", you seem to want to discredit them for similar things HS has done over time. It is kind of like, the kettle calling the pot black.
D1 is a viable, alternative choice for the quality minded buyer. It's "white shell" bears a very strong similarity to what HS "used" to offer to its consumers and as I recall, the salesperson would always impact it with a "Louisville Slugger" to impress the crowd.