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Author Topic: New direction...wish I were tactful...  (Read 11286 times)


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Re: New direction...wish I were tactful...
« Reply #30 on: February 18, 2006, 02:20:22 pm »
Wow....turning into a Jacuzzi discussion, and I'm GOOD with that....they have the J375 (filled and running), the Grandee (empty) the J345 (empty) plus one Soveriegn (empty) on the floor. I plan to wet test the J375 maybe tomorrow, I need to call the dealer first and schedule an appointment....this way my husband can go along, and we can see how HE feels about the layout.
The lounge is something my son is all hot for, not my husband....my son's around 5'8 and still growing at this point, but the tub's not for HIM, it's for me and my husband, so whatever WE decide on is what goes. ;)

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Re: New direction...wish I were tactful...
« Reply #30 on: February 18, 2006, 02:20:22 pm »


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Re: New direction...wish I were tactful...
« Reply #31 on: February 18, 2006, 02:59:29 pm »

You are right about the J-345 probably being too small for your husband.

I am 6' and have to sink down in the seat to get a good neck massage in our J-345.

Had to compromise because a deeper tub probably would have been too deep for my wife, she insists she's 5'2" :)

Overall though the J-345 is a great tub and we are very happy with it.



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Re: New direction...wish I were tactful...
« Reply #32 on: February 18, 2006, 03:49:32 pm »
would have been too deep for my wife, she insists she's 5'2" :)
Is she saying she's 5'2" or perhaps she means that she's "Five, Too"??
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Re: New direction...wish I were tactful...
« Reply #33 on: February 21, 2006, 11:18:54 am »
1) you can be frank only if he doesn't complain.
2)Budget isn't so much my concern, I'm shopping in about the $6-$7k range, which leaves me with options. The concern was the integrity of the people I was dealing with, and the more I read on here about people that are fortunate enough to have a dealer that bends over backwards for them, the more I got to thinking about my level of discomfort with the one I was dealing with.
I like the GL tub, and if I felt I could trust the dealer to service it later without my feeling like I'm disrupting their lives in the pursuit of customer satisfaction, I'd be good to go. This, however isn't the case.
So I found another local shop, and I've managed to speak extensively with a couple of the employees there, and have found "spa store nirvana" in their low pressure sales style. I also went back today for another look at the lineup that they've got in stock, gave them another dry-sit (the wet test will maybe be this weekend), just to see what my impressions were today as opposed to yesterday.
I found that by realizing no two brands will feel the same, and keeping in mind that with water comes quite a bit of weightlessness, that my options opened up a bit.
I don't feel that there's a "perfect tub" for me in our price range, but I DO think we could buy any one of several and be quite happy in the long run. I realize I won't be getting a Grandee, or top of the line 400 series Jacuzzi, or this, that or the other..no stereo, no tv, no jets that make dinner after they've done the wash....I'm alright with that, I just want a comfortable tub to hold hot water, and jets that work to relieve some MAJOR stress points for myself and my husband.
Not to be long-winded on this post (for a change it's accidental! ;) ), but I'd like a nice, middle of the road tub for us that is backed by people that give a darn, and don't think I'm being unreasonable by demanding that.


Yes, I can be Frank (OR I can  be Earnest, if you prefer) :)

i'm concerend becasue you are in WI and concerend about heating costs and insualtion, and i don't belive the GL is the tub line for you.  As others have stated, It's only a partialy foamed tub.

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Re: New direction...wish I were tactful...
« Reply #34 on: February 21, 2006, 11:46:03 am »
strangely enough, although given yet ANOTHER chance to "play nice", the GL dealer still couldn't pull that trick out of their anal cavity, so...we looked into financing, and while doing that, found a company that will refinance my car at a lower rate and we'll find out today if we can get a personal loan for the tub....
BUT.....it won't be the GL, even though the dealer SWORE that GL does SUCH a fantastic job at insulating their tubs, and FINALLY (with much griping, whining and stalling) got off his butt and got the front panel off so I could look underneath....I realized that
a) they aren't about to change and play nice, and
b) I really do NOT want to hitch my wagon to THEIR company, especially if I need warranty work in the next couple years....
So I've decided to go for it with the HS/Jacuzzi dealer, and if all the loan/refinancing thing goes thru, I'll be able to put enough down to order an '06 Grandee...the price held me back because they're not cheap, and I'd have to come up with about half down to order one.
Failing in that, we'll still be able to work something out with one of their Jacuzzi lineup.

When shopping for cars a couple years back, I tried to leave my options open as much as possible....I was REALLY looking for a smaller wagon (yeah, I know, grocery getter), I had 2 dealers fighting over who could bend me over farther, and I got tired of it, so went to a THIRD dealership, and bought myself an '04 Grand Am....NOT a wagon, but it's given me WAY more pleasure than the cars I was originally looking at, and is nicely loaded. That's how I'm working through the tubs...any one of several could easily fit our needs/wants, it's just a matter of figuring out warranty, who we want to deal with in the long run, what finances dictate, and what offers the leg room and jet placement that we need and going from there.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: New direction...wish I were tactful...
« Reply #34 on: February 21, 2006, 11:46:03 am »


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