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Author Topic: full foam vs density insulation  (Read 2546 times)


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full foam vs density insulation
« on: March 19, 2006, 09:45:41 am »
 Started looking at tubs this weekend, and i am hearing two differeent stories @ which insulation type is better?which one is better and why is it?  another topic that i am getting differences in opinions is on the filtering systems. pressurized or suction? please help!!!

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full foam vs density insulation
« on: March 19, 2006, 09:45:41 am »


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Re: full foam vs density insulation
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2006, 11:53:22 am »
If your talking about Full Foam (FF) vs Thermopane (TP) then either is good as long as it is well constructed.

Thermopane relies on the insulation on the tub's cabinet and uses the heat from the motor to help the tub out.

There are people on either side of the fence on this with proponents for both. Don't let this be a deciding factor in your choice.

As far as filteration, pools use pressurized filtration and it works. There are only a few manufacturers that still use pressurized (Emerald and Hydropool come to mind) but apparently this was used years ago. I also wouldn't let this be a deciding factor.

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Re: full foam vs density insulation
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2006, 12:00:14 pm »
Well  savvy, you have asked at least one very controversial question. You will get many very passionate and contradictory views on insulation.

May I suggest you use the search function or change to the "beating a dead horse" part of the forum.

You may find many are reluctant to rehash this debate.

I will say a well built Full foam tub and a well built Thermal Lock tub can and will provide years of energy efficient, trouble free enjoyment.

Please try to disregard outright claims of superiority as a opposed to a feature/benefit style of selling.

Focus on comfort, therapy and the quality/reputation of the dealer.
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Re: full foam vs density insulation
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2006, 02:52:50 pm »
Is it possible that they were talkng about HotSpring? HS uses an engineered system whereby the tub is supported as well as insulated. They start with a 30# density foam sprayed onto the back of the spa shell by a computer-controlled spray arm in a temperature-controlled environment. This layer is about 3/4" thick and make the shell much more rigid. Then the plumbing is installed (and a bunch of QA steps are taken since they are ISO 9001 certified) but once the plumbing is in place and tested, they spray 10# density foam onto the plumbing to secure it in place AND insulate it for heat and noise.

Then more QA tests and so forth

Finally, once the tub is plumbed and tested, and the cabinet is in place, the cavities are filled with a special mixture of 2# and 1# density foam. Why the mix? They used to get air pockets, and some times that would lead to noise amplification and other minor problems. Now if there are any voids in the 2# foam they will be filled with 1# foam.

Finally, after the bottom of the tub is shaved of excess foam, a layer of 60# density (closed cell polyuerethane) foam is pour over the bottom. This cures hard as a rock. So hard, in fact, that forklifts don't seem to bother it in the least.

As far as I know, other makers simply spray foam into the cabinet.

Density, BTW, is the measure of air in the foam. If you made a once-cubic-foot cube of the foam and weighed it, you would get the density numbers I have mentioned: 1# density foam is very light obviously, but it can settle all by itself, and does nothing to support any plumbing or equipment. 2# is twice as dense, etc. That why the 60# feels about like solid fiberglass.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: full foam vs density insulation
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2006, 02:59:31 pm »
Now, pressure vs. Suction - no real advantage. Both filter. The pressure side ones have to have a bypass valve which will open if and when the filter gets really dirty. It has to, or the pressure can get so high that damage may be done.

NEVER open a pressure-type filter when the system is running, you may never find the filter lid again....

Suction filtration is what HotSpring uses - and they don't have any type of bypass arrangement, so all of the water the spa pumps is filtered.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: full foam vs density insulation
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2006, 02:59:31 pm »


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