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Author Topic: Arctic/Coyote pump trouble  (Read 5230 times)


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Arctic/Coyote pump trouble
« on: March 05, 2006, 08:15:19 pm »
Hi, Noobi here.  (preparing to be attacked  :). ) We bought our Coyote Spa back in sept.  We love it even tho we have had some trouble with the pumps...the cover on the topside control was compromised and water got inside.  This led to erratic pump activity...by that i mean the pumps would go on and off at 2 to 3 min intervals.  The top side control was replaced and we didnt have anymore trouble with it until 3 days ago. Now it's doing the same thing again.  I have tried turning the power off and reseting but, that didn't help.  I am supposed to hear from the dealer tomorrow about schedualing a repair.  I'm just wondering if this is a common problem, or I hate to say it  I bought a lemon.  Thanks in advance for any advice.  
Pacific Polly

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Arctic/Coyote pump trouble
« on: March 05, 2006, 08:15:19 pm »


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Re: Arctic/Coyote pump trouble
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2006, 08:44:22 pm »
coyote is the economical version of the arctic tubs.  I have not heard of this being specific to this brand, however, pumps and parts to eventually break down over time and use.  

this year arctic has a new pump which is apparently submerssible, basically if water fills in the cabinet, the pump will run uneffected.  This is a great option, maybe I should screw up my pumps so I can get the new ones.  


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Re: Arctic/Coyote pump trouble
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2006, 11:38:44 pm »
Could be as simple as moisture in the plug jack of the control. That should be a phone type plug, if your not afraid of electrical...Turn the spa off, open the panel, locate the cord comming from the control and unplug it, blow it off and plug it back in. Turn the spa on and see what happens.


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Re: Arctic/Coyote pump trouble
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2006, 04:07:59 am »
Could be as simple as moisture in the plug jack of the control. That should be a phone type plug, if your not afraid of electrical...Turn the spa off, open the panel, locate the cord comming from the control and unplug it, blow it off and plug it back in. Turn the spa on and see what happens.

For that matter as long as it is powered down at the breaker. Take all the plugs loose, control cord, pump plug, Ozone plug (if there is one) Blow them all off. I also had water flow over and into my control panel which caused erratic behavior. Blew out all the plugs and the inside of the control panel and it has worked great ever since.


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Re: Arctic/Coyote pump trouble
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2006, 01:44:28 pm »
Thanks everyone

If I didn't have 3 small kids a house to run and a husband out of the country for 5 weeks I might just do it myself.  Unfortunatly, I can't even get my web cam to work most of the time so I'll let the professional handle it for now.  I will remember these suggestions next time it happens as I'm sure it will.  Thanks again

Pacific Polly


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Re: Arctic/Coyote pump trouble
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2006, 07:47:38 pm »
Call your dealer asap!!! He should do the work not you the customer! Arctic/Coyote spas have a good reputation as far as service. If your local dealer is not providing service call 1-800-309-1744 ::)


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Re: Arctic/Coyote pump trouble
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2006, 08:16:53 pm »
like I said...I am waayyy too busy and distracted to go near any electrical wiring... :o  Some people can do DIY and some people should have a permit to carry a screwdriver.  I belong to the latter group.

So, the tech was out and he noticed that none of the doors on my tub have vents...no place for the heat to escape. (Doesn't that defeat the purpose?, she say's scratching her head)  Maybe, it gets too hot in the cabinate and that is what is making the pump go whacky?  Those of you with Arctic Tubs:  did your tub come with vented doors?   I thought those had to purchased seperatly

So, he is supposed to call the factory and see if the tub is suppose to have vents.  I'll hear back later this week.  In the mean time I just shut the dern thing off.  I find that it only loses 3 or 4 degree's and if I want to use it i just turn the power back on let it regain temp. and enjoy.  Then turn it off again before I go to bed.  The tub is only 2 ft from the slider to the bedroom and so I do hear it cycling on and off every 2 to 4 min...hard to get to sleep with that going on and also I'm worried that if I just let it go either the pump will burn out or it'll get too hot and catch on fire and since it's so close to the house  ::)  Anyway, I'm in a holding pattern here.  I will let ya know what happens
Pacific Polly


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Re: Arctic/Coyote pump trouble
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2006, 10:12:55 pm »
I would ask how much experience the tech has ... if an Arctic tech doesn't know an Arctic tub, I don't know if I want him/her touching my tub.


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Re: Arctic/Coyote pump trouble
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2006, 10:58:39 pm »
With today's technology, why didn't he take out his cell phone and call Artic Technical Service right from the spa?  Save time, money, second trip, puts the spa back in service and we are talking about what he dosen't know.  

I would be on the phone with the dealer.  Was the motor operating erratic when he was there?  Did he put his hand on the motor to see if it was a thermal shut down.  I am sorry, but that is not service, that is an excuse and that makes your dealer less than "top notch".  I can't believe he came out there can't figure it out, can't call anyone at the factory, doesn't know too much, and really dosent seem to care too much about your investment.

Maybe you should call Artic direct and ask about the vents.   This contradicts their sales presentation about heat recycling.  What it this about vented doors costing more?


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Re: Arctic/Coyote pump trouble
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2006, 11:09:14 pm »
Arctic/Coyote come with unvented doors.  

For folks in hot climates who have trouble with keeping water temp down, you can get a vented door or two to allow some heat to escape.

But since it's one of those lousy non-FF tubs, I'm sure they'll never be needed......... ::)

We'll actually probably have to get a set if we have any hope of keeping the tub in the 90's given it will be the same temp outside.  Our spa gains at least 1F in temp in under 20 min. during use if it's just 60F ambient, sometime 2F in 1/2 hour.  We haven't had it in the summer yet.  We'll have to wait and see.


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Re: Arctic/Coyote pump trouble
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2006, 06:03:10 am »
With today's technology, why didn't he take out his cell phone and call Artic Technical Service right from the spa?  Save time, money, second trip, puts the spa back in service and we are talking about what he dosen't know.  

I carry replacement motors. Espiecialy to a call like this one. And if a problem cant be located anywhere else I would install a new pump and motor and work on the old one back at the shop. It could very well be a board problem and those are tough but a phone call right from the spa to a control board guru at the control board factory can usualy trouble shoot me right through a control board quick. And if the problem is there a control board is only a few minutes away. Hmmmmmm tech or plumber I wonder?


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Re: Arctic/Coyote pump trouble
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2006, 11:32:06 pm »
Soooo, the tech was out on friday and brought a new power pack (computer) and said that the factory said there is supposed to be a 2 to 3 inch clearance from the top of the doors to start of insulation (mine did not have this). So, he installed the new pack and trimmed the insulation...the only other thing it might be is that the pump itself is too close to the pack.
Well, a hour after he left it was back to misbehaving.
Wonder if we can move the pump?  I can't believe I'm the only person in the world with this model and this problem... :-/



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Re: Arctic/Coyote pump trouble
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2006, 11:55:37 pm »
    Your problem has nothing to to do with your pump placement or insulation. There are no gaps or vents in the cabinets of coyote or arctic spas, nor is there supposed to be any.   The topside control or pump needs replaced if changing the board did not fix the problem.  I would request a different tech also, doesn't sound like he knows to much about the product he is servicing.


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Re: Arctic/Coyote pump trouble
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2006, 12:24:01 am »
It isn't likely that this would cause the motors to cycle in 2 - 3 minute cycles, but you should still ask the tech to check the supply voltage to the tub.

If your voltage is low due to a bad wiring job, a loose connection or burned wire, the motors will cycle on and off - usually a bit faster than what you described. In some cases the low voltage will cause the motor to overheat and then the motor will do as you say.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Arctic/Coyote pump trouble
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2006, 10:55:31 am »
Thanks for your advice.  Unfortunatly I think there is only one tech at the shop.  If we ever get this problem fixed do you think I should ask them to replace my doors?

I hope to be seeing the tech today. I will discuss the electric issue with him but, I'm sure the answer will be "we dont do electrical you'll have to contact your electrician".
I can do that.  I'm just getting a bit disappointed about the whole thing.

Thanks again for all of the advice

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Re: Arctic/Coyote pump trouble
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2006, 10:55:31 am »


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