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Author Topic: chlorine and ozone...and other stuff!  (Read 3308 times)


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chlorine and ozone...and other stuff!
« on: April 05, 2006, 03:32:54 am »
I have read tons of old threads here, read the chem advice at Doc's site, including Vermonter's and Northman's advice. I'm still not really sure about a couple things:

1) The general target level for chlorine is 2-3ppm after dosing, and I think Doc's FAQ on ozone says that target level can be 1ppm if using ozone. Is that pretty accurate? Obviously if my water gets cloudy, or if the level plummets to only 0.5 after a couple hours, I should try adding more, but is 1ppm an ok target for meauring chlorine, say, 30 min after adding? I have found no other reference to target chlorine levels if ozone is involved.

2) Is it OK to some weeks shock with chlorine, and other weeks to use MPS? I like the simplicity of using just one product for sanitation and oxidation, but there will probably be times that my shocking schedule will not be convenient with my tub use schedule, and I will be disinclined to stay out of the water! I'd like to keep some MPS around for those times.

3)Any opinions out there about brands of MPS? My start up kit is Leisure Time. I dont understand the difference between Renew and OZ. (Both are MPS, right?)

4) If it is ok to use MPS only occasionally (again, only when chlorine is inconvenient) do I care about buffered versus non?

5) I added Metal Gon as my Leisure time start up kit instructed with my current fill. Is this something I should assume is needed every fill? Or is there a way to know? I wont be cheap- I'm fine with using it if it is useful, but as I cannot tell if it is doing anything, I just want to make sure there is benefit.

until something else confuses me........ ;)
« Last Edit: April 05, 2006, 11:58:41 am by anne »
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chlorine and ozone...and other stuff!
« on: April 05, 2006, 03:32:54 am »


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Re: chlorine and ozone...and other stuff!
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2006, 05:52:33 am »
I have read tons of old threads here, read the chem advice at Doc's site, including Vermonter's and Northman's advice. I'm still not really sure about a couple things:
1) The general target level for chlorine is 2-3ppm after dosing, and I think Doc's FAQ on ozone says that target level can be 1ppm if using ozone. Is that pretty accurate? Obviously if my water gets cloudy, or if the level plummets to only 0.05 after a couple hours, I should try adding more, but is 0.1ppm an ok target for meauring chlorine, say, 30 min after adding? I have found no other reference to target chlorine levels if ozone is involved.

I like to use Ozone as more of a inbetween sanitizer. I shoot for 2-3 PPM after my use and that drops to 1-.5PPM the next day but I don't have to add because the N2 and Ozone will maintain the waters cleanlieness as long as I reached 2-3 PPM after my soak. So the Ozone helps to keep it clean in between uses.

2) Is it OK to some weeks shock with chlorine, and other weeks to use MPS? I like the simplicity of using just one product for sanitation and oxidation, but there will probably be times that my shocking schedule will not be convenient with my tub use schedule, and I will be disinclined to stay out of the water! I'd like to keep some MPS around for those times.;)

Absolulty I do this all the time. MPS is a great shock. Its addition of a higher TDS than chlorine can stale your water quicker than dichlor over the long run as a shock. But it works well for shocking and will allow you to use your tub faster if a high level of chlorine bothers you.

3)Any opinions out there about brands of MPS? My start up kit is Leisure Time. I dont understand the difference between Renew and OZ. (Both are MPS, right?);)

As long as it is Potasium Peroxymonosulfate it is MPS. Now there are several brands out there with some extra stuff in them. Like Chlorine.

4) If it is ok to use MPS only occasionally (again, only when chlorine is inconvenient) do I care about buffered versus non?

Buffered will help to keep your PH at the proper level. Non buffered has a PH thats very low and will affect your PH more. If your not using it exclusivly this fact may not matter.

5) I added Metal Gon as my Leisure time start up kit instructed with my current fill. Is this something I should assume is needed every fill? Or is there a way to know? I wont be cheap- I'm fine with using it if it is useful, but as I cannot tell if it is doing anything, I just want to make sure there is benefit.
until something else confuses me........ ;)

If your water has an iron problem metal gone is a good idea. However if your water does not have a metal problem then your wasteing your time. I don't use it but have some here, it's never been a problem. Some people have to use it.


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Re: chlorine and ozone...and other stuff!
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2006, 08:03:53 am »
Agree with Tman.  I just want to emphasise dose to 2+ ppm after use, even if it is just after adding.  1ppm, even with ozone, is too light.  Maintaining 1ppm with ozone works, but with this system you are adding a clensing amount and then letting it drop.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2006, 08:06:47 am by tony »


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Re: chlorine and ozone...and other stuff!
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2006, 09:13:06 am »
Dichlor, ozone, leisure time brand user.

T-man's post pretty much summed it up for me. The only difference  is I have yet to try alternating the dichlor and MPS shock.  I haven't had a problem so I haven't been motivated to try shocking every once and a while with a super dose of dichlor. I am using the Lesire Time Renew MPS product and haven't had any problems.  My tub is used about 3 times a week by me, and I am shocking every other week with good results. If  the tub was being used more  I might be more concered with MPS shocking and TDS.
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: chlorine and ozone...and other stuff!
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2006, 11:58:15 am »
thanks, guys. Er- clarification pelease?

"I shoot for 2-3 PPM after my use and that drops to 1-.5PPM the next day but I don't have to add because the N2 and Ozone will maintain the waters cleanlieness as long as I reached 2-3 PPM after my soak."
Tman- are you saying you only add chlorine every other day? Or is that just because you are not in the tub every day?

How do I know if my water has an iron problem? Test it professionally? Can I tell at home? We have hard water, but I dunno what the iron content is.

"Maintaining 1ppm with ozone works, but with this system you are adding a clensing amount and then letting it drop."
So what if I'm in the tub 2x/day- and after each use I get it up to 1ppm so that it'll be low again by later that same day.....is that OK? Or is 2-3ppm just the minimum level for a good kill-off of organisms? If that is the case, it might be too high for the second soak of the day, which I do a couple days per week.

I just dont get it- if ozone is supposed to decrease chlorine use, why are my target levels the same as without ozone?

Oh, and i fixed my typo in my post. (0.1, and 0.05). I had a moment of being exponentially tired, perhaps?
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Re: chlorine and ozone...and other stuff!
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2006, 12:08:00 pm »
thanks, guys. Er- clarification pelease?

"I shoot for 2-3 PPM after my use and that drops to 1-.5PPM the next day but I don't have to add because the N2 and Ozone will maintain the waters cleanlieness as long as I reached 2-3 PPM after my soak."

Tman- are you saying you only add chlorine every other day? Or is that just because you are not in the tub every day?

"Maintaining 1ppm with ozone works, but with this system you are adding a clensing amount and then letting it drop."
So what if I'm in the tub 2x/day- and after each use I get it up to 1ppm so that it'll be low again by later that same day.....is that OK? Or is 2-3ppm just the minimum level for a good kill-off of organisms? If that is the case, it might be too high for the second soak of the day, which I do a couple days per week.

I just dont get it- if ozone is supposed to decrease chlorine use, why are my target levels the same as without ozone?

I think T-Man, (but  I am only speaking for myself  ;) )  like myself, sanitizes after each use to achieve 2-3 ppm.  This level will of course drop the next by the next day, but  we don't worry about it,because

1) we acheived 2-3ppm and killed any bacteria that was introduced to the water by us.  I don't belive it's necessary to keep adding chlorine after you have achieved this level, and don't belive it's of any value to continue to keep it at this level,  if the tub isn't being used - esp so if you an Ozinator running 24/7

2) I want my chlorine levels to fade down, so I have a virtual chloirne free  soak the next time I go in.  

Some folks here will sanitize the water and keep chlorine levels up weather they use the tub or not.    

As far as using less Chlorine, I too am a little confused. I've heard/read that I only need to keep my chlorine levels at 1 ppm with the ozone, but I don't feel comfortable with that, and have read some folks having water quality issues.  I'll spend the extra penny to get the levels to 2-3ppm.

I personally think the ozone does a great job at helping maintain the water,  but you are not going to significantly reduce the amout of chlorine you use if you do the "just after use" method.  
« Last Edit: April 05, 2006, 01:20:24 pm by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: chlorine and ozone...and other stuff!
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2006, 05:49:00 am »
Yes....I don't use my tub everyday, I also don't add dichlor everyday, as a matter of fact I have gone for several days without adding dichlor. But you will find out how long you can go if you push the envelope. Your water will get cloudy after about 4-5 days.

If I am in the tub and not going to have the chance to use it for several days I usually add a TBLS this achieves a level of 8-10 PPM then 5 days later I have 0-.5PPM and my water looks good.

If I do miss the limit and the water clouds, add 2 TBLS and filter for an extra 2 hours for 2 days and viola crystal clear. After time you will learn you water and it's needs based on your usage and it will all become second nature for you.

Iron test yes there is a test for that more later.


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Re: chlorine and ozone...and other stuff!
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2006, 02:09:59 pm »
Great information on this thread...  :)  One question...so if your water is a little cloudy...which right now the tub is fine but,  I am away at work for 2 weeks, spouse is taking care of tub, just Shock with dichlor and it should clear it up?  I also bought some MPS called OXY-SPA and as time goes on will probably alternate between Shocking with it and dichlor.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2006, 02:45:20 pm by devilwoman »
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Re: chlorine and ozone...and other stuff!
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2006, 03:02:00 pm »
I just switched to dichlor, an am using the dose after soak (Vermonter's) method.  I have a lot of MPS left from when I was on bromine, and I intend to use it up gradually, as I'm too cheap to toss it out.
I've heard that MPS is good to use if you need to shock, but will want to use the spa right away, where a chlorine shock may require a longer wait, till the cl level has dropped.

I don't have ozone, but there sure seems to be no consensus on what the necessary level of sanitizer to maintian is.  It's claimed that it reduces the need for dichlor or bromine, but I've seen conflicting advice on what the save level is.

« Last Edit: April 06, 2006, 03:02:36 pm by Brewman »


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Re: chlorine and ozone...and other stuff!
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2006, 04:54:08 pm »
So who out there uses chlorine, but is in the tub twice a day? I promise I'm not that lazy- just sittin' in my tub all day......but there are some days that 20 min in the morning and then another 20 min at night would be ideal. If I dose in the morning to get it above 2ppm, I think it'll still be too high at night (only did it once- got iat about 3ppm, and that evening it was still 2ppm, and I sat in the water that evening anyway. Itchy. If I only get it to 1ppm, with the hope of a soak later in the same day, am I doing suboptimal sanitation? If I am using more that 1x/day, should i be using bromine instead? Dont really wanna.
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Re: chlorine and ozone...and other stuff!
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2006, 10:21:33 am »
So who out there uses chlorine, but is in the tub twice a day? I promise I'm not that lazy- just sittin' in my tub all day......but there are some days that 20 min in the morning and then another 20 min at night would be ideal. If I dose in the morning to get it above 2ppm, I think it'll still be too high at night (only did it once- got iat about 3ppm, and that evening it was still 2ppm, and I sat in the water that evening anyway. Itchy. If I only get it to 1ppm, with the hope of a soak later in the same day, am I doing suboptimal sanitation? If I am using more that 1x/day, should i be using bromine instead? Dont really wanna.

I think with your ozone,  you could dip in the morning, dip in the night, and then sanitize once at night when you are done.  

I typically use the tub only once a day. But on the few occasions that I did a day soak 2x , I did not santize then, I waited to the end of the night when I was sure no one would use the tub.  I have had no problems, but then again,  a double soak is the excpetion not the rule for me.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2006, 10:24:36 am by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva

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Re: chlorine and ozone...and other stuff!
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2006, 10:21:33 am »


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