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I think it's awesome that he built it. Looks pretty nice too.
I always have some sort of project going. p.s. I brew my own beer too (I'm drinking one right now) and it is excellent beer for less $ than the cheapest I can buy at the grocery store (not much less than the cheapest, but a LOT less than the good stuff).You don't REALLY want to know about all the projects out in the shop.
when I was rebuilding  the ole' sovereign, I didn't have a cover. I actually stumbled on this guys website when I was pondering making a cover. In the end I bought one.I'm a DIY guy too, but I think he has me beat. He can sit in his home-made hot tub with a home-made beer. I wonder if he also sews his own swimshorts?Seriously, it is a very cool thing.