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Author Topic: can anyone relate?  (Read 12117 times)


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Re: can anyone relate?
« Reply #30 on: February 20, 2006, 07:25:28 pm »
PPLLEEEEEEZZZ.  If your worried about a spa, why dont you worry about buying a house with water, electricity, heat, refrigerator, toilets, etc.  If you compare our living to 3rd world you need to feel guilty eating more than 600 calories a day, much less buying a hot tub for yourself.  Ever spent 60 dollars on one meal?  That supposedly feeds one for 2 months over there.  Buy a hot tub.   :)

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Re: can anyone relate?
« Reply #30 on: February 20, 2006, 07:25:28 pm »


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Re: can anyone relate?
« Reply #31 on: February 21, 2006, 04:47:47 am »
Ok, ok you guys are right- I sounded like a juvenile "bleeding-heart liberal freak" using the analogy of feeding a family in a third world country- maybe should have b less dramatic, but that was what was in my head. I know that on a practical level that what I do with my measley several thousand dollars has no bearing on anyone's socio-economical wellbeing.  :P   I've just never made such a big purchase before that was not a necessity (car) or good investment (house). I thought the variety of responses was interesting and helpful. I will buy my tub, enjoy it knowing that I worked hard to deserve it, let my friends enjoy it with me, and try to never take it or the rest of my lucky life for granted.

A big thank you to my brother, wmccall's nephew, and all the other men and women overseas.
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Re: can anyone relate?
« Reply #32 on: February 21, 2006, 08:55:54 am »

I too started off thinking I could get into a quality tub for under $5k and realized  that for that price, I'd be hard pressed to get something that would last. I bumped my budget up and bougth a modest  tub in the $7K range.  I am very happy with my decision and knowing what I know now, would do it again.  

Before buying my tub, I had a used tub that was given to me and i was able to use it and live with it and find out if it was something I really wanted. (It was!)

A couple of things:

A hot tub is far from the cost of a luxary automobile, or even a low end new automobile.  ;) To consider a spa in the same catagory as a luxary beach house is way out of line.

By all means, you should feel comforatable with your purchase (After all, this is supposed to be a "fun" thing, not something that keeps you awake at night feeling guilty or wondering if you are being irresponsable.  Only you can answer that question.)

However, many of my friends look at my spa as a  luxary and wonder why I bought  one.    I look at thier Motorcycles, boats, home theater systems, extra cars, ski mobiles, jet ski's,  and other toys that cost far, far, far  more than my tub and for the money,  Aa hot tub is pretty reasonable. Given the fact that you can use it ALL year round and use it with familly and friends, it's acutally a  bargin.   :)  Perhaps soem of this "wow, overly exspinsive toy" image comes from the images of the 70's and 80's when hot tubs were a toy of the super rich rock stars.  not so anymore.   Have you priced what a built in pool costs? Or even a quality above ground pool?

My tub cost me aprox the price of one decent tropical vacation, and it's something I use and several times through out the week and should last a long time.  It's like a mini vacation in my backyard. Being able to go outside and enjoy my backyard  in the dead of winter is priceless.  WE love to entertain and having friends over for a soak and some wine and conversation is great. Many times instead of meeting at the local pub, We're now in my backyard. :)

So, if you think you spent money you don't have or can't afford, that's something that you need to discuss and acount for with your spouse and familly.

If this is something you;ve reaserached and budgeted for and truely want, I can assure you it's worth every single penny.  ;D. If not, then maybe you need to re-think this? My wife and I discussed this at great leagth and made sure we both wanted it and understood the cost and how it fit into our budget. (We actually have a rule that you can't buy anthing over $100 without acknowledment from the other)....

If you are going to buy a hot tub, I would strongly encourage you to purchase a quality brand name tub that you will enjoy for years to come, and not a low end, low quality unit.  The cheaper unit will surely validate yoru fears that "this aint worth it"   ;)
« Last Edit: February 21, 2006, 10:02:14 am by drewstar »
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Re: can anyone relate?
« Reply #33 on: February 21, 2006, 08:57:50 am »
Anne, I get buyer remorse over lots of stuff..the new printer I just bought (and hid from my hubby), the latest electronic equipment, high dollar sports gear for my kids...expensive items for my pets...but  I didn't get it over the purchase of my hot tub. I wanted it for 2 years for health reasons and now that I have it, it has been such a blessing...not just for me but for my whole family. My husband who has a very stressful job, now sleeps at night. My kids have found friendly territory to hang out with Mom and Dad and share thoughts and concerns. I feel much better and more relaxed and that is reflected in how I deal with stress on a daily basis. The point that I am making is that many people have benefited from MY purchase of a hot tub. When my husband and I soak alone at night, we often talk about how fortunate we are to be able to sit and enjoy the winter sky, the stars and the beauty of a cold night from the hot tub. I think the point that I am trying to make is you don't need to feel remorse as long as you remember and appreciate how lucky and blessed that you are.  ;)
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Re: can anyone relate?
« Reply #34 on: February 21, 2006, 09:37:11 am »

And don't forget to thing about the poor starving families of the hot tub salesmen!

Wont somebody please think of the hot tub salesmen?

07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: can anyone relate?
« Reply #35 on: February 21, 2006, 09:48:51 am »
Do you really think the world gives a hoot and hollowing about us. Most would like to see us wiped off the face of the earth. All they see is that we are the fault of their problems.

Buy that spa.

Semer Fi


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Re: can anyone relate?
« Reply #36 on: February 21, 2006, 09:52:04 am »
nothing but love for the sales guy.  he is the one that convinced my wife to buy.  God bless your souls.


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Re: can anyone relate?
« Reply #37 on: February 21, 2006, 01:32:24 pm »
Do you really think the world gives a hoot and hollowing about us. Most would like to see us wiped off the face of the earth. All they see is that we are the fault of their problems.

Buy that spa.

Semer Fi

Now, that is SIMPLY not true.....how could a customer possibly consider you the cause of their problems? You get to sell a little form of happiness to them!
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Re: can anyone relate?
« Reply #38 on: February 21, 2006, 01:55:12 pm »

Now, that is SIMPLY not true.....how could a customer possibly consider you the cause of their problems? You get to sell a little form of happiness to them!

I believe Bodyaches was referring to US as Americans.  He owns a Diamondback Spa and is not a dealer, he is a Marine if I remember correctly.  Many thanks to him and all who serve. :)

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: can anyone relate?
« Reply #39 on: February 21, 2006, 03:19:16 pm »
Drink and be merry, you never know what tomorrow brings.......................... 8)
Have at it!


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Re: can anyone relate?
« Reply #40 on: February 21, 2006, 03:56:08 pm »

I believe Bodyaches was referring to US as Americans.  He owns a Diamondback Spa and is not a dealer, he is a Marine if I remember correctly.  Many thanks to him and all who serve. :)


oh.....yeah.....the big picture. Sorry. I thought he was referring to Drewstar's comment about "poor starving families of hot tub salesmen"........DUH :-X I did at least understand that he was a Marine, but other than that I had a huge blonde moment.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2006, 03:57:11 pm by anne »
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Re: can anyone relate?
« Reply #41 on: February 21, 2006, 05:21:20 pm »
I get "buyer's remorse" all the time.  I, too, feel for those less fortunate but there are always going to be people who have more and people who have less.

We better enjoy what we can because the way our deficit is going and the craziness in the world we may not enjoy it for long.

I think we can all do a little, giving to local charities, churches, whatever... but we'll never have an equality of wealth anywhere in the world.  I think that's Marxism, Communism and all those other "isms"...they generally don't work!  So do what your heart tells you to do when it comes to sharing and don't beat yourself up for enjoying something that will give you a little pleasure.
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Re: can anyone relate?
« Reply #42 on: February 21, 2006, 05:32:55 pm »
getting alittle political in here lol cappy, i wasnt expecting a "marxist" comment, but thats the benefit of being here. we can afford luxuries others cannot; let alone the fact we can get them.
remember when "the wall" came down? the craze for levi's in russia was unbelivable  ;D
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Re: can anyone relate?
« Reply #43 on: February 21, 2006, 08:02:03 pm »
Hey socal...yep, got on the soapbox you got off from...LOL!!  Sorry if I offended anyone!  ;D

Gotta love capitalism...whoops that one of the "isms"  :o
« Last Edit: February 21, 2006, 08:03:17 pm by cappykat »
2005 Marquis Epic

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Re: can anyone relate?
« Reply #43 on: February 21, 2006, 08:02:03 pm »


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