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And one other question ... how long should a HS, Caldera or Bullfrog tub last, if its taken care of? Â
When I bought my tub ( a floor model) it did not have a ozonator, but was 'ozonator ready' . I was lucky enough to have a ( imo, very knowledgable)manufacturer rep on hand. He seemed to know the product inside and out. After much conversation about the ozonator, ( which he could have VERY EASILY sold me one) the net,net was IHO it was for the most part "Smoke and Mirrors" There was also some new whodickey coming out soon that was sopposed to 'Really' work. I have only had my tub for a month but so far the water has been perfect with VERY LITTLE attention or work on my part.
30 feet? Ouch. I think mine is just blowing it in almost directly, but I can definitely smell it in the water. At least I THINK that is what I'm smelling.......?