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Author Topic: What to do about my electric bill  (Read 9060 times)


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Re: What to do about my electric bill
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2006, 06:20:26 pm »
I looked at my meter and it has dots now and not a wheel - sorry - and I don't know if the dots appear and disappear quicker with more power use. My meter seems to alternate between "88888" and the actual reading, with the dots underneath the numbers.

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Re: What to do about my electric bill
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2006, 06:20:26 pm »


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Re: What to do about my electric bill
« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2006, 06:38:53 pm »
Vinny, I don't get the 888888 but I also have the dots. I called again today and asked them to recommend which HOME meter I should get. I only did it to pester them. At this point I just want someone to come out and check this meter and I would like it to happen soon! My husband is angry that I have turned the temp down in the tub and we are now eating in the dark! ...I told him I am willing to sacrifice to have our tub even if it means that  if I can't cook dinner any more, or run the vacuum cleaner  :-/
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Re: What to do about my electric bill
« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2006, 06:52:58 pm »
Bonnie something I just learned today.....My bill was up about 80.00 dollars this month here at our store, I know we did some extra work (power tools) and had a couple of fresh fills and added another wet spa and that was my big concern after the bill jumped but it turned out that it was for an extra 8 days of use besides the extra things we did. So depending on when your meter gets read.... the monthly fee may be as in our case for a longer or sometimes shorter billing cycle.


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Re: What to do about my electric bill
« Reply #18 on: April 12, 2006, 08:32:17 pm »
Mendo, that is exactly how one of the electric reps explained it to me. Some months will represent more days. So rather than discuss monthly bills or dollars, I was comparing the actual kWh daily averages. I am really trying to figure out on a daily basis what is being used and what we are not using and compare it to the actual kWh that the electirc company gets from my meter.  Like, for example, I could pin point the kWh that I used to do a refill and heat from about 55 degrees (water temp) on the first of March. That was 141 kWh. The day before I used 54 kWh. That means that it takes approximately 87kWh to reheat my water to 101. does that seem right? The air temp was around 40. Actually part of the daily 54kWh included tub heating and cleaning as usual . Based on my pre-tub average (33kWh), it took 108kWh to heat the tub. Could that be right?  :( ???
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Re: What to do about my electric bill
« Reply #19 on: April 12, 2006, 08:51:49 pm »
My tub is 400 gallons and it takes approx 10 to 12 hours to heat from hose temp to 101 or so. With 5.5 kw heater it takes between 55 kw (10) to 66 kw (12) to heat a fresh fill. Is your tub larger than mine?

Since the weather is getting nice try turning the heat down for a few days and see what the usage is in a few 24 hour periods. Do a couple of readings with the tub running normally, then turn the heat off or vice versa. See what with only the circ pump running the readings are. If they seem high still, shock the tub and turn it off completely for a day or two and see. Maybe you do have a faulty pump or something like that.


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Re: What to do about my electric bill
« Reply #20 on: April 12, 2006, 10:42:19 pm »
Vinny, My tub is 450 gallons and I don't have a circ pump. I had an electrician test the line with the tub running both pumps, and the heater and he took readings. He called my technician at my dealer and compared his reading with what the manufacturer says the tub should draw. His readings were actually lower. That is why I am questioning my meter. I think I am going to continue to call the electric company to get readings and keep track of what we are using and if they don't find anything wrong with my meter...I will shut the tub,  down like you suggest, for a few days (my husband will flip) and see what kind of readings I get then. What has really confused me is that the electric company has reading as low as 27kWh and the tub was running and heating..I am really getting frustrated with all of this  ???
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Re: What to do about my electric bill
« Reply #21 on: April 13, 2006, 12:54:45 am »
I'm really trying to figure out on a daily basis what is being used and what we are not using and compare it to the actual kWh that the electirc company gets from my meter.  Like, for example, I could pin point the kWh that I used to do a refill and heat from about 55 degrees (water temp) on the first of March. That was 141 kWh. The day before I used 54 kWh. That means that it takes approximately 87kWh to reheat my water to 101. does that seem right? The air temp was around 40. Actually part of the daily 54kWh included tub heating and cleaning as usual . Based on my pre-tub average (33kWh), it took 108kWh to heat the tub. Could that be right?  :( ???

I just got through with a 3 week measurement of my tub usage using a meter (installed by the dealer).  I've got a HS Vanguard (around 400-425 gallons I think).  I used a little more than 7 kWh on average per day for steady state usage. (water maintained at 101)  Soaks "cost" me between 6 and 10kWh depending on outdoor temp and time.  (I usually soak between 30 and 40 minutes) Don't know if this will help, it's just what I saw...  please post back with your progress/findings....


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Re: What to do about my electric bill
« Reply #22 on: April 13, 2006, 06:00:26 am »
Thank you, I wish I had been smart enough to watch when we first got the tub, instead I just thought my high bills were due to the learning process with my water balance and drying more towels. Maybe this would have been resolved by now if I was paying better attention in the beginning!
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Re: What to do about my electric bill
« Reply #23 on: April 13, 2006, 08:08:34 am »
Maybe so, Boni.....but maybe you'd be in the same situation as you are now, trying to get the electric company to come out and check to see if your meter's faulty, or see where the energy's being sucked up.....

I found I can't show this forum to my hubby because of this thread.  ;) He's already paranoid about getting our electric bill...


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Re: What to do about my electric bill
« Reply #24 on: April 13, 2006, 09:49:03 pm »
I'm sorry T-Lady, I don't want to cause you anxiety over my electric problems. Obviously something is going on at MY house! So I really wouldn't expect that you will have the same problem. I will get this figured out one way or the other. Look at all the other posters who have normal tub usage with minimal impact on electric bills, show those guys to your hubby. And continue to enjoy your tub. I'm heading out now...I have a toad in my back yard looking for a honey and he is singing up a storm...I know I'm a bit weird but I love to listen to the sounds of nature while I'm soaking ;)
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Re: What to do about my electric bill
« Reply #25 on: April 14, 2006, 10:53:28 am »
*lol* Gotta love that "chorus of love"....
No prob, Boni....I'm not getting completely fired up over the electric issue yet. I warned him that the first month (with heating the cold water) is supposed to be the worst, but regardless, he'll freak. ;)  I've come to expect that.
Is your electric company taking you any more seriously yet? I find it hard to believe that they just say "oh, it's your fault because you've got a luxury item" and leave it at that, instead of at LEAST checking into things a little more....


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Re: What to do about my electric bill
« Reply #26 on: April 14, 2006, 12:02:13 pm »

You obviously have one of these rooting around on your propurty.

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: What to do about my electric bill
« Reply #27 on: April 14, 2006, 12:15:28 pm »
OK Term, I'll tell my husband you said that he looks like a big pig....If you see a big black limo, black windows and NY tags pull up to yo store  ;D...either duck or get out that potato gun!
T-Lady, they haven't contacted me yet...I am going to draw a nasty picture on my meter in case they try to switch it out when I am not here and hope I don't notice ;D  I think I'll draw Term's pig!
« Last Edit: April 14, 2006, 12:29:32 pm by Bonibelle »
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Re: What to do about my electric bill
« Reply #28 on: April 14, 2006, 02:17:48 pm »
OK Term, I'll tell my husband you said that he looks like a big pig....If you see a big black limo, black windows and NY tags pull up to yo store  ;D...either duck or get out that potato gun!
T-Lady, they haven't contacted me yet...I am going to draw a nasty picture on my meter in case they try to switch it out when I am not here and hope I don't notice ;D  I think I'll draw Term's pig!

Hey! do I hear some wacking going on... us Italians love to wack people ... I'll bring the concrete, I got some size 18 boxes, I mean shoes, for someone to wear.  :D

JK ... I repair medical equipment so you know I ain't connected! ;D


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Re: What to do about my electric bill
« Reply #29 on: April 14, 2006, 04:31:41 pm »
heyyyyyyyy there ya go.....I like the "arting up" of the meter idea....'course, if they can't read it (maybe they can't read anyhow and that's your problem?), they'll whine and overcharge you even more.......grr

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Re: What to do about my electric bill
« Reply #29 on: April 14, 2006, 04:31:41 pm »


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