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Thanks, Phil for the picture. We got the cap off and got 7 or 8 tablets inside. The "spacer" did not seem to want to be removed, but we will try harder next time. Another question. Now we have tablets in the cart, and originally it had granules. Do the granules dissipate at the same rate as the tablets? We left the setting at 2, like we had for the granules. Our original cart lasted us about 3 weeks, and there were still some granules when we opened it today. Jane
...What is the importance of making sure the cartridge is dry? We filled it right up and put it back in the hot tub. We don't have 2 cartridges yet to change them out, but I will be ordering a new one before the next change. Jane
OK guys. The Frog company is changing the cartridges to make them much much harder to open.
OK, folks: read between the lines! Buy your cartridges now before your local spa shop switches over to the harder to open kind!!! Phil