The Phoenix "factory is about 10 miles away from my home.
Their products in general have the following features;
The shells are made of Quarite or a look-a-like product backed by hand-applied fiberglass. None of the shells I've seen are 'lip-over' cabinet.
The spas arent fully insulated. The typical Phoenix is 1/3 foamed with 2# density foam. Additional insulation is available but discouraged and is added only at a significant additional cost.
Ive been told by a factory representative that they can make a 110v model at extra expense, but this too is discouraged. 220v is about all they sell.
The controls arent assembled on-site but are supplied by Balboa Controls.
A 350 gallon model of theirs I looked at still only has a 50 Sqft filter. To be adequate, it really should be closer to 90 Sqft.
Cabinet materials I've seen have varied from low grade redwood to house siding. As I mentioned above, the shell is seated on top of the cabinet frame as opposed to rolling the lip over the top of the cabinet.
Some models are equipped with CD players, TV's, and VCR's. Early on there were some significant problems with condensation on the interior of the TV faceplate and there were some issues in basic operation of the CD players. Sound quality from the exterior speakers continues to be poor.{I shopped them at the most recent home and garden show.}I have no recent news on whether these problems have been adequately rectified.
Overall the product remains a scad under average. They have concentrated on offering more and more choices [They have 28 different models and about 15 colors] while ingoring some basic spa design fundamentals.