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Author Topic: Good Taste or Taste Good  (Read 12448 times)


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Re: Good Taste or Taste Good
« Reply #15 on: February 23, 2006, 09:58:11 pm »
So, SWMBO is making the drapes and valences and I get to do the mini-blinds and valence boards.  Today we finally got to hang the drapes and test hang a piece of a valence.

First off....sounds like she gave you the "he can't screw this up with colors clashing" job.....BRAVO.
Secondly, *I* thought SWMBO was "single white male big ox" or something....but I like Term's guess better.

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Re: Good Taste or Taste Good
« Reply #15 on: February 23, 2006, 09:58:11 pm »


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Re: Good Taste or Taste Good
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2006, 09:13:04 am »

I think some critter fur like beaver, muskrat, woodchuck or something would look pretty cool around the edges.  Even cowhide, but not like dairy cowhide, more of a crusty lookin' ol' longhorn.  For more color, you could do a faux leopard print or ostrich tail feathers with some peacock mixed in for an exotic motif.  And beads, hanging beads with sparkles and glow in the dark stars.

The flowers are pretty, though, and I'm sure not knocking your tastes.  The room looks really nice and the view from the sniper's perch is to die for! :)


The room needs a Moosehead mounted on one wall.    ;) How canyou not have  a moosehead?


You asked, so...
I'm not  a big fan of floural patterns, and usually stay away from them (my wife and I are trying to figure out curtains in our own home)  But I really like the one you chose. The Ferns give the room a nice tropical spa feel. I like it.

I'm not a big fan of pink and  personally wouldn't have been the dominant color I'd choose for the panels.  But that's just me. I think they look nice and really make a big difference in the room. It finishes it off very well and is very tasteful. Great job. :)

AS I mentioned, my wife and I are doing curtains, but after 5 years realized we have no ability to pick out curtains, colors, or styes. SWMBO has hired  a proffesional and they should be installed in the next few weeks.  One of the rooms they did was the room I redid over  that heads out to the hot tub.  I am curious on how the colors and styles they chose will look  (I wanted a tropical spa look too). I'll post pics if the room doesn't come out too horendous.  


What's this about a MOLD probelm potential?
« Last Edit: February 24, 2006, 09:47:06 am by drewstar »
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Re: Good Taste or Taste Good
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2006, 09:22:34 am »
I've seen places that look WONDERFUL because a woman's got "the touch" and has a great eye when it comes to decorating....(that, by the way, would NOT be ME.) that's why I didn't screw around too much early on when we bought our house....EVERY ROOM upstairs had a wallpaper border of a different design, at a different height...however, the colors all blended WONDERFULLY with the decor in each room..and I figured I can't duplicate that, so why screw with success?  
Recently I got gutsy (decided I'd had enough of the cracks in the walls and ceiling from settling, and the dull spots from where we patched nail holes), and I've just finished painting the kitchen and hallway, however...and I'm amazed that it turned out so well...instead of one color on the walls, I did what looks very much like vanilla and chocolate soft serve icecream....used a "woolie" 2 part roller system to blend....and it looks GREAT. (hubby doesn't agree, but he doesn't complain, either...good man.)
I think I'd cry if I had to figure out window treatments on my own, though... *lol* I'm just not that coordinated.


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Re: Good Taste or Taste Good
« Reply #18 on: February 24, 2006, 09:26:33 am »
I don't know.................about the pretty things hanging on the wall................

I do know I didn't see the spotting scope, rifle rest or the beer cooler......................

Shame shame..................... ::)
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Re: Good Taste or Taste Good
« Reply #19 on: February 24, 2006, 02:04:10 pm »
Daddy always said, "Son, if you set yourself up to be a target, expect to get hit a time or two and don't bitch about it."  So I ain't!

But thanks for the comments, both for and against.  Even you Term, aka SWMBO (single white male big ox).  ;D

If I had a moose head, it would be up there... for about 12 seconds and then it would be the back seat of my car.  No use starting a war I don't care if I win.  

A beer tap is not for me.  Beer is too weak and I have to drink so much of it to get a buzz on that I spend more time in the bathroom than the hot tub.  I prefer a 50-50 mix of vodka and OJ with a little peach schnapps thrown in for flavor.  And don't water it down with too many ice cubes.

We started out wanting red and black to compliment the gray and white in the room.  But red is a tough color and it is real hard to find a red that fits anything.  We see black and gray as the dominant colors with the others giving us a way to tie in just about any object we put in the room.  But now that you mention it, the pink is a little stronger than we wanted.  Maybe the black and rose marble windowsills will help a little.  

As for stripes and flowers, we usually are pretty mild when we decorate.  No loud colors or patterns.  But this time we decided to jump off the cliff with the hot tub room.  Until it is all done, it will be hard to tell whether it is Starkist or Charlie the Tuna (Good Taste or Taste Good).

Good luck with your drapes.  I would like to see pics when you are done.  You can send them PM if you don't feel like being a target.

Mold will not be a problem.  In the winter we have a powerful vent fan controlled by a humidistat set at 70%.  It only comes on for about 50% of the time when the tub is open.  The room is neither heated or air conditioned so we expect the windows to be open most of the summer.

orlandoguy, its a 385… and feel free to comment.

I never thought of it as a sniper's perch, but it would work great for that.  Unfortunately I happen to know there are people in those houses down there that can shoot as good or better than me, so we respect each other.  I do have a Ruger Mark III with a red dot scope that I use to keep the red squirrels from eating the baby birds, destroying the bird feeders and my house. Damn things are worse than termites!  And there are few cats in the neighborhood that may have to have a meeting with Mr. Smith & Mr. Wesson if they don't quit wailing on summer nights.

You do what you like in your house.  It is nice to hear compliments, but if you are happy with it, the negative stuff shouldn’t be a problem.  I enjoy laughing and I see most of these comments as being more funny than negative. Make the people you care about happy and the rest can either get used to it or be miserable.

No furniture other than a small table, a TV, a stereo and the CD racks.  It's just hot tub and Schwin Airdene exercise bike.  Room is 12x18 and the tub is 8x8.  There isn’t all that much space left.

Thanks.  I had to stand my ground on the minis.  There was a strong move for sheers and I threatened to burn the house down if she put those up.  She likes the flowers and I like black.  That’s how 30+ years of marriage teaches men to compromise.

My wife likes to watch birds and stars.  I am going to buy her a scope of some kind as a gift.  When she is working I can check out the teenage girls down over the hill.  There are several backyard pools in the neighborhood.

Sorry this is so long but I wanted to recognize everyone that took the time to respond.

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Re: Good Taste or Taste Good
« Reply #20 on: February 24, 2006, 02:13:48 pm »
I never thought of it as a sniper's perch

Now don't BC a BC'er (bullcorn), you know good and well the whole reason you built that room was for battling the New World Order and the spa is just for cover (brilliant on your part, I might add.  All that high density water will defeat most small arms fire) :)

Oops, better quit talking about guns before Soakin' rises from the shadows and reprimands us.....

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: Good Taste or Taste Good
« Reply #21 on: February 24, 2006, 02:59:48 pm »
Snowbird, If you were looking, as you say, for a festive
elegant look, I would say your wife has successfully done that. She has complemented the white walls with a beautiful mixture of colors that are pleasing to the eye and that frame your fantastic view. I love the floral pattern and by using  the drapery, the colors are carried to the floor. This is very appealing to me because it makes me feel warm and comfortable.  I have a large sun-room on my house. I used a large floral pattern to upholster the furniture and make covers for my blind tops. My room makes me feel I am in the tropics! and as soon as I walk in there, I get in a good mood.  I am sure that is the feeling that your wife gets when she enters you newly decorated spa room. So...I love her taste and I give her an A+ for achieving just what she set out to do, make your room elegant and appealing. I'm with Cappy, put a little love seat in there and you have the entire package. (And I would use one of the dark colors, perhaps the green fern, as a cover)
Oh, and a palm tree.... ;D P.S. Don't you know better than to ask men about decorating?  ;)
« Last Edit: February 24, 2006, 09:36:53 pm by Bonibelle »
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Re: Good Taste or Taste Good
« Reply #22 on: February 24, 2006, 04:43:48 pm »
Thanks Boni.  

We are in the market for a palm tree.  The corner where it will go has a 9 ft ceiling so I think one about 8 feet would be just right.  With big leaves that overhang the tub.

But it has to be artificial.  Although the tub is indoors, I like to open the windows on cold days (wifey hates it) and that would kill a live tree.  

See, we get almost all of the advantages of an outdoor tub without the negatives.  ;D
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Re: Good Taste or Taste Good
« Reply #23 on: February 24, 2006, 04:50:45 pm »
I got your palm tree........be afraid....be VERY afraid.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2006, 04:51:08 pm by Tatooed_Lady »


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Re: Good Taste or Taste Good
« Reply #24 on: February 24, 2006, 04:54:43 pm »
K, I actually like that pic and the lighted trees/animals.  However if I had an elegant back porch like that even I know better than to ruin it.  It would look great and be fitting in my ghetto/white trash yard.   :)


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Re: Good Taste or Taste Good
« Reply #25 on: February 24, 2006, 04:59:01 pm »
Snowbird, Hubby bought himself a very inexpensive fake palm at Big Lots and it sits on the deck next to the tub, even through the snow storms! He has this Florida thing and when he is in the tub, the palm tree helps his imagination. You can find very realistic ones at some of the craft stores and with the 50% off coupons, they are not too expensive. I love my live ones and they take up more room in the sun room than we do! I also have a 20 foot tree that was only about 1 foot tall when my hubby gave it to me 23 years ago!  ;)
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Re: Good Taste or Taste Good
« Reply #26 on: February 24, 2006, 05:07:10 pm »
actually, brook.....that gator would look great alongside the tub.....heheheh


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Re: Good Taste or Taste Good
« Reply #27 on: February 24, 2006, 05:26:02 pm »
Snowbird, Hubby bought himself a very inexpensive fake palm at Big Lots and it sits on the deck next to the tub, even through the snow storms! He has this Florida thing and when he is in the tub, the palm tree helps his imagination. You can find very realistic ones at some of the craft stores and with the 50% off coupons, they are not too expensive. I love my live ones and they take up more room in the sun room than we do! I also have a 20 foot tree that was only about 1 foot tall when my hubby gave it to me 23 years ago!  ;)

My wife lives for Michaels, Joann Fabric, Crafts n Stuff and Rag Shop coupons.  There has got to be a palm tree in one of those places.
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Re: Good Taste or Taste Good
« Reply #28 on: February 24, 2006, 05:42:02 pm »
I heard that martha stewart once made a palm tree. she went out in the yard, got grass clippings, wove them into the fronds...used old TP and PT tubes for the trunk, and some old stuffed bras to make coconuts.
;D ;D ;D


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Re: Good Taste or Taste Good
« Reply #29 on: February 24, 2006, 06:21:11 pm »
My husband really does love the palm trees and last year at Christmas time, the kids and I decorated a weeping cherry tree with lights so that at night  it looked like a big palm tree. Then we added huge snowflake lights and they looked like coconuts!  He had no idea until he gave us grief for having extention cords all over the yard. He plugged it in and was amazed.
t-Lady, I love everything in your picture! I bet though, it would cost an arm and a leg for all of those.
Snowbird, you are a computer guy, get coupons for your honey on the websites. All of those craft stores have coupons weekly and they will send them to you in email!
Michaels had some nice fake palms for $130.00 last week.  ;D
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Re: Good Taste or Taste Good
« Reply #29 on: February 24, 2006, 06:21:11 pm »


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