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Author Topic: Down Goes the Motorcycle  (Read 14230 times)


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Re: Down Goes the Motorcycle
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2007, 12:00:33 pm »
Back to the ER Brooke, and tell them he is having chest pains...that will get you in sooner.  If he is vomiting from sitting up..they probably missed something..I would go back
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Re: Down Goes the Motorcycle
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2007, 12:00:33 pm »


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Re: Down Goes the Motorcycle
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2007, 01:30:15 pm »
Back to the ER Brooke, and tell them he is having chest pains...that will get you in sooner.  If he is vomiting from sitting up..they probably missed something..I would go back

I agree. It is so sad how aggressive you have to be to even get basic medical care, but if you dont push, they wont be bothered.
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Re: Down Goes the Motorcycle
« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2007, 02:57:05 pm »
If he is vomiting from sitting up sounds like it could be a coccussion. Did they do a cat scan on him? Please don't tell the hospital he is having chest pains when he isn't as this will initially get someone to look at him but then you will get moved to triage and wait much longer than you would have originally. I work on a ambulance and the hospital ER does what it can under difficult conditions at best. They try to be fair to everybody but have to treat people that are in danger of losing there life first. When people come in and give fake symptoms it just takes longer for everyone concerned.


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Re: Down Goes the Motorcycle
« Reply #18 on: January 19, 2007, 03:35:17 pm »
I'd like to clarify that I agreed that he should go back to the ER.....I was not thinking about the chest pains thing. You definitely dont want to alienate your medical staff by lying to them. Just be very persistent that something is WRONG.

Brooke, How is he???????
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Re: Down Goes the Motorcycle
« Reply #19 on: January 19, 2007, 03:54:32 pm »
Terrible news Brooke.  Sheesh, that bike had quite a life.  Might want to take a five pound hammer with you when you go to the yard -- a couple whacks on the frame and swingarm and it'll be totalled out for sure.  Or so I've heard....  ;)

It's stuff like this that makes me hardly ride on the street anymore.  Riding on the racetrack is a lot more fun and a lot safer....
Paul G.
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Re: Down Goes the Motorcycle
« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2007, 04:05:59 pm »

J has a 90 Twin Turbo.  We had a 95 convertable back in 99.  Bought it then 30 min later found out we were pregnant.  Sold it about 3 months later.  About 2 years ago he bought a 90 2+2.  Spent a $1800 to pass DEQ, was completely redoing the interior, yadda yadda yadda then he was hit by a semi and they totalled it (had it a little over a month).  So he replaced it with a 90 TT.  It has been sitting for 6mo or so as it needs 2 new tires, new AC (last time he drove it, it was 120 in the car), something with the wheel bearings, new breaks and rotors, and a piston is going out.  I tried to get him to buy a new 350, as I thought it would cost less than what we put into these old ones... but it is his baby and he loves it.

I bought a new 350z in 2004 and absolutely love it. However, I actually prefer the looks of the '90-'96 Z's more. Those were such beautiful rides. If I wasn't such a new car junkie, I would have bought a later year of that model. It's kinda strange that the old TT's are actually slower than the new Z's w/ no turbos. I was looking into the Greddy TT for my car but quickly realized that at $8000 + installation, it's just not worth it and hardly neccessary.  Plus, I'd have to get a new set or tires every year. :D


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Re: Down Goes the Motorcycle
« Reply #21 on: January 19, 2007, 04:49:28 pm »
Arm and Annie, I know I wasn't right to tell her to say he was having chest pains, but try sitting in triage for hours with someone with Alzheimers and congestive heart failure waiting for ANYONE to pay attention...I have really developed a major attitude about ERs...Sorry,but I just have an attitude..after the experiences that I have had with hospitals, I hope I can just die at home :o
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Re: Down Goes the Motorcycle
« Reply #22 on: January 19, 2007, 05:12:37 pm »
Arm and Annie, I know I wasn't right to tell her to say he was having chest pains, but try sitting in triage for hours with someone with Alzheimers and congestive heart failure waiting for ANYONE to pay attention...I have really developed a major attitude about ERs...Sorry,but I just have an attitude..after the experiences that I have had with hospitals, I hope I can just die at home :o

 I know it can be very difficult to wait in the ER for hours. The problem is with the poeple with no insurance going to the ER for basic care that could and should be done at the local DR. office. Most if not all ER'S are under staffed and overworked.  As the population ages it is only going to get worse before it gets better IMHO. Brooke I hope J feels better. Last time I totaled a m/c and ended up with most of my body with road rash.. I did a lot of time in water and it seemed to speed my recovery. Also having someone to wait on me hand and foot always helped to!! ;) hint hint ;D


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Re: Down Goes the Motorcycle
« Reply #23 on: January 19, 2007, 05:33:01 pm »
WAY long time ago, before Mrs. Chas, I laid my Harley down in an intersection on a small patch of gravel.  Slid a ways, took a bunch of skin off my palms, knees and runined the clothes I was wearing completely. Helmet was ok, come to think of it. Very little blood. Bike was a mess but I rode it home. Expensive.

Very minor compared to what has been discussed here -

But I haven't owned a bike since. The reason I gave up riding was exactly what you folks have mentioned: not a soul stopped to help me right the bike, and several came far too close to running me over as I was scrambling around.

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Re: Down Goes the Motorcycle
« Reply #24 on: January 19, 2007, 07:48:19 pm »
You rode a Harley WITH  a helmet?  Not sure I've ever seen that.  Not unless you count those german style WWI helmets with the metal spike thing a helmet.
  You living in CA at the time, home of Hells Angles?  


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Re: Down Goes the Motorcycle
« Reply #25 on: January 19, 2007, 08:47:46 pm »
Hi guys.

I just got home.  Been gone since mid morning. I went and looked at the bike this morning.  I was shocked to see what good condition the bike was in.  No way it is totalled, heck its barely damaged.  I took pics and will post when I have a chance.   I then went to the hospital and got his xrays then I took them to my chiropractors office for a second look.  I ran errands and got home around 2:30.  The chiro had called J and told him he should se an orthopedic.  I called and they got us in immediately.  This dr was great.  Such a difference from the ER.  We will never go to a county hospital again.  BTW, nobody at the hospital ever cleaned or dressed any of his wounds, so now we have to watch for infection.  Anyway the ortho put him in a different brace, gave him a ton of vicodin, gave him a note to be off work for 3 weeks, and told him to come back in 1.5 weeks for a recheck and xrays.

I had to pay $260 to get the bike out of impound.  Insurance doesn't have any reccomended shops for bikes, so I just had the shop we bought it from (UGH!) come get it.  J will be lucky to be riding again in 8-12 weeks, so hopefully they can have it done by then.   Even though I'm not sure either of us will want him riding.

Oh, he hasn't thrown up anymore... but I have.  I have a migraine from hell.   :(


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Re: Down Goes the Motorcycle
« Reply #26 on: January 19, 2007, 08:50:26 pm »
Arm and Annie, I know I wasn't right to tell her to say he was having chest pains, but try sitting in triage for hours with someone with Alzheimers and congestive heart failure waiting for ANYONE to pay attention...I have really developed a major attitude about ERs...Sorry,but I just have an attitude..after the experiences that I have had with hospitals, I hope I can just die at home :o

Boni, No criticism implied. I share your attitude, and it is amazing to me how hard it can be to wait. I sat for over 2 hours with a good friend of mine with such severe abdominal pain that she was pale, sweating, shaking at vomiting. She was not about to die, so she waited. I know that ER's are over worked and understaffed, but I also think they are highly inefficient. I cannot even count the number of times that my clients have commented on how much better and faster care they get from me than from their own doctor, especially on an emergency basis. I appreciate their words, but it makes me sad.
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Re: Down Goes the Motorcycle
« Reply #27 on: January 19, 2007, 08:52:26 pm »
LOL! I just noticed the "Annie." That is hilarious. Only my mother calls me that.
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Re: Down Goes the Motorcycle
« Reply #28 on: January 20, 2007, 02:40:49 am »
Here are the pics I took today.  I don't think the pics do the damage must justice.


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Re: Down Goes the Motorcycle
« Reply #29 on: January 20, 2007, 10:18:11 am »
Ouch. Sorry to hear about hubby, good thing is all those parts heal with time. I've been riding since I was a kid, always have had a MC of some sort. If you ride a motorcycle, it's not a question of IF you are going down but WHEN. A few years ago I went from sport bike to Harley. I have noticed a dramatic decrease in near misses since the Harley is loud, large and slow. It's a different style of riding, more relaxing. I probably couldn't have done it when I was younger though.

I have not gone down on the Harley (knocks on wood). Been in a couple accidents, hit a dog on a sport bike and didn't walk for almost a year. I enjoy riding too much though, for me the joy outweighs the risk. Rode to Sturgis and Daytona (Biketoberfest) last year and had a blast, the ride out to Sturgis and around the Black Hills was amazing.

Hope hubby feels better.

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Re: Down Goes the Motorcycle
« Reply #29 on: January 20, 2007, 10:18:11 am »


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