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My question is.. When I made the purchase, I was led to believe that this was brand spanking new.
Thanks for quick replys...I checked my paperwork. Nothing about it being either a Demo or being new. I was led to believe it was new since the offered to keep the spa in storage until I had my patio ready.As for the "ickies" OH YEAH. There was actually a ring around the water line. I noticed that way before we even looked at the filters.Good point about the pumps and all. I hadnt even thought about that yet.I do feel that I got a good quality tub. And a big believer in getting what you pay for. I just wanted to get others opinions, and ideas before I contacted the dealer and made a fool of myself.
I would think, (perhaps sales folks can say for sure) If you are buying a used or demo item from a dealer that primary sells new, isn't it the norm (law?) to say "Demo" or "Used" Â on the sales contract?
drew, i had a customer looking at a floor model (close out) a little while ago. it was in opperation for about 2 months. granted, it wasnt shipped all over the the place to be in a show, but the time in opperation in the show room was alot more than the hours of use in those shows. i agree that PH431 SHOULD have been notified up front about the "demo", yet if it was demo'ed in the store either for a wet test or just to have it running....would it have made a difference? disclaimer: not trying to justify anything here, just acting as the devils advocate for the sake of conversation  Â
I can appreciate where your coming from. Dont get me wrong, if you were told something, you should expect it.I believe what Socal is getting at is the perception of some consumers that a spa that is not in the wrapper is damaged goods.Some people think a tub should be discounted becasue someone looked at it in the showroom.