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Author Topic: Why is my D1 falling apart  (Read 5439 times)


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Why is my D1 falling apart
« on: March 07, 2006, 01:01:23 pm »
I bought a D1 chairmanII about 10 months ago and I posted many times on this site about how great it was.

Well, now I've started to have a ton of problems:

1. My little circulation pump has burned up twice.
2. My ozone stopped working and had to be replaced.
3. Some flow indicator thing has been replaced twice.
4. The adjustable neck pillows have a hose that goes to them and two of them have split.
5. The rotating jets feel like they get jammed with something and stop rotating.

My water chemistry is always spot on so this can't be the cause of all of these problems.

All of the repairs have been done under warranty (thank God).  But I'm really worried about what happens after the warranty is up.  Are these common problems with D1s?  I'm thinking about selling it off and going with something else, and suggestions?
« Last Edit: March 07, 2006, 01:02:06 pm by d1chairmanII »

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Why is my D1 falling apart
« on: March 07, 2006, 01:01:23 pm »


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Re: Why is my D1 falling apart
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2006, 01:11:26 pm »
That is a lot of issues! PM with your Serial # and info and I will take a look at what it going on. My guess it that if it has gone that way D1 will do something to make it right.


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Re: Why is my D1 falling apart
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2006, 01:23:50 pm »
Thanks for the offer!  My Dealer is really great (Lake Norman Pool and Spa) and has been super at taking care of things so far.  I'm going to let them continue to handle it.  I'm just a little worried about the future.


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Re: Why is my D1 falling apart
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2006, 05:13:21 pm »
While your chemistry has been right on for the last 10 months, I am sure there have been times, but I doubt chemistry could lead to all of these issues.

When the jets stick, it could be sand or calcium, when the circ pump goes, is could be a clogged or neglected filter, flow switch could have been changed by the dealer because you were experiencing "flow" issues when it could have been a clogged filter.

However none of these issues should affect your ozone which again was taken care of under warranty.  There is no way we can guess or even assume what could be the root cause of your problems, but it does appear your dealer has taken care of these issues.

Are you on brick pavers, do you find grit in the bottom of the seats or footwell, how often do you clean, change or replace your filters in the past 10 months.  With so much happening, I doubt that they are all bad manufactured items.  I know as a dealer, we do correct alot of these problems under warranty when they are really neglect issues, and then it rains on us that they have had all of these different problems.  

Our job has always been to fix or correct the problem but we are not there to measure neglect, which could be possible.  Do you have teenagers?  It is not that they could be the root cause, but they are not always the most attentive to proper maintenance, and just may, on the very infrequent occasion be the source of neglect.

But then, your water chemistry has always been spot on.  Just some thoughts that we have very definitly experienced as we care for our customers.


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Re: Why is my D1 falling apart
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2006, 05:26:17 pm »
I have had my Nautilus for almost 2 years.  I have abused it, sand everywhere, my filters are nasty, my jets are stuck terribly.

PH is all out of wack.

I just hit it w/dichlor when it gets spunky.

Not one problem, yet!

My controls had "split screen" but simply resetting the power took care of that.

I toss my filters about 2x year.


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Re: Why is my D1 falling apart
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2006, 11:09:25 pm »
how does a post like this get by without 7 pages of posts.  Why does d1 get to slip through the heckle of a tub falling apart??? I am so confused


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Re: Why is my D1 falling apart
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2006, 06:35:18 am »
I wont let it slide. Why is your D1 falling apart? Because D1 spas are a cheap Hot Spring knock off, and... well... That's what they do.

how does a post like this get by without 7 pages of posts.  Why does d1 get to slip through the heckle of a tub falling apart??? I am so confused

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Re: Why is my D1 falling apart
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2006, 06:55:53 am »

What brand of spas are ya sellin today?




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Re: Why is my D1 falling apart
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2006, 07:52:48 am »
I was hoping for some meaningful here. My new D-1 is being delivered today.  All I've seen is the owner being told he's got plugged filters and his dealer is not smart enough to see it or tell him that he needs to be better at maintenance.  The posy about the cheap knock-off had to be a joke... at least I hope it was...
If I could just chew through these restraints...


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Re: Why is my D1 falling apart
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2006, 09:35:26 am »
I was hoping for some meaningful here. My new D-1 is being delivered today.  All I've seen is the owner being told he's got plugged filters and his dealer is not smart enough to see it or tell him that he needs to be better at maintenance.  The posy about the cheap knock-off had to be a joke... at least I hope it was...

The old nay saying is true, "loose lips, sink ships".  It is a sad shame that we want to tear everyone apart here.  Both Stuart and I had recommendations for d1charimanII and did not attempt to sneak under any radar here.  

It appears the backlash on other threads has spread a rabid disease to cast doubt on all.  "The post about a cheap knock-off had to be a joke...at least I hope it was..."  I do not believe it is our intent to create confusion in the minds of shoppers and owners about their selection for a Hot Tub.

Salespersons who claim to be at the level of superiority in their own minds making claims that berate all others is disappointing, but predictible, they're salespeople.  They are not there to nuture the business or the market, they are there, as they say to sell.

I would be interesting to know how many of them are members of the Association of Pool and Spa Professionals that subscribe to a code of ethics.  The next question would be, do they honor it.

I really don't know of any controversial issues about D1 that originated in 1977.  I hear that it was founded by one of the largest HS dealers at that time, when HS would not consider changes in their doctrine.  To my understanding, they make a fine product and market and support it through a dealer network, albeit much smaller than HS.  Still, I have only heard very good things about D1 within the industry.


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Re: Why is my D1 falling apart
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2006, 09:40:06 am »
D1 is by far one of the oldest and most respected brands in the industry. I've offered to help d1chairmanII with these issues as it is not common but he declined.

Bosco is an owner that has had a great experience with his spa as have many on the same brand, the problem is that there has been quite a bit of negativity over how many dealers sell that brand and he would like to people to focus more on the positives he has found in ownership rather than focusing on questionable sales and marketing campaigns no matter how common. This is understandable....

Wisoki had a bad experience as a dealer several years ago and is still carrying those scars...I can understand that also, it happens with every brand occasionally. It can come from a bad shipment of spas, not having a good factory rep, coincidence or just bad luck but it is not the experience of most dealers.

Both feel slighted and perhaps justifiably. Don't let it bring doubt in your decision, D1 is not has not been subject to criticism in the sales practices or ownership consistently anywhere. Dealers, consumers and even competitors as a whole have positive things to say. This means a lot....

I can only offer this...I have had less water quality issues and more compliments on therapy on the D1 then any brand I have ever sold. If we have problems with a D1 it is usually in the first 3 months and typically something that initiated from transport delivery or learning process.

Rest assured that the outlook of D1 as a company is for you to have a wonderful experience! Keep my email handy if you ever have questions or concerns that you feel that aren't getting handled at a local level and I will be happy to help.

BTW, the Diplomat has always been one of our top selling units and is the # 1 selling unit in our region for our dealers.


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Re: Why is my D1 falling apart
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2006, 10:37:43 am »
Of course it was. Y'all need to lighten up. It was a tongue in cheek response to Bosco0633's post....."how does a post like this get by without 7 pages of posts.  Why does d1 get to slip through the heckle of a tub falling apart I am so confused." I find the banter quite amusing and fun. Get somebody pissed of and you'll see where they really stand on any issue. My two favorite topics over dinner....Religon and politics.

I was hoping for some meaningful here. My new D-1 is being delivered today.  All I've seen is the owner being told he's got plugged filters and his dealer is not smart enough to see it or tell him that he needs to be better at maintenance.  The posy about the cheap knock-off had to be a joke... at least I hope it was...

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Re: Why is my D1 falling apart
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2006, 10:41:39 am »
Uhhh, yeah, whatever.

Wisoki had a bad experience as a dealer several years ago and is still carrying those scars...I can understand that also, it happens with every brand occasionally. It can come from a bad shipment of spas, not having a good factory rep, coincidence or just bad luck but it is not the experience of most dealers.

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Re: Why is my D1 falling apart
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2006, 07:28:39 pm »
d1's are not the greatest spa made, but i wont put them in a bad tub category, with there being well over 150 hot tub manufacturers out there today, I would only put a good hand full (maybe 10 or 15)in a GOOD TUB category. D1 would be one of them. Along with Jacuzzi, Sundance, Beachcomber, Arctic, Marquis, Hot Springs, and Coleman. Ya know, those arent bad made tubs. they may need work here and there, but as we all know, everything man made, will fail and falter. Just be glad you have a dealer that is standing behind his product. Thats what companies are good for. I'd either go for a hot springs or marquis, or hey, even look up and research beachcomber! take a look at sundance too! all are great tubs!
« Last Edit: March 10, 2006, 07:29:34 pm by rotigers »

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Re: Why is my D1 falling apart
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2006, 07:28:39 pm »


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