Drain went semi-reasonably quick. Started at 6:25... took a shower, got dressed, by 6:50 my bigger hose was done draining as the end came out of the water. Water level was about to the seats. Pretty cool I thought. I tried for a bit to get the syphon suction thing going again couldn't do it, so let the regular drain do the rest. By the time I got home from taking the kid to school, waking up J making his latte and lunch, it was drained. I got it cleaned out, filters cleaned, and filled by 10:30. Water temp was 67... it is 58 outside, and now at 2pm the water is only 78.
I sure hope it will be ready tonight.

I'm curious how long it takes other Envoy owners to heat their spas and/or drain them for that matter. I think this is my only complaint with this tub.