OK, so I have only had my tub for a week. 5 days, actually. After all the research, and worrying that I'd find the right one, and a good deal, and hoping that I would not some how "jinx" myself once I found the spa that I wanted.....I just have to say, they are ALL right- it is worth the wait, and worth the effort to find the spa that you really want.
I am almost accustomed to mild neck and back muscle pain about 40% of my time from a physically demanding job and very active hobbies. All this week, I have slept like a baby, and the first sign of a stiff neck VANISHED after a soak. It is almost weird, but certainly wonderful. I have this little heaven in my back yard that is all mine- relaxing, invigorating and comforting. It has only been a week, but any fear that I had of buyer's remorse is gone.
So for those of you who helped and encouraged me to get to here, thank you. For those of you anticipating your first soak tomorrow morning

WOOOOHOOOO! And for those of you still searching, and frustrated about missed deals/opportunities- keep up the research, and dont settle for anything you dont love.