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Author Topic: Hot tubbing alone  (Read 6930 times)


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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2006, 08:57:06 am »
As I read this, I am thinking about a thought my husband and I have had. He often goes in alone and while I ususally peek out to check on him, sometimes I get busy and forget he is even out there. Usually I am checking to see if he needs another drink. Sometimes the two of us are out there and might like to check on what's going on with the kids in the house. In any case,
we were thinking about a wireless intercom system so that we could communicate to and from the house. I know this sounds nuts with the tub only feet from the door but it could serve a function in an emergency, as well as to call the "maid" for more refreshments! I know about the electric concerns, so it would have to be water resistant as well as wireless.....mmmmwhat's that goofy inventor show??? ;D
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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2006, 08:57:06 am »


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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #16 on: April 07, 2006, 09:02:23 am »

FYI, when your temp readout says "66" you are probably looking at it upside down.

 ;D   ;D   :P
« Last Edit: April 07, 2006, 09:03:16 am by salesdvl »
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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #17 on: April 07, 2006, 09:31:06 am »

Disclaimers like the one above make you wonder where the line of common sense starts and ends.

I am a firm beliver that common sense and personal resposiblty starts and ends with that goofy looking guy in the mirror.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2006, 09:31:27 am by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #18 on: April 07, 2006, 10:07:44 am »
Actually, even if there is a printed warning, a lawsuit is possible in the event of a loss.  The reason we engineers can't make things idiot proof is that the idiots are so creative.  Lawyers live on the inevitable human misery that follows the creative idiot who suffers a loss.  And every idiot in this country is entitle to a hearing before a jury of his peers (i.e. 12 more idiots).

The only answer is tort reform.  And meaningful tort reform is anathema to lawyers who would be out of business in short order were tort law to change.  Just in case anyone is not aware, the US Congress is comprised of a body of people who are mostly lawyers.  So, if you want to fix this problem find people to vote for who are not lawyers.  Good luck.  People who are not lawyers don't seem to be breaking their legs to get into politics.  'Tis a sticky wicket.

What irks me is that our lives are so very detrimentally affected by all of this.  Medical costs are through the roof because of all the frivolous law suits, large rewards, malpractice insurance, and so on.  I gave up mowing my own lawn, something I used to enjoy doing, because some idiot picked up a rotary mower in his hands to trim his hedge and it go away from him and performed major surgery.  He got a multimillion dollor settlement.  As a result, we have all kinds of levers and gadgets that we have to hold onto or the motor stops running.  I hate these contraptions.

Good question Bill.  



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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #19 on: April 07, 2006, 10:13:20 am »
Actually, even if there is a printed warning, a lawsuit is possible in the event of a loss.  The reason we engineers can't make things idiot proof is that the idiots are so creative.  Lawyers live on the inevitable human misery that follows the creative idiot who suffers a loss.  And every idiot in this country is entitle to a hearing before a jury of his peers (i.e. 12 more idiots).

The only answer is tort reform.  And meaningful tort reform is anathema to lawyers who would be out of business in short order were tort law to change.  Just in case anyone is not aware, the US Congress is comprised of a body of people who are mostly lawyers.  So, if you want to fix this problem find people to vote for who are not lawyers.  Good luck.  People who are not lawyers don't seem to be breaking their legs to get into politics.  'Tis a sticky wicket.

What irks me is that our lives are so very detrimentally affected by all of this.  Medical costs are through the roof because of all the frivolous law suits, large rewards, malpractice insurance, and so on.  I gave up mowing my own lawn, something I used to enjoy doing, because some idiot picked up a rotary mower in his hands to trim his hedge and it go away from him and performed major surgery.  He got a multimillion dollor settlement.  As a result, we have all kinds of levers and gadgets that we have to hold onto or the motor stops running.  I hate these contraptions.

Good question Bill.  


I agree about the lawyers and politicians, but you forget about the Insurance companies.  They weild significant clout and are behind many laws and restrictions.  

Saftey interlocks can be disabled, but I think they work. I've have had close calls with my mowers and was happy they were there.  otherwise, my screen name might be "lefty" today.  ;)
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2006, 04:55:40 pm »
I agree with Bill and drewstar 100%. I have been sued for a slip and fall that I won in court but cost me 20K to defend myself. He not only sued me but his wife sued me for lack of sex! We had already paid his med. but we were not allowed to tell the jury that. It was clear that they (the lawyer and plaintiff) were out for sucking me dry for everything I had worked for my whole life. You know, follow the money. A lot of people say "I'm going to sue for this and that" and they can. But wait till THEY get sued. I had that suit over my head for two years. Couldn't sleep at night. When we won, it was like, well I can't express in words how we felt. I have nothing against wmccall, but if there was more common sense in this world it would a much better place.  I'll get off the soap box. Had to vent.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2006, 05:02:50 pm by galen »


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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #21 on: April 07, 2006, 08:38:51 pm »
As I read this, I am thinking about a thought my husband and I have had. He often goes in alone and while I ususally peek out to check on him, sometimes I get busy and forget he is even out there. Usually I am checking to see if he needs another drink. Sometimes the two of us are out there and might like to check on what's going on with the kids in the house. In any case,
we were thinking about a wireless intercom system so that we could communicate to and from the house. I know this sounds nuts with the tub only feet from the door but it could serve a function in an emergency, as well as to call the "maid" for more refreshments! I know about the electric concerns, so it would have to be water resistant as well as wireless.....mmmmwhat's that goofy inventor show??? ;D

what about a pair of battery operated walkie talkies?  

you can get a nice pair of these for <$40
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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2006, 08:49:11 pm »
My husband said the same thing at dinner tonight. We do already have several sets (and one is water resistant)so that is a great idea. Oh,  if our moderator happens to read this thread..get yourself a set for your cruise. If you and your wife go in different directions on the ship and you want to find each other in a flash, the walkie talkie is the ticket.  ;D
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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #23 on: April 08, 2006, 09:43:31 am »
"This is Thunder Love to Babycakes.....Babycakes, do you read? Meet me at the bar on Lido deck 3 in 5......Babycakes, meet me at the bar....."
"Babycakes to Thunder Love, that's a big 10-4. But make it Lido deck 3 bar in 45, I'm getting a bikini wax on deck 2..."


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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #23 on: April 08, 2006, 09:43:31 am »


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