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Author Topic: Need advice on a used D1 Chairman II spa?  (Read 11436 times)


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Need advice on a used D1 Chairman II spa?
« on: March 21, 2006, 12:04:09 pm »
I just came across an ad in my local paper for a 9-month old used D1 Chairman II spa.  The spa comes with an EZ Lift Cover lifter.  The seller is asking $8,000 but that seems high to me being that the local dealers will sell this tub for $9,500-10K.  This particular spa has the White shell, I think they call it UltraLife or something..

Anyhow, some questions for the pros..

1.) What do you think is a good price for this used spa?  The owner says it's in excellent condition.

2.) Is the warranty transferable to me if I were to buy this spa?

3.) What is the best way to move a spa like this?  It's about 40 minutes (25 miles) away from me.  I have a pickup truck with a trailer that I use for 2 ATV's, cut I put the spa down on that?  Are you allowed to tip the spa onto one of it's sides or do you need to keep it in the normal flat position as it would be when you use it.  I just don't want to damage it in any way like the plumbing, etc.

4.) How long has the Chairman II been around?  I read the reviews on this site for the Chairman but they didn't mentioned the Chairman II, not sure if they are different models or not.  

5.) Has the 2005 and 2006 Chairman II models changed at all?  I am assuming this seller has a 2005 model year.

6.) What are peoples overall feelings about this particular spa?


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Need advice on a used D1 Chairman II spa?
« on: March 21, 2006, 12:04:09 pm »


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Re: Need advice on a used D1 Chairman II spa?
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2006, 12:06:54 pm »
Warranty is NOT transferable.  That makes the price too high.  Fro that kind of money you can get a great new spa.
Award winning Hot Spring dealer for a gazillion years.


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Re: Need advice on a used D1 Chairman II spa?
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2006, 12:19:18 pm »
I looked for months at used tubs sold private party.  Here in SoCal, most the used tubs were about $3500-5000 if they were a year to 3 years old or so.

I think $8k and no warranty is too much.

As for moving the tub, I would look into how much it would cost to use a hot tub moving company.  I was quoted about $500 when I needed it moved about 75 miles.  The spa movers are fully insured and just gave me piece of mind.  They can be moved on their side and are done so with a spa dolly all the time.  


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Re: Need advice on a used D1 Chairman II spa?
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2006, 01:24:55 pm »
So what would be a fair price to offer on this tub assuming it's in perfect shape with no cosmetic blemishes, no mechanical issues, etc?

Is there any way around the no warranty transfer thing, say maybe if something broke, the original owner could call up for repair and just give them the address of your house?   Probably not a very good thing to do I suppose... I just wonder how much price value the warranty holds..


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Re: Need advice on a used D1 Chairman II spa?
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2006, 01:46:21 pm »
If I as a dealer were trying to sell this spa I would sell it for about 60-70% of the original price. With that price I would accept the remainder of the warranty and be there to take care of you.  I would also provide the delivery to your backyard.  
 In my opinion that is a great spa but a bad price.
Jacuzzi, Hot Springs and Caldera dealer in Los Angeles


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Re: Need advice on a used D1 Chairman II spa?
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2006, 01:53:00 pm »
my first question would be......if it's a great tub, and it's only 9 months old, WHY are they selling it??? Could it be that the warranty was voided by hooking up electric wrong, frozen plumbing, not level surface, etc?
I'd be very careful buying used through a private party, as there are NO guarantees on what you're getting.
Personally, I think I'd go back to looking at local dealers who supply warranties with the products, even the refurbished come with what, 90 days to figure out if there are any issues?
Also, transporting a spa without damaging it might NOT be rocket science....but it's something that you may want to leave to the pros, since it IS a large investment, regardless....
$8k's a LOT of money, IMHO....


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Re: Need advice on a used D1 Chairman II spa?
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2006, 02:08:33 pm »
okay so we all agree that 8K is way too much, so what would you offer if it were you buying this spa?  The dealer before said 60-70% of the original price of the spa, assuming it was purchased for 10K, that's between 6-7K the dealer would sell for, but he would warranty it for the rest of the original warranty term, and also he would deliver it.  I just got a delivery quote, $300 for the first hour, $125 for each hour thereafter, and figuring about 3-4 hours in total time for pickup and delivery, I'm looking at another $600+ to get the thing to my house unless I pick it up myself.  So being that I would have NO warranty and have to pay for delivery myself, what do you all think would be a fair price to offer to buy this spa for?

I am trying to find out why the seller is already selling it so soon, sounds a little fishy to me, unless it's something like the seller is also selling his house and the new buyer doesn't want the spa there.


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Re: Need advice on a used D1 Chairman II spa?
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2006, 02:20:30 pm »
I would ask why he is selling it and also make sure it is still wired up and running.  What I ran into when I was looking was most people were selling spas seperately from selling the house.  Why?  I have no idea, but they were.  A lot of people had already unhooked the wiring and so I couldn't see it up and running.  Other people bought the spa then decided to add a pool with built-in spa, so they decided to sell.  I  had several people try to tell me the spas would still have a warranty... this guy might not be aware that they are nontransferable.  Also, most warranties are only good at the original house delivered, so that would make your other idea not work.

I see nothing wrong with buying used if you use common sense.  Not all of us can afford to buy brand new.  Of course there is some risk involved, but that is life.

I honestly know nothing about this tub, but I would think the $5-6k range would be about right.... just given what I was finding in my area when I was looking.  I personally didn't want to go over $5k when looking at used.... seemed to close to being able to get a new tub with warranty.


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Re: Need advice on a used D1 Chairman II spa?
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2006, 02:24:57 pm »
That's really nuts though, that a tub which lists around 13K (of course a dealer would probably sell it for around 10-11K), in only a years time is worth HALF of what it was worth brand new.

I hear from the dealers I spoke to and from reading reviews that this particular tub is a very very good tub, do you guys agree?


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Re: Need advice on a used D1 Chairman II spa?
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2006, 02:28:04 pm »
that's what I like about Brook.....no cobwebs in her attic.  ;)
Be nosey....ask questions.....lowball an offer.....maybe....."you're asking $8,000 for this tub, which was ABOUT $9,500 new. Being the second owner I'll have NO warranty AND I need to pay to transport the spa safely to my yard. I can buy a new, warrantied (insert brand here) and have it delivered for (insert cost here) How about.....$5,000" or something like that......see how fast they hang up on you, or start to counter your counter offer.


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Re: Need advice on a used D1 Chairman II spa?
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2006, 02:42:38 pm »
What's the general opinion on this spa compared to the other good brands out there?  

about how often do spas usually require maintenance or replacement parts?  I know every spa is different, but if I were to buy this spa with no warranty, should I count on paying lots in maintenance for people to come out and fix things when they break?

I'm assuming when you buy a new spa, the warranty includes the costs of the dealer coming out and fixing the problem or replacing parts, so you pay nothing right?

I wonder what they charge per hour for non warranteed spas..


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Re: Need advice on a used D1 Chairman II spa?
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2006, 02:53:04 pm »
That's really nuts though, that a tub which lists around 13K (of course a dealer would probably sell it for around 10-11K), in only a years time is worth HALF of what it was worth brand new.

I hear from the dealers I spoke to and from reading reviews that this particular tub is a very very good tub, do you guys agree?

I think list price is bogus.  All that matter is what the tub sold/sales for... if that was $9500 including chemicals, stairs, delivery and tax... that $9500 has already shrunk significantly.  If you are comfortable spending $8k on the tub, then that is all that matters.


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Re: Need advice on a used D1 Chairman II spa?
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2006, 02:58:29 pm »
What's the general opinion on this spa compared to the other good brands out there?  

about how often do spas usually require maintenance or replacement parts?  I know every spa is different, but if I were to buy this spa with no warranty, should I count on paying lots in maintenance for people to come out and fix things when they break?

I'm assuming when you buy a new spa, the warranty includes the costs of the dealer coming out and fixing the problem or replacing parts, so you pay nothing right?

I wonder what they charge per hour for non warranteed spas..

D1 is always mentioned as one of the 'top brands' on this site along with HS, Marquis, Sundance, etc.

Some dealers do charge a trip charge even when things are under warranty.  That is something that you would want to ask at the dealer and get in writing if buying a new tub.

I have a used HS, but have only had it 4 months.  I have no local dealer support yet (haven't needed to buy chemicals) and have no clue who I will call if I have a problem or what it will run me.  But with the amount of $$$ I saved I will have to have a buttload of problems before not having a warranty is a bad thing.

I know a few of the regulars here who bought used spas do all the repair work themself.


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Re: Need advice on a used D1 Chairman II spa?
« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2006, 03:02:30 pm »
squale, call your local dealers.....ask if they'll service the tub if you buy it, and ask what the trip charge, minimum service time, etc is. Call a couple dealers, compare notes.....you might be able to figure out if the tub would be worth it that way.


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Re: Need advice on a used D1 Chairman II spa?
« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2006, 04:00:12 pm »
good advice, I will do that...

what model HS did you get and how old was it?  I am just trying to get a feel of how old the tub is when problems usually start arrising and the tub requires some repair work, replacement parts, etc..

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Re: Need advice on a used D1 Chairman II spa?
« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2006, 04:00:12 pm »


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