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What is the latest word on Jacuzzi spas. I am going to wet test the 85 and 75. How do they compare to hot springs envoy and vista. Thanks
I have a j335 that cost much less than other models and provided exactly the therapy I was seeking for my back.  the extra features made it even more attractive.CAUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT BUY JACUZZI FROM OASIS SPAS IN ORLANDO!!!!!  They no longer have a service department, contract out service work with Waterline Spas who sell Marquis but is handling Jacuzzi's service calls, and you will pay service fees on warranty work. Oasis is not keeping there promises they make at purchase.   There showroom is appointment only and you will be lucky to find the same rep working more than a week or so.Aside from that, Jacuzzi spas are very well built and i am very hapy with mine after nearly a year.  If you live in Central Florida, beware.  If not, you will probably be backed by a great company.
"As far as warranty service goes, in this day and age of $3.00/gallon gasoline, it is not in any way unreasonable for a dealer or service company to charge for house calls, weather they sold you the spa or not.
Question: About the new J400, How do you cover the 400 with a cover, when its higher on part of the tub? I must not be looking at it right.
Snowbird,That is my sentiments exactly.  Nothing in my warranty papers either about gasoline or service fees, thus my pissed off attitude at the dealer and  NOT JACUZZI (OK WISOKI???)If I pushed the issue, perhaps Jacuzzi would cover it.That's all I am going to say in this thread as there are people looking for answers on models and Wisoki is getting all warm and fuzzy.