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Author Topic: Hot tubbing alone  (Read 6929 times)


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Hot tubbing alone
« on: April 06, 2006, 07:37:17 pm »
Does any manufacturer give any warnings to buyers about using a hot tub alone?   I checked my Dynasty manual and there was nothing.  There was a pretty good safety section in the manual that was well written. But I was suprised there was no such warning.

I'm only suprised in the sense that in this day it seems companies feel they have to go overboard with such warnings. Partly I'm sure to protect people, and equally to cover their backsides.  I know somewhere there is a Toaster that comes with the warning "Do not use in the bathtub"  I know it exists, I've seen it!

Disclaimers like the one above make you wonder where the line of common sense starts and ends.  In that line, I'm surprised there is no warning printed. Maybe other manufacturers do, does yours?

Perhaps hot tub manufacturers know that a significant percentage of the normal use of thier product is a solitary one.  

I recently became aware that I used my tub alone several times during a 2-3 month period when I was at a significantly high possability of having a grand mal seizure.  For those not aware, this type of seizure, at least in my case causes a loss of consciousness, or at the very least awareness and control, for up to 30 minutes.  From my experience, it is highly likely that such a seizure while in a hot tub alone would  be fatal.

I'm pretty sure that my wife, knowing my beliefs in personal responsibility, would not have sued Dynasty. But I have to think it wouldn't be hard to file such a case and get a victory or settlement.

I would think that this message would serve to protect my spa manufacturer in this case as I'm here admitting I am using the product and acknowledging the risks.

In my own case, I had a seizure back in 1999 and then went more than 4 years without another.  My Nuerologist makes me feel he views patience as a necessary evil if a certain lifestyle is to be maintained.  ;) I stopped taking my meds and 2 months later it was lights out again.  Fortunately I was sitting at my computer at the time (probably posting here).

I've never had a problem while taking my meds and  now that I won't do that again I plan on still using my hot tub alone on occasion.   I have a known increased risk, but it is under control.  There are a lot of things in life that had a risk when doing alone, like driving to work. But life must go on.
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Hot tubbing alone
« on: April 06, 2006, 07:37:17 pm »


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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2006, 08:12:03 pm »
As a pilot for twenty years, we have laws and rules that protect the general public from people like yourself from piloting an airplane. (you wouldn't pass the physical). Are you saying we should have laws that would keep you from behind an auto or out of a hot tub? And if there wasn't a law for this your wife could sue? And maybe win. Where is your common sense man? Stay out of the tub and out of your car when your alone. If you can't control your consciousness, you are a danger to yourself and others.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2006, 08:12:28 pm by galen »


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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2006, 08:40:16 pm »
Did you read the entire message? I didn't say a thing about laws.  My question was more about liability, and I hoped thought provoking.   It is an obvious fact that people have sued and won over far more ridiculous things.

As for laws regarding me driving, oddly enough that varies considerably from state to state.  I've never understood our form of government in that whether some things are legal or not depend on what side of a border you are on.

I can control my conciousness, that is what the medication is for. I am probably no more of a risk behind the wheel of a car than you are now.  10% of Americans may have a seizure in their lifetime and there frequently are no warning signs.  Using your logic nobody should be driving or flying solo.  I have plenty of common sense and personal responsibility.

I've said here twice recently that electronic communication can be misinterpreted and when it doubt assume the best. But that last line comes accross to me as ignorant.  (Ignorance as in the lack of knowledge of a subject)  
« Last Edit: April 06, 2006, 08:46:20 pm by wmccall »
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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2006, 08:41:56 pm »
I grabbed my spa manual and it has a lot of warnings and cautions with one of them being about hypothermia and drowning with "do not use your spa alone" as a sentence under it.

It has warnings for everything: medications, alcohol, pregnancy (not the getting pregnant part), obesity (this one's for me ;D), staying too long in water over 100º ...

Surprisingly it didn't have anything about Skylab falling out of the sky, Federal survailance devices too close to the tub or other possible nasties.

I guess as Lawyers get involved with more stupid cases, these warnings will get longer and longer. One day the manual will be 500 pages long and a paragraph will be in there, right before the warranty that explains how to operate the spa ... the rest will be warnings.


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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2006, 08:50:32 pm »
I grabbed my spa manual and it has a lot of warnings and cautions with one of them being about hypothermia and drowning with "do not use your spa alone" as a sentence under it.

Yours sounded a lot like mine, so I rechecked it and nothing about alone.  I've recently become aware that while sleep medications vary quite a bit, the warnings are word for word the same.  Oh, by the way, one side effect of sleeping pills is drowsiness.   As silly as that sounds there is good reasons that is listed, it just isn't worded real well.
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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2006, 09:03:52 pm »

As for laws regarding me driving, oddly enough that varies considerably from state to state.  I've never understood our form of government in that whether some things are legal or not depend on what side of a border you are on.

Don't get me started. I'll probably embarass myself.  :D

Let's just say there is no way in the world the "little guy's" voice would be heard without a localized government (little is not necessarily an economic adjective).

Regarding your original post.  I've not read any spa manuals with a fine tooth comb.   I'd think the warnings to folks taking medications, alcohol, extended stays, too high water temp., etc. might suffice.
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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2006, 10:09:47 pm »
I saw a program once about how stupid people can be and why these warnings are there.

I think most good citizens of the world can be trusted to do the right thing ... everybody isn't a good citizen.

The women sues McDonalds for burning herself on hot coffee ... she wins, now there's a warning.

As you read medication bottles, READ them, some will tell you take a pill with water orally ... someone didn't know that and that's why it's there.

Car's with air bags have warnings about placing a baby in the front seat ... I thought ALL children under a certain height and weight needed to be in the back seat. How about those people who don't have their kids seatbelted.

My spa came with a sign to be posted about some of the warnings. My AG pool had a HUGE sign to post where visible.

I'm sure that the list goes on and on.

BTW, I just came back from soaking alone and I had trouble getting out of my wet bathing suit, I almost fell ... I didn't see that as a warning!  ;D


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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2006, 10:32:56 pm »
I guess as Lawyers get involved with more stupid cases, these warnings will get longer and longer.
... and stupider.

We bought a sun screen to put in our windshield to keep the sun out of the mini-van when in Florida.  It is about a 1/4 inch thick, coated with reflective aluminum on both sides.  It fills the windshield from side to side and top to bottom.

The label said:
[size=24]Remove before driving[/size]

Honest, it did!!!
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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2006, 10:56:52 pm »
I grabbed my spa manual and it has a lot of warnings and cautions with one of them being about hypothermia

Vinster,  It's not that I want to be picky but "HYPO" means low, therefore: (According to Thesaurus.com)

[hiypohthermia] A deep body temperature of 35°C or less, measured clinically by a rectal thermometer. It occurs after immersion in cold water...."

"HYPER" thermia would be the danger in a hot tub.

By the way, what's another word for "thesaurus"?   ;)

;D   ;D   ;D
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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2006, 11:33:50 pm »

By the way, what's another word for "thesaurus"?   ;)

 ;D   ;D   ;D

"a" saurus

as in:  Please hand me "the"saurus.   Which one? It don't matter, just hand me "a" saurus.
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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2006, 12:31:04 am »
Hope were not trying out for any darwin awards?


Have a good one
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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2006, 02:06:11 am »
My manual says that if you are alone and the jets are off and bubbles appear, you have no one to blame but yourself  ;D


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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2006, 03:29:40 am »
I think that in the case of a known seizure disorder such as epilepsy, that if one was under a doctor's care, then seized and as a result died in a hot tub, that the doctor would have more concerns about getting sued than the tub manufacturer. Partially because the responsibility for having communicated the danger sits more with him or her, but also partially because there would be more money to be had.
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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2006, 05:51:37 am »
Surprisingly it didn't have anything about Skylab falling out of the sky, Federal survailance devices too close to the tub or other possible nasties.

Now you know why I wear that funny looking tin foil hat in my tub. And all the neighbors though I was goofed up. But I will show them/thar. No aaliens or beurocrats gonaa get in my heaeed.


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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2006, 08:50:19 am »

Vinster,  It's not that I want to be picky but "HYPO" means low, therefore: (According to Thesaurus.com)

[hiypohthermia] A deep body temperature of 35°C or less, measured clinically by a rectal thermometer. It occurs after immersion in cold water...."

"HYPER" thermia would be the danger in a hot tub.

By the way, what's another word for "thesaurus"?   ;)

 ;D   ;D   ;D

My tub has cooling capabilities!! ;)

We're even now! ;D

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Re: Hot tubbing alone
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2006, 08:50:19 am »


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