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Author Topic: How far from power lines?  (Read 9275 times)


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Re: How far from power lines?
« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2006, 10:18:37 am »
Assuming that your concern is the tree roots themselves (and the uneven ground / heaving of the concrete that can come with these roots) you"could" do what I did and build a "sandbox" out of treated lumber (you could cut the bottom edges to fit over tree roots as required to keep the top profile level) and fill with crushed unwashed gravel.    

Okay, how long has your tub been on this? Has it shifted at all? Did you tamp it thoroughly prior to installing the tub? I've considered the gravel pad idea, I'm hesitant because I'm afraid of the one saying:
"If you can't be a good example, be a horrible warning"

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Re: How far from power lines?
« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2006, 10:18:37 am »


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Re: How far from power lines?
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2006, 10:25:27 am »
Personally, I would build a circular offshoot of the deck around the hot tub in between the 2 trees with the tub sunk in aroung the deck. Put some pea gravel on the ground and go from there. Take out the railing lit up by the sun to access the new deck and if you really wanted to get fancy, put a railing/privacy fence around the new deck. Just don't forget the tire swing and a place to put the boob tube to watch the Packers.

And of course a spot for the grill.

Okay, we're going to just ignore all ideas about moving the electric. *lol* Sorry, it's a sore spot for me, since just before we bought the house we had to get the owners to get it legally run....3' clearance above the garage roof, 10' above the ground, etc...anyhow...ya know, I kind of like that idea....of bringing it out from the chopped corner of the deck, that is....I suppose we could make a pad or have concrete poured first, then build decking in a year or so when we've more time and money....hmmm...crap that means back to the drawing board.....(tire swing and boob tube, however.....are OUT.  ;) )
Don't mind me, guys.....when it comes to "big" decisions I always come up with about 400 options, and narrow it from there.....talking through my ideas (good and bad) helps me feel like I've explored EVERY avenue, and have done enough research to do it well and do it RIGHT.
THANK YOU ALL! (any more ideas, feel MORE than free to keep posting......I'll keep reading, and it might be interesting to the other newbies, too!)


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Re: How far from power lines?
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2006, 10:25:51 am »
I don't think  the hot tub will harm the root system of that tree at all.  There may be some roots that need to be cut when pourting the slab, but I find it hard to belive that it would do any damage to the overall tree.

I agree with you about not eating up a lot of the deck space with a hot tub and if you were my friend I'd really push you to put the tub in it's original location.  Just my free advice and opinon.  ;D
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Re: How far from power lines?
« Reply #18 on: February 15, 2006, 10:33:03 am »
Free advice of the good kind is ALWAYS welcome in my home!  ;) Especially when, as I said in a previous post, the husband isn't going to give his $.02....I think it's his way of staying out of things, so if the final setup doesn't please me, it's not his fault. *lol*


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Re: How far from power lines?
« Reply #19 on: February 15, 2006, 10:35:59 am »
Cut the tree down.
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: How far from power lines?
« Reply #20 on: February 15, 2006, 10:39:26 am »
Cut the tree down.

See, that's why I said "free advice of the GOOD kind" *lol* Naw, the trees are staying, they ROCK in summer (concrete block house, covered by shade trees in summer = minimal use of central A/C and STILL tolerable heat level)
I COULD, however.....level the house and start over.


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Re: How far from power lines?
« Reply #21 on: February 15, 2006, 10:46:35 am »
If you decide to level the house and start over, put the tub in first and build around it. It might take twice as long to get the house done, but the tub is the perfect rx for the sore muscles that accompany home building. ;)
Have at it!


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Re: How far from power lines?
« Reply #22 on: February 15, 2006, 11:05:27 am »
ALRIGHTYYYYY...FINALLY got Photobucket to let me post tub pics....I apologize for the pics on this thread, but I'm all a-tingle. ;)  
Say what you will about the shell...but it's perfect for our family!
First: the VERY deeply set seat with neck massage jets under the neck rest (for the tall hubby)

then the deep set seat with a waterfall under the pillow for me.  I LOVE the huge footwell....
it's the main reason we didn't buy one of the smaller tubs

And one of just the side the cover flips up on...I like the cover
butler idea...just need to make it work with whatever setup we wind up with.



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Re: How far from power lines?
« Reply #23 on: February 15, 2006, 11:32:24 am »

Okay, how long has your tub been on this? Has it shifted at all? Did you tamp it thoroughly prior to installing the tub? I've considered the gravel pad idea, I'm hesitant because I'm afraid of the one saying:
"If you can't be a good example, be a horrible warning"

The earth in our area has high clay content.  It is "undisturbed" as in it hasn't been dug up, so it is very stable.  It looks like yours is also "undisturbed" based on the size of your beautiful tree!  I didn't tamp except to level out the area I shovelled to accept the sandbox.  I also have 2" x 10" treated wood laid flat on top of the gravel.  At a weight of say 6500 lbs with people in the tub, the load is "about" .63psi.  It has not shifted. It will not shift. Barring unexpected acts of God such as earthquakes ;). It's been in place since late August.  My dealer has recommended this method and installed tubs like this in "hundreds" of yards with no problems, "I'm told".  Not for everyone, may work well for some.  Certainly inexpensive, and a do-it-yourself kinda guy/gal can easily handle the project.



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Re: How far from power lines?
« Reply #24 on: February 15, 2006, 11:46:40 am »
Thank you very much, I will certainly keep that method in mind....I'm rather
torn on all this right now (go figure), but I should have a definite plan right
about the time we're done filling the tub, and I say "oh, crap...honey....?"
Such is the way of Murphy's Law, and such is my life, but I wouldn't
trade it for anything!


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Re: How far from power lines?
« Reply #25 on: February 15, 2006, 11:56:58 am »
I don't know what code is in your town, but it looks like you could touch your power lines from standing on your deck.  That arrangement might have been ok "pre-deck" which would have made them much higher than the highest "standing level" underneath them, but I'm surprised they issued a permit for the deck right under those lines.

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Re: How far from power lines?
« Reply #26 on: February 15, 2006, 12:22:30 pm »
Sarge, I hadn't thought about the lines and the deck (2+2 still = 4, I know), just the lines and the tub. But the deck was installed before we moved here, it's on town record with the deck info and all, so it must've been alright with the inspector. The lines are above gutter height, and I personally can't reach even from the deck (15" lift from the ground, and I'm 5'7"). The lines had to be raised to clear the garage roof by 3' and 10' above ground between garage and house per state or town specs.  I'm not even worried about the wires, as they're at the far end of the deck from where the 3 or so areas are that I'm considering putting the tub.
Thanks for your input, you make a lot of sense and I'll keep an eye on overhead wires from now on to be sure they don't create any hazard with any future plans we've got. If they do, I guess we'll have to consider running them underground or something.....but until then....it's all in the air. ;)

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Re: How far from power lines?
« Reply #26 on: February 15, 2006, 12:22:30 pm »


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