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The larger tablets don't fit. I use the smaller ones. They're about 1-1/4" in diameter. Phil
Now, how many should I put inside? Snyper--
Snyper,See my earlier posts on this thread. As many as will fit. The more tablets, the better. It saves you from having to switch out the cartridges as often.Phil
Is there a difference between brands or are there different strength tablets? Meaning is the active ingredients in my Frog Bromine cart the same as the active ingredients in all bromine tablets?I just want to make sure the tablets I buy are comparable with what I am using now.Thanks!!
Perhaps I should keep this under wraps....But I have recently been told that prices for the bromine cartridges should be dropping to under 10.00 bucks in the next 30 days...Keep in mind dealers can sell them for what ever price they choose and current inventory will effect this as well....
Do I really have to keep the lid off that long? I don't feel like taking 2 hours every Saturday just add shock. Am I making any sense?
Rosebud,BK in another thread was asking about bromine & the inline system. To save time, I just copied my response to him in this post:I've been using the inline bromine & mineral cartridges since my Marquis Reward was installed in July. This system works well for me. Bromine doesn't have much of a smell (I noticed last night I couldn't smell it at all & the test strip showed it was at optimal level) and maintenance is minimal. They recommend replacing the bromine cartridge every couple of weeks but then I realized it's just a container for bromine tablets. It's cheaper to refill the cartridges. I now have two cartridges so one is always ready to be switched out. I haven't found a substitute for the mineral cartridge but that only gets replaced at the water change. To specifically answer your question, don't use the granular bromine, use the bromine tablets. The granular bromine is used to raise the bromine levels immediately. Tablets are to maintain the levels over time. You'll find refilling the cartridges much cheaper. At first, the cartridges are kind of tough to open. I use a small screwdriver to pry the pieces apart so I can refill them. Inside, there's a small piece about 2" long that acts as a filler - it just takes up space. Throw that away and you'll have more room for additional tablets. This lets the cartridge last a longer. You end up using the two long pieces and the cap. One long piece fits inside the other, fill it with tablets, cap it and - Voilá - longer lasting cartridges! if any of this is not clear, let me know. Also, from what I have read here, bromine dissipates in contact with sunlight. You may need to open your cover awhile to bring down the levels. Someone else may have a better suggestion. Phil