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Author Topic: Dealers, describe your worst customer ever.  (Read 9124 times)


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Re: Dealers, describe your worst customer ever.
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2006, 05:32:13 pm »

Please tell us you have a very detailed signed invoice that clearly stated everything he was getting.

Not only is everything spelled out. There is also a 14pt. font that reminds the customer to go back and reread the sales agreement to "Make Sure" that everything they are expecting is on the contract.
This is more a case of fraud then anything else
Jacuzzi, Hot Springs and Caldera dealer in Los Angeles

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Re: Dealers, describe your worst customer ever.
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2006, 05:32:13 pm »


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Re: Dealers, describe your worst customer ever.
« Reply #16 on: April 03, 2006, 05:45:14 pm »
T.L. was right- some people simply suck, and they are everywhere. You might meet them selling a tub to them, buying a TV from them, or on the phone unlucky enough to have them handling your call to your cell phone company. The a$$ who is taking advantage of Micah, or the idiot with JMcD's "floating" tub are probably doing poor business somewhere else, too.  

I work in a very full service, large, busy small animal practice, and we have hundreds of thousands in fees owed to us because of us trying to help people who turn around and stab us in the back. They play upon our sympathies, promise to pay, came up with amazing sob stories and wont anwser calls......and then drive up to the clinic in a Lexus. The hospital has been there for 30 years, and one of the reasons I chose to work there is that we have EXTREMELY fair prices, will make payment arrangements with people that no other clinic will do, so that we can practice medicine that makes us feel good about our profession. You'd think that people would appreciate that, and 93% do. The other 7% are upset with us when their string-eating cat needs surgery, or their new $1500 purebred dog is sick and now they cannot afford to treat him. They look at me like I'm trying to sell them some fad when I make preventative medicine recommendations. They come in and allow me to do blood tests or xrays, and dont bother to mention that they only have $40 on them until they are leaving. It is a daily battle not to go insane, but then I realize that I'd rather deal with that than work somewhere that only the rich can have good medicine, or where I'd have to put an injured dog down if the clients cant pay the whole bill up front.
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Re: Dealers, describe your worst customer ever.
« Reply #17 on: April 03, 2006, 05:46:40 pm »

Not only is everything spelled out. There is also a 14pt. font that reminds the customer to go back and reread the sales agreement to "Make Sure" that everything they are expecting is on the contract.
This is more a case of fraud then anything else

Did the customer truly believe they were getting the same package for a lower price (not that this means they deserve anything more) or did they think they could pull a fast one and hope to get you to cave in. From your description my $$ is on the latter.
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Re: Dealers, describe your worst customer ever.
« Reply #18 on: April 03, 2006, 06:55:56 pm »
We had a customer who as it has been mentioned before as being the most diffuclt was a very tough grinder on the price. We wanted to earn their business and they happen to want a spa that we had received a very special price on so it did allow us to be a little more flexible on the price....After some real tough negotiating we made deal....We give all our customers a "MINIMUM" requirement page that covers electrical as well as clearance requirements. I always refer to the clearance issue to make sure that if we do not go to a home for a pre delivery that the customer is very clear about the needed access that we require. We get to the home and they are a 1 &1/2 inches short they said they thought that it was close enough and of course we got into a debate about the word "Minimum" and what it means. We we had explained to the customer at the time of sale that they would be responsible if a crane is needed. Our delivery crew looked at the gate and said they could remove it and some of your fencing and asked for 25.00 to save them the crane cost....the customer refused and called me and after 50 minutes on the phone I paid the additional money to the delivery crew. The attitude of the customer was horrible and I am still unclear on how the word minimum and how its lack of understanding  from this customer who was a very educated professional person. I would never haggle with someone over $25.00 but this was one of those principle things as there was no doubt that it was very clearly covered prior to delivery. I am confinednt that they knew what it meant I am just not sure how because they choose to ignore it was my fault.


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Re: Dealers, describe your worst customer ever.
« Reply #19 on: April 03, 2006, 07:44:56 pm »
One of my salesmen worked with a customer for about 6 hours went through 3 wet tests and even bucketed water from one spa to another while the customer waited in a third spa.  After grinding us for several hours and going over all the extras he needed(6' three tier steps w/ handrail, Hydrolic Cover Lifter, 250 mg. ozone, Year supply of chemicals, extra set of filters, booster seat, Bar and 3 stools and sTereo.  We came to a price of 12,500 out the door
The same weekend we were doing a home show. We informed him that this price was the same as what he could get at the home show.  He still went to the home show, and After talking with 3 other vendors he walked up to one of my other salesmen and said "How much" Sales man says 11,500, customer grinds more and ends up getting 11,500 o.t.d. No mention of bar, stools lifter just spa, cover, delivery and start up kit.
Day of Delivery: Customer is not happy with the 2 tier step, where is the bar and stools, extra set of filters, and where is the stereo.
The customer is refusing to pay untill we bring out all the things he says he was promised by the salesman in the store.(enen though he didnt buy from that salesman)  He currently has paid a $500 deposit and owes us $11,000. He will not return phone calls or answer the door when I go by the house.  California Law will not let us go take the spa back
So I ask you all. Is it the customer that should be leary of dealers asking for to much down, or should dealers be leary of customers that only want to put $500 down.  It goes both ways. There is an old saying"Buyers are liars"  Sad, but true

Why would you deliver it with an outstanding balance, or at least refuse to install it when the customer was clearly unhappy. A year ago we had one customer start to leave the house as we were installing his spa, when told that he had to pay the balance before he left, he said he was too busy and would pop in the store later in the week,  he left, we left, and the spa went with us. he was so mad he has had no further dealings with us, and his deposit is still waiting for him to come and pick it up, yes, we would give him a full refund.


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Re: Dealers, describe your worst customer ever.
« Reply #20 on: April 03, 2006, 08:25:53 pm »
Why would you deliver it with an outstanding balance, or at least refuse to install it when the customer was clearly unhappy. A year ago we had one customer start to leave the house as we were installing his spa, when told that he had to pay the balance before he left, he said he was too busy and would pop in the store later in the week,  he left, we left, and the spa went with us. he was so mad he has had no further dealings with us, and his deposit is still waiting for him to come and pick it up, yes, we would give him a full refund.

The customer refused to pay after the crane put the spa in and the crane had left. It was our mistake. We should have taken the credit card before it came off the truck. Guess it wouldnt have mattered. He would have just called his credit card company and stoped the charges
Jacuzzi, Hot Springs and Caldera dealer in Los Angeles


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Re: Dealers, describe your worst customer ever.
« Reply #21 on: April 04, 2006, 11:22:02 pm »
OK, I vote for J._McD as having the worst customer so far. I vote for Terminator for the best looking models--what a life this guy must have.  

Come on dealers, there has to be some more jerk stories out there. They aren't savvy enough to read this forum anyway. My Cal Spa neighbor probably has them all beat. Come on dealers, spill the beans.....   ;D

Gumbo, I don't know if you should really go there, we will have to double our meds just to relive the experience.

We have "fired" 2 customers in 22 years, because of grossly indignant, self righteous and beligerent attitudes over self inflicted issues that could never be their fault.  It was all about their water quality and the ozonator we put on the spa.  After 2 weeks of spa ownership, we showed up with a cashiers check for the amount paid, 6 guys, drained the spa and were gone in 20 minutes.

This one we didn't fire, but it was the only warranty we ever VOIDED.  Customer / part-time, self taught, novice builder/contractor / financial planner / attorney building his own 1 mil + home, insisted on recessing his portable Hot Tub in a cinder block "well" leaving 4 inches on all four sides and no access to anything, without a sump pump pit, just outside the basement doorwall, below grade, with a rising slope out to the back yard, all of which was over our objection and against our advice even though we insisted on the sump pump, but he knew what HE wanted.  The plumbing inspector "red tagged" the project when he found the Tub "floating and bobbing" in the pit, connected to 240 volts and the GFCI breaker tripped in the Spring.

He had pulled it out with a crane and had us out to do "warranty work" according to him, which required all three pumps, blower and circuit control load box and ozonator to be replaced and he stuck us with $1,800 worth of installed replacement parts refusing to pay the cost of materials.  But, he did install a sump pump this time.

I am sorry, but I feel some chest pains coming on and need to go find my meds. ;)

And customers and shoppers wonder why we sometimes feel the way we do. :-/

2005 Hot Spring Envoy still going strong. Million-Mile Club....

I want to get in the spa business so I can surf the internet and use Photoshop all day long.


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Re: Dealers, describe your worst customer ever.
« Reply #22 on: April 05, 2006, 02:54:16 am »
Why do you want to know about stories of human nastiness, stupidity and bad luck? This is starting to make my head ache.
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Re: Dealers, describe your worst customer ever.
« Reply #23 on: April 05, 2006, 10:38:39 am »
OK, I vote for J._McD as having the worst customer so far.

Gomboman, does that make me lucky or not. ;D

It's all about human nature and the luck of the draw.  We all get them every now and then.  Just like the consumer that pulls a dipsy dude for a dealer.  You can't win 'em all.  You just gotta make things work and get on with it realizing that greater than 85% of the people that you will deal with are really very nice people that do not want to be taken advantage of.

Everybody want's their problem to be somebody else's problem, regardless of what it is all about.  Did you ever think of what happen to all of those spoiled little children that grow up and never change?


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Re: Dealers, describe your worst customer ever.
« Reply #24 on: April 05, 2006, 12:01:18 pm »
I had a lying, sneaky dog of a customer a few years ago, a local plumber.

His wife wanted to come and test soak in a HS Landmark spa.  She called ahead and wanted to know what to wear in the store.  I told her not to worry as I had robes available that she could wear from the bathroom to the mood room.  She showed up, I gave her a robe, she changed in the bathroom, and then walked to the mood room in the robe.

After a few minutes, I went in to check on her.  She's sitting in the spa IN THE ROBE!  I bit my lip, turned around, and tried my damndest to keep from having a heart attack from laughing.

When it was time for her to get out, she couldn't.  The robe had soaked up so much water that she couldn't climb out of the spa.  I told her to take the robe off and she told me she couldn't as she was nekkid underneath.

I helped her out and lead her to the bathroom.  She got dressed and wrote me a check for $9000.  I went to clean up the bathroom and nearly gave myself a hernia picking up the robe.  Bet it weighed 40 lbs!

The day before we were to deliver the spa, her husband calls me and said they have to delay the delivery 2 weeks as he needed to do some landscaping.  He also wanted his check back.  I told him I would be happy to hold it for him but he said that it was the wrong account, he wanted to use his business one.  No problem I say.

When his wife came to pick it up, I asked what kind of landscaping they were doing.

"Oh, Albert is trying to make room for the gazebo that comes with that other spa he bought on the side of the road yesterday.  I wasn't supposed to tell you about that, but I REALLY want your spa.  This other one's only $4000 and it comes with a gazebo."

"Well, I appreciate you being honest with me and you are a very sweet person.  Albert, though, is a lying sack of dog squat, and I'll be sure to remember that if anyone wants a plumber referral."

She agreed.

« Last Edit: April 05, 2006, 02:00:39 pm by East_TX_Spa »
Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: Dealers, describe your worst customer ever.
« Reply #25 on: April 05, 2006, 03:15:40 pm »
My "favorite" customer purchased a top of the line Jacuzzi at the county fair. We delivered it in a 40' enclosed moving van. The customer noted and took pictures of the spa on the truck. We had already uncrated it and removed all the wrapping so there would be no trash to haul away. (We don't do that anymore!) The customer decided that the cabinet didn't fit right and since the spa had residual water in the plumbing, it must be a used spa that had been dropped. He then conviced MasterCard to reverse his credit card charges. (The credit card companies will never back the merchant if it looks like there may be a lawsuit.) The customer then contacted Jacuzzi who verified that the spa was, in fact, new.  Jacuzzi offered the customer another spa! I offered to make the exchange without charge to the customer. He declined the offer of a new spa! I then offered to pick up the spa and refund his $500 deposit. He said "this spa isn't going anywhere". He was willing, however, to renegotiate the selling price. I think his offer was 50% of the original price. Ha-ha-ha! He left me no choice but to file a lawsuit. Four years later the court awarded and I actually collected all the money due plus 10% interest per year!  ;D


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Re: Dealers, describe your worst customer ever.
« Reply #26 on: April 06, 2006, 01:40:52 am »
My dream is to someday become a spa dealer. I just want to see what I'm getting into.  ;D

Why do you want to know about stories of human nastiness, stupidity and bad luck? This is starting to make my head ache.

2005 Hot Spring Envoy still going strong. Million-Mile Club....

I want to get in the spa business so I can surf the internet and use Photoshop all day long.

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Re: Dealers, describe your worst customer ever.
« Reply #26 on: April 06, 2006, 01:40:52 am »


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