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Author Topic: Can I put a hot tub in my garage?  (Read 27703 times)


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Can I put a hot tub in my garage?
« on: March 13, 2006, 03:04:38 pm »
I have a newer house, built in 2003 with a 2-car garage. I was looking at boxing in an 8'x8' room in the back right-hand corner of my garage to put in a hot tub (something like a 5-7 person). My questions are the following:

1.) Can I safely put in a hot tub in my garage without ruining my garage walls and ceiling with are sheetrock? I am afraid the moisture from a hot tub will saturate the walls and ceiling and ruin the sheetrock thus causing mildew/mold, etc over time.

2.) Most of these hottubs need a 50amp breaker so I would need to run new electric to it. Is it legal to run a new electric line on the outside of your garage walls to get to the hottub? My electric box is in the front left corner of my garage and I want to put the hottub in the rear right hand corner of my garage.

3.) What are the BEST hottubs to look into? any chance I can get a 5-7 person hottub new and delivered for around 3k?


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Can I put a hot tub in my garage?
« on: March 13, 2006, 03:04:38 pm »


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Re: Can I put a hot tub in my garage?
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2006, 03:13:40 pm »

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Can I put a hot tub in my garage?
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2006, 03:18:52 pm »

Paint all walls with enamel full-gloss paint for best protection against the moisture. Add something to the paint like 'Kilz" or whatever to keep mold from growing on surfaces.

Be absolutely sure to have lots of windows you can open to vent the room - perhaps even consider a fan or air-handling system. If on a tight budget, windows and a box fan will usually work.

As far as wiring, yes, many folks have their electrician run the conduit on outside walls.

As far as what is the best tub? HotSpring. By far.   ;)

Now, getting something under $3K will be tough - many top name brands have crept up to the point that a starter tub will be $4K or more. But HotSpring, Sundance, Zacuzzi and others do offer a 'value line' of tubs. Check those out.

In my God-like opinion, it is better to spend a bit more now than to be sorry you didn't later. Also, getting a tub - even a value line tub - from a name-brand maker gives you confidence and usually better after-sale support.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Can I put a hot tub in my garage?
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2006, 03:24:13 pm »
Squale, I think chas may be teasing a bit. First why would you want to put a tub in your garage? It's not like you can just up and move it when you decide you need the space for a car or tractor or junk  :-/.
If you read through the many posts on here that explain how wonderful it is to soak under the stars..you will see that the garage is probably the last place that you would want to put your tub. Look at some of the beautiful set ups and check out the tubs that are indoors. They have large windows and very good ventilation systems.
Everyone has their own ideas about what they want, I think you may be disappointed if you tried to put a tub in your garage in an 8X8 foot room.... ???
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Re: Can I put a hot tub in my garage?
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2006, 03:26:01 pm »
3.) What are the BEST hottubs to look into? any chance I can get a 5-7 person hottub new and delivered for around 3k?

I don't think "best" and "under 3K" can fit into the same sentence. Perhaps you can get some off-brand, no frills cheapo junko for under 3K. Maybe one of those Viking crates or a soft sided tub.

I suggest you do as you are doing here and that is ask questions and get educated as best you can.

Good luck!


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Re: Can I put a hot tub in my garage?
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2006, 03:28:10 pm »
OK, so Chas slipped that post in ahead of me. I guess you could hide a Hot Springs tub in your garage if you were that ashamed of it..but having it out doors makes all the difference...Did I say that???only kiddin' Term...
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Re: Can I put a hot tub in my garage?
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2006, 03:28:26 pm »
1.  Maybe; ventilation is the key.  But do you really want to soak in the garage?  That wouldn't be my first choice.

2.  I think you'll find the answer is yes about running the conduit on the outside of the garage.  My hookup is individual THHN/THWN wires in PVC conduit on the outside of the house.  Romex is not suitable for two reasons: one, the ground isn't individually insulated and code says it needs to be. Two, the temperature rating of romex isn't high enough.  I don't know what that temp rating is but THHN/THWN has the required rating.  At any rate, I'd suggest checking with your AHJ, the "Authority Having Jurisdiction" meaning your local permit people. If you're looking at doing the electrical yourself, I'd respectfully suggest you have an electrician who's done tubs before do it. Code for a hot tub is rather complicated and not all electricians are up to speed on them.

3.  As for the best tub, I'd suggest looking locally.  Get out the phone book and see who sells what in your area.  Then go see them and see what they have to offer and how you feel about them.  You'll want to do some wet-testing so take your suit and a towel with you when you go.  

As for your $3,000 budget and a tub that big, I think you'll be looking at something used.  Costco, Home Depot, Wal-Mart and a variety of internet stores may have tubs in that price range but you're not going to get "the BEST hottub."  Most of us on this forum would strongly urge you not to buy your tub from one of those places for a variety of reasons, service being probably at the top of the list.  Buy locally; you'll be a whole lot happier when problems arise.

Good luck and let us know what you end up doing!



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Re: Can I put a hot tub in my garage?
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2006, 03:54:07 pm »
thanks all for the very fast replies, great forum!

okay I should probably clear a few points up..

I have a bi-level home with a deck off the top level.  The deck can definately not support the weight of a hot tub.  I could always put a hottub UNDER my deck but that would mean I would need to walk a good ways outside to get into the hottub.  The reason I wanted a hot tub indoors is because of the following:
-I like the privacy of an indoor hottub, my yard is wide open to all my neighbors viewing.
-I find it much more convient to get into a hottub inside instead of having to walk outside.  I live in northern, NJ and it's very cold here in the winter.  my friends with hottubs outside barely use them because they don't like going outside to get into them.
-I would like to put a tv on the wall by the hottub so I can relax and watch some tv.  This would be tough to do with an outside tub.
-Finally to put a tub outside would require me either building a new deck, a nice patio or some other sort of structure to support it.  I would also have a much bigger deal with running electric to it.

To clarify what I meant by the electric, I would NOT be running the electric outside, it would be INSIDE, along the interior garage walls (like along the outside of the sheetrock).  I was wondering if I could do this or if I need to put the electrical wire inside pvc conduit attached to my walls, etc.  Can I also do this myself or do I need to hire an electrician?

As far as the size of hottub, I really want just something that me and my wife can comfortably fit in.  I really don't need anything too huge, 5-people size at the max.  Since this would be in my garage in a little 8ft x 8ft area I can't put something that huge in there.

I was looking to build walls around the 8'x8' section in my garage, would this be a bad idea since it would probably keep the moisture contained in a smaller area?
or should I just not have any walls at all around the hottub and keep it open to the rest of the garage?


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Re: Can I put a hot tub in my garage?
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2006, 03:55:53 pm »
if I might throw in my $.02 1/17.....shop your local spa stores, see if they carry any refurbished tubs....you might find something nice for around that price, and if you find a good dealer, it's possible to get a limited warranty, besides...I'd be wary of finding a NEW 5-7 person tub of any decent quality/warranty for that price range....
As far as putting it in your garage....  :-/ My father's wife says their garage looks like a "little boy's play-room"....it's got pale yellow walls and a cream colored floor that she hates to even park on.....looks like just another room of the house. If it's what you want, to tub next to your car, lawnmower, etc.....that's your choice....I believe you can pretty much have a tub "wherever you want it" (within reason), so long as the floor/base is level and will support the weight....
Best of luck


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Re: Can I put a hot tub in my garage?
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2006, 04:34:36 pm »
Well, you won't get around the cold. But if you have a door to that upper deck area which is only a couple of steps away from the tub, you might enjoy using it even in cold weather. Privacy could be handled by inviting a very fat friend or relative to use the tub the first time. Real hairy works too. From that time on, your neighbors will close the blinds if they even THINK you are going out to soak.

The reason I say this is that you might find that bracing a deck to hold a tub is really not a big deal. Sometimes I have been able to simply double up three or four of the joists - or add a single beam down the center.

I know you said the elect. would be harder for that, but you get an electrician either way. Who knows, might save a bunch of money on the deck.

As to the elect. in a garage, I would not leave metal conduit on the wall - safety could be an issue, though not really if it's all put in correctly - but the moisture can make it rust over time unless you paint it really well.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Can I put a hot tub in my garage?
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2006, 08:33:44 pm »
the moisture will not be good for your house. regardless of how you treat the walls the moisture will cause problems eventually.


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Re: Can I put a hot tub in my garage?
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2006, 09:42:39 pm »
3.) What are the BEST hottubs to look into? any chance I can get a 5-7 person hottub new and delivered for around 3k?


Maybe look into buying the pumps and say...oh...35 jets now and then the shell and cabinet next year when you can afford it. Maybe ask for a cover and plumbing for Christmas! ;)

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Re: Can I put a hot tub in my garage?
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2006, 12:47:38 am »
As far as a tub that will be in your price range, you can get a quality 4-5 person tub with a decent amount of features in Marquis Hideaway line called the Retreat:


This tub retails for $4,000-$4,600 depending on where you are.  It will run on 110v as well.


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Re: Can I put a hot tub in my garage?
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2006, 07:25:08 am »
Squale, If I might add something else. The cold  is one very positive feature of having a hot tub out doors. I can say this because I have a very cold- a -phobic husband who actually admitted he enjoyed this winter because it was just so awsome to sit outside in that hot water and enjoy things that he never would have. We are enjoying the stars and the beauty of  the winter sky. I also think that you can stay in longer when the outside air temperature is lower. I keep my tub at 101 and even when it is in the teens outside, I find myself jumping into the cool down seats after about 20 minutes. I think if you put it in the garage you would use it less. Don't worry about your neighbors, you will find creative ways to have privacy. I really think you will be disappointed if you decide to put your tub in the garage.  :-/
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Re: Can I put a hot tub in my garage?
« Reply #14 on: March 14, 2006, 07:51:56 am »
I'm not sure......but I think Boni's pitching the great outdoors as her main place for a tub...... ;)

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Re: Can I put a hot tub in my garage?
« Reply #14 on: March 14, 2006, 07:51:56 am »


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