Hi All:
From seeing the length of time many of you have had your tubs as mentioned in another thread, replacing the filters in your spa may not have been something you thought of yet. Please allow me to share my experience.
Now, even though I don't consider myself CHEAP, I'll use the heck out of something until it gets close to breaking before I replace it. Why? Maybe I'm just lazy.
Anyway, up until last weekend, I had been using the SAME filters I bought with my tub almost 7 years ago. TRUE, they had turned green (not the paper, it was still WHITE, just the plastic - it was originally blue), the threads were so WORN I was using Teflon tape to get them to seat and even after washing them thoroughly, I was having major problems keeping the water clean. Flow through the filter box was way down, even after a complete cleaning.
So, FINALLY, after hating life, I pooped out the $123 to get 3 new replacement filters (bought them from Doc). They arrived Friday, I did a water change and cleaning on Saturday and me and the E-Bunnies were in the tub on Sunday (I'd post a picture but I don't want Terminator to feel bad).
Well, smack me upside the head and call me STUPID! 7 years is WAY too long to wait to replace your filters. Ya think I'd have a clue.... ANYWAY, predictably, WOW, I just re-discovered my tub! The water going into the filter box now rocks like the Colorado River in spring, the jets blow me out of the seats and small children no longer can sit in the tub without me fearing for their lives!
Now I'm thinking about buying a second set to rotate and allow for better cleaning (soak them over night in cleaning solution) along with just biting the bullet and replacing them every 3 years or so....
So, that's my story....
Peace and Hot Water....