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Author Topic: Pics of my tub-ADDED WEBSHOTS LINK  (Read 7529 times)


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« on: February 19, 2006, 11:49:09 am »
Ok, I don't know if I can do this or not, but I'm going to try to add pictures of my tub.  And I wanted to mention safety issues of getting out of the tub, as I hurt my foot getting out, simply due to carelessness on my part.  Wet foot plus slick cement could spell disaster!  Friday night I was stepping down and going to put my feet into my Land's End swim slides.  I'm still not sure what I did exactly, but my right foot slid right out from under me on the cement, and I landed hard on the ball of my left foot, right on top of my flip flop.  That plastic or whatever they make them out of is pretty stiff anyway, but the temp was below freezing here and it was really hard.  At first I thought I might have cracked some bones in my foot, but it seems I just bruised it really bad.  I rounded up some little rugs from the garage and put them there for the time being, but my husband is going to get some indoor/outdoor carpeting to under the steps, running up to our patio door.  I was very lucky, I didn't hit any part of me on the steps or hurt myself worse.

Now if these pics show up, the first two are views of the tub from inside my house looking out the door and windows to the patio.  The third is a view of the huge Russian Olive tree that is going to be beautiful to look at from the tub in the Spring and Summer, but is going to dump tons of little yellow flowers in the Spring, and tons of little green leaves in the Fall, that will be landing on us in the tub, if we don't put up at least a screen enclosure.  The last pic is just a view of the tub from the opposite direction.  That is Libby looking out of the door.  

Edited to add:

Well, crud...the pics were here then when I came back to see if I could figure out how to make them bigger, all little red x's....I give up on it for now...sorry!
« Last Edit: February 19, 2006, 01:45:04 pm by wannaspa »
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« on: February 19, 2006, 11:49:09 am »


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Re: Pics of my tub, AND a story about being carefu
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2006, 11:50:30 am »
Well, it sort of worked ???  They are so small ???

But for now it will have to do, because I just enough time to run out and soak for a bit before the Daytona 500 starts!
« Last Edit: February 19, 2006, 11:52:29 am by wannaspa »
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Re: Pics of my tub, AND a story about being carefu
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2006, 01:43:57 pm »
Try this!  I opened a Webshots album.  Here's the link if you want to see the pics.  The description above fits the order of the pics.  Sorry I'm so "picture posting challenged".  As a hobby and a small side business, I make quilts and belong to an online longarm quilting forum.  I don't have any problem uploading pics to the quilting forum.  Oh well...

« Last Edit: February 19, 2006, 05:38:17 pm by wmccall »
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Re: Pics of my tub-ADDED WEBSHOTS LINK
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2006, 01:52:55 pm »
Speaking of safety, who did your electrical?  I'm not an electrician but as I understand code, the disconnect box needs to be more than five feet away from the tub.  Yours looks to be about two feet away, if that, and is easily accessible from inside the tub.  That's a recipie for disaster.  I'd give serious thought to reviewing and redoing the work.  230 volts 2' away from someone sitting 400 gallons isn't something you want to mess with.


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Re: Pics of my tub-ADDED WEBSHOTS LINK
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2006, 02:12:07 pm »
A local electrician....The hot tub delivery people didn't say anything about it when they delivered the tub...I don't know...now ya got me worried :( ???.
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Re: Pics of my tub-ADDED WEBSHOTS LINK
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2006, 02:45:20 pm »
Sorry luvmytub, but I agree with Jim, you should have that disconnect box checked out.

I would assume your GFI is in there, so if there is a problem the GFI breaker will trip, but the live side of the circuit is still right next to the tub.

My GFI is 15' from the tub. Closer to the breaker box then the tub. So if there is a problem and the GFI trips, there are no hot wires within 15' of the tub or any wet people getting out of the tub.

Local code here, like Jim says, is the GFI must be a minimum of 5' from the tub.



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Re: Pics of my tub-ADDED WEBSHOTS LINK
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2006, 03:51:47 pm »
local code varries from states and countries, however, I do believe that most code varries from 5 to 10 feet.  I too agree with this disconnect being to close.  The idea is that if it trips, you dont get lazy and just reach over while in the tub and reset it.  This way it forces you out of the tub to reset.  If you got this inspected, I believe that this would fail inspection.

I have taken the liberty of adding your photo for all to view.


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« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2006, 06:35:46 pm »
So are we only in danger of being electrocuted if we reach out and touch the box while in the spa?

I wonder if I can get the electrician to come back out and move it on further down the wall the required 5 feet, without paying him again...?  I just trusted that being "the electrician" (and a reputable, expensive one at that), that they were doing it correctly.  He also talked to my dealer before installing.  Right now I'm somewhat aggravated at both of them >:(.  I didn't get the owner's manual til after they were done installing the tub, and they handed me my little packet of paperwork.  Now that I pulled it out and read that section, it does say 5 or more feet.

I guess it's good I decided to share some pics, but I was a lot happier before.  I didn't even know I had a potential problem.  Sigh.......

And to top it off, my driver had crappy finish in the Daytona 500 :(.

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Re: Pics of my tub-ADDED WEBSHOTS LINK
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2006, 07:49:01 pm »
I'd say that a certified electrician in your area should
a) know the codes regarding hot tubs before starting work, or
b) FIND OUT what the codes are before starting the project.
My thoughts are simple.....he did the work, he's a professional. You're just the homeowner who's not responsible for knowing what end of the wire will zap you, so HE should eat the cost of coming back out to re-work the wiring. I wouldn't think he'll be terribly out of sorts if you point out that in the manual it clearly states the minimum distance needed...
I like the pics, I'd LOVE to have the tub that close to the door, but our deck isn't set up for that.... *sigh*


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Re: Pics of my tub-ADDED WEBSHOTS LINK
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2006, 08:07:53 pm »
Well, if he is a "reputable, trusted, expensive" electrician, then the inspector WILL make him move the box.  Oh uh wait, is he pulling a permit?  Call them back and make them move it and then call the inspector in if they don't.  If we don't see you here soon, we will know why.


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Re: Pics of my tub-ADDED WEBSHOTS LINK
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2006, 09:47:55 pm »
Back to the orginal question...

Rugs of any kind might not be a good idea since they will get wet, freeze and may be just as slippy as concrete.

Maybe you can get those floor tiles from Sam's or Costco that are about 1/2 thick, soft and have 3/4 to 1 inch holes in them.

They are relatively cheap and should let the water drain through.  They could also be picked up for cleaning underneath.

When/if they wear out. buy news ones.  If you get tired of them try something else.
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Re: Pics of my tub-ADDED WEBSHOTS LINK
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2006, 11:10:58 pm »
Yea, those are a thought, Snowbird!  I might have to try some of those.  If I live long enough :o ;)!
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Re: Pics of my tub-ADDED WEBSHOTS LINK
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2006, 12:07:04 am »
I think someone (Bonibelle maybe?) tried those squares and they froze and became very slippery and dangerous.

I know my cousin fell going up or down her mom's wood front porch steps  once and so her mom took a door mat and cut it into strips lining the stairs (nailed/screwed down of course).  It was the type of door mat that wasn't solid and about an inch thich.  It allowed the water to drain.  Not sure if that would work for you or not.


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Re:  Pics of my tub-ADDED WEBSHOTS LINK
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2006, 05:47:08 am »
So are we only in danger of being electrocuted if we reach out and touch the box while in the spa?

Your not neccesarily in danger of getting electrocuted when you reach out for the box while your in the spa.

Your simply in code violation which does not mean your in danger. Codes are designed to protect people, and this one was designed to prevent elecrocution.


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Re: Pics of my tub-ADDED WEBSHOTS LINK
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2006, 06:40:47 am »
Wrong Tman!
You are in danger of getting electrocuted.
Get that box moved away from the tub.
There are many things that could go wrong here, short and long term.  A faulty GFI due to exposure to the elements for one thing.  Just ask the local electrical inspector.


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Re: Pics of my tub-ADDED WEBSHOTS LINK
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2006, 06:40:47 am »


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