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1200 GPH? Holy sh_t. I googled the model number and found this http://pumpbiz.com/products/index.cfm?fuseaction=pump_model_detail&product_id=8762&series_id=227They are selling it for $195. Right now on Ebay, there is 3 hours left and it's at $32.00 sounds lilke a deal.
Tubin' If your not a spaz (like me ) you don't even need a pump. you could siphon it out and use a shop vac to clean out any residual water. But you are probably like me and are always looking for an excuse to buy a new tool. I'm not an expert, but here are the mistakes I made:I originally used a small pony pump to help with the draining (these are the little whiney pumps that I had around to pump off covers of the swimming pool and also drain my water bed. It stunk for the tub, it was too small, and took to long and I had a hard time getting a good draw on it. http://www2.northerntool.com/product/16818_16818.htm In a moment of frustration I drove to Sears and asked for the best pump they had. For $150 they gave me a 1/2 horse 600 gph pump. It can be used to boost my water pressure at the house for gardening, and has a great lift capacity. It works well, but I didn't shop around and feel i could have done much better. Folks here are using pumps with 2000-3000gph ratings. My pump also has to be primed. Not a big deal, but a consideration. If all you are doing is pumping out the tub, that pump looks great to me. But obvolsuy I am far from an expert.
Thats good advice, especially the priming thing. I would have figured you submerge it and turn it on but I guess not. I'll keep that in mind. I'll follow the Ebay pump and post the results either way (and final price).
This one's my favorite. Works great!Water Wizard® Submersible PumpsIncludes garden hose adapter and removable inlet screen for easy cleaning. Lifetime oil supply. Pumps down to 1/8" (3.2 mm.), in manual mode operation.# 1200 GPH @ 1' maximum flow rate# 1/6 HP thermally protected, shaded pole motor# Epoxy-coated cast aluminum housing# 1" FNPT outlet includes garden-hose adapter# Bottom inlet has removable screen for easy cleaning